2014-06-23 Steven Barthtayga: moved to github
2014-06-23 Steven Barthaiccu: moved to github
2014-06-23 Steven Barthnginx: moved to github
2014-06-23 Steven Barthlibevent: moved to github
2014-06-19 Steven Barthliburcu: moved to github
2014-06-19 Steven Barthlibpam: moved to github
2014-06-18 Steven Barthirssi: moved to github
2014-06-16 Steven Barthpcsc-lite: moved to github
2014-06-16 Steven Barthccid: moved to github
2014-06-16 Steven Barthdovecot: moved to github
2014-06-16 Steven Barthntpd: moved to github
2014-06-16 Steven Barthpulseaudio: moved to github
2014-06-16 Steven Barthrtorrent: moved to github
2014-06-16 Steven Barthopenssh: moved to github
2014-06-16 Steven Barthnfs-kernel-server: moved to github
2014-06-16 Steven Barthgit: moved to github
2014-06-16 Steven Barthctorrent: moved to github
2014-06-16 Steven Barthpatch: moved to github
2014-06-16 Steven Barthprotobuf: moved to github
2014-06-16 Steven Barthdump1090: moved to github
2014-06-16 Steven Barthsslh: moved to github
2014-06-14 Steven Barthstm32flash: moved to github
2014-06-14 Steven Barthsmartmontools: moved to github
2014-06-14 Steven Barthhaserl: moved to github
2014-06-14 Steven Barthlsof: moved to github
2014-06-14 Steven Barthtmux: moved to github
2014-06-13 Steven Barthfreeradius: moved to github
2014-06-13 Steven Barthdebootstrap: moved to github
2014-06-13 Steven Barthxl2tpd: moved to github
2014-06-13 Steven Barthlibowfat: moved to github
2014-06-13 Steven Barthethtool: moved to github
2014-06-13 Steven Barthnacl: moved to github
2014-06-12 Vasilis Tsiligiannisrtl-sdr: Moved to github feed
2014-06-12 Jo-Philipp... minicom: moved to github
2014-06-12 Jo-Philipp... haproxy: moved to github
2014-06-12 Jo-Philipp... nano: moved to github
2014-06-12 Luka Perkovshflags: move to management feed
2014-06-12 Luka Perkovlibfreecwmp: move to management feed
2014-06-12 Luka Perkovfreecwmp: move to management feed
2014-06-12 Steven Barthzip: move to github
2014-06-12 Steven Barthunzip: move to github
2014-06-12 Steven Barthunrar: moved to github
2014-06-12 Steven Barthfwknob: moved to github
2014-06-11 Jo-Philipp... curl: move to core packages
2014-06-11 Jo-Philipp... tinyproxy: moved to github
2014-06-11 Jo-Philipp... coreutils: moved to github
2014-06-11 Jo-Philipp... rrdtool-1.0.x: moved to github
2014-06-11 Jo-Philipp... vnstat: moved to github
2014-06-11 Jo-Philipp... collectd: moved to github
2014-06-11 Jo-Philipp... wshaper: moved to github
2014-06-11 Steven Barthscreen: moved to github
2014-06-11 Steven Barthpciutils: moved to github
2014-06-11 Steven Barthflashrom: moved to github
2014-06-11 Steven Barthdmidecode: moved to github
2014-06-11 Steven Barthudpxy: moved to github
2014-06-11 Steven Barthxupnpd: moved to github
2014-06-11 Steven Barthlibftdi: moved to github
2014-06-11 Steven Barthhtop: moved to github
2014-06-11 Steven Barthmonit: moved to github
2014-06-11 Steven Barthlibaio: moved to github
2014-06-11 Steven Barthtgt: moved to github
2014-06-11 Steven Barthluaposix: moved to github
2014-06-11 Steven Barthluabitop: moved to github
2014-06-10 Felix Fietkaustrace: move to trunk, add myself as a maintainer
2014-06-10 Steven BarthRemove polipo (moved)
2014-06-10 Steven BarthRemove openconnect (moved)
2014-06-10 Steven BarthRemove ocserv (moved)
2014-06-10 Steven BarthRemove mosquitto (moved)
2014-06-10 Steven BarthRemove miniupnpc (moved)
2014-06-10 Steven BarthRemove mdnsresponder (moved)
2014-06-10 Steven BarthRemove ddns-scripts (moved)
2014-06-10 Steven BarthRemove libsqlite3 (moved)
2014-06-10 Steven BarthRemove nettle (moved)
2014-06-10 Steven BarthRemoved libmodbus (moved)
2014-06-10 Steven BarthRemove libcap (moved)
2014-06-10 Steven BarthRemove gnutls (moved)
2014-06-10 Steven BarthRemove gmp (moved)
2014-06-10 Steven BarthRemove c-ares (moved)
2014-06-10 Steven BarthRemove zabbix (moved to new feed)
2014-06-03 Peter Wagnertor: update to
2014-06-02 Gabriel Kerneispolipo: update to 1.1.1
2014-06-01 Felix Fietkauphp4: remove package, it is long obsolete and has many...
2014-05-30 Steven Barthminiupnpd: moved and updated in routing feed
2014-05-29 Peter Wagnergit: update to 2.0.0
2014-05-28 Nuno Goncalvesnmap: bump version to 6.46
2014-05-27 Nuno Goncalvesusbip: remove usbip-server dependency on usbip-client
2014-05-26 Luka Perkovdebootstrap: bump version to 1.0.60~bpo70+1
2014-05-25 Cezary Jackiewiczproftpd: update to 1.3.5
2014-05-25 Cezary Jackiewicztransmission: use internal miniupnpc, update to 2.83
2014-05-21 Luka Perkovlxc: update to 1.0.3
2014-05-21 Peter Wagnerdovecot: update to 2.2.13
2014-05-20 Florian Fainellil2tpv3tun: link against libnl-tiny
2014-05-20 Florian Fainelliocserv: Added ocserv 0.3.5, an SSL VPN server.
2014-05-20 Florian Fainellignutls: Do not try to install gnutls-cli or server...
2014-05-20 Florian Fainellishaiport: disable pulseaudio backend
2014-05-20 Florian Fainelliflashrom: Update to latest version and remove unneeded...
2014-05-20 Florian Fainellidmidecode: Update to latest version and enable build...
2014-05-20 Florian Fainellilibftdi: fix build for x86_64 target
2014-05-20 Florian Fainelliopenrrcp: fix compile on platforms with VFP
2014-05-20 Florian Fainellinetpipe: fix compile on platforms with VFP