2021-04-22 Dirk Brenkenbanip: update to 0.7.7
2021-04-21 Hirokazu MORIKAWAnode: Resolve ICU conflict
2021-04-21 Gerard Ryandockerd: Updated to 20.10.6
2021-04-21 Gerard Ryandocker: Updated to 20.10.6
2021-04-21 Gerard Ryanlibnetwork: Updated to 2021-01-26 for docker 20.10.6
2021-04-21 Gerard Ryancontainerd: Updated to 1.4.4 for docker 20.10.6
2021-04-21 Rosen PenevMerge pull request #15478 from rs/nextdns-1.32.0-openwr...
2021-04-20 Daniel Danzbergerpython-psycopg2: Add new package
2021-04-20 Jan Pavlinecatlas-sw-probe: add new package
2021-04-20 Jan Pavlinecatlas-probe: add new package
2021-04-20 Olivier Poitreynextdns: Update to version 1.32.0
2021-04-20 Rosen PenevMerge pull request #15470 from rs/nextdns-1.12.5-openwr...
2021-04-20 Olivier Poitreynextdns: Update to version 1.12.5
2021-04-20 Rosen PenevMerge pull request #15462 from rs/nextdns-1.12.3-openwr...
2021-04-19 Olivier Poitreynextdns: Update to version 1.12.3
2021-04-19 Rosen PenevMerge pull request #15458 from rs/nextdns-1.31.3-openwr...
2021-04-19 Olivier Poitreynextdns: Update to version 1.31.3
2021-04-19 Florian Eckertcollectd: update PKG_RELEASE
2021-04-19 Florian Eckertcollectd: add percent calculation of bad block to ubi...
2021-04-19 Florian Eckertcollectd: prepare ubi plugin for percent calculation
2021-04-19 Florian Eckertcollectd: upate PKG_RELEASE number
2021-04-19 Florian Eckertcollectd: make compile time debug option configurable
2021-04-19 Florian Eckertcollectd: fix COLLECTD_PLUGINS_SELECTED end of line
2021-04-19 Florian Eckertcollectd: fix smart disk detection
2021-04-19 Florian Eckertcollectd: enable collectd-mod-smart
2021-04-19 Florian Eckertlibatasmart: initial checkin
2021-04-18 Dirk Brenkenadblock: update to 4.1.1
2021-04-18 Rosen Penevsquid: update to 4.14
2021-04-18 Josef Schlehoferpsmisc: move killall to /usr/libexec and add ALTERNATIVES
2021-04-18 Hannu Nymanirqbalance: upgrade to version 1.8.0
2021-04-17 Rosen PenevMerge pull request #15441 from 1715173329/yq-2102
2021-04-17 Tianling Shenyq: Update to 4.7.0
2021-04-17 Eneas U de... atheepmgr: avoid libpciaccess dependency
2021-04-15 Josef Schlehoferclamav: add libiconv dependencies when build with NLS
2021-04-15 Luiz Angelo... openvpn-easy-rsa: add missing configfile
2021-04-13 Tomas Laracollectd: enable cpufreq for rockchip target
2021-04-13 Luiz Angelo... Merge pull request #15414 from luizluca/21.02/ruby...
2021-04-13 Jo-Philipp... bonding: accept list of slaves in uci list notation
2021-04-13 Luiz Angelo... ruby: update to 3.0.1
2021-04-12 Hirokazu MORIKAWAnode: bump to v14.16.1
2021-04-11 Gregory L.... safe-search: prevent duplicate cron job installation
2021-04-11 Tiago Gasparnetdata: disable shared memory totals by default
2021-04-11 Stan Grishinhttps-dns-proxy: bugfix: race condition with dnsmasq
2021-04-11 Stan Grishinsimple-adblock: update to 1.8.7-3
2021-04-09 Dirk Brenkenadblock: fix games_tracking source url
2021-04-08 Josef SchlehoferMerge pull request #15372 from farmergreg/21.02-safe...
2021-04-08 Josef SchlehoferMerge pull request #15371 from farmergreg/21.02-family-dns
2021-04-08 Greg Dietschefamily-dns: Correct Reference to IPKG_INSTROOT
2021-04-08 Gregory L.... safe-search: check for changed IP addresses weekly
2021-04-08 Rosen Penevminisatip: add libdvbcsa support
2021-04-07 Jo-Philipp... openvpn: fix invoking user up & down commands from...
2021-04-07 Alexander Egorenkovopenvpn: add OpenVPN option server-poll-timeout
2021-04-07 Magnus Krokenopenvpn: update to 2.5.1
2021-04-07 Jan Pavlineccurl: update to version 7.76.0
2021-04-07 Rafał Dzięgiellibdvbcsa: add new package
2021-04-07 Jan Pavlinecpython-pytest: update to version 6.2.3
2021-04-07 Jan Pavlinecknot-resolver: update to version 5.3.1
2021-04-07 Josef Schlehoferyoutube-dl: update to version 2021.4.7
2021-04-07 Josef Schlehoferzeroconf: update to version 0.29.0
2021-04-07 Rosen Penevksmbd: update to 3.3.8
2021-04-07 Rosen Penevksmbd-tools: update to 3.3.8
2021-04-07 Kirill Nikolaevksmbd-tools: Add a mDNS TXT record for the ksmbd service
2021-04-07 Sven Roedererxinetd: honor ${IPKG_INSTROOT} when sourcing /lib/funct...
2021-04-06 Philip Prindevillestrongswan: bump to 5.9.2
2021-04-06 Philip Prindevillestrongswan: force PIC on all builds
2021-04-06 Philip Prindevillestrongswan: migrate to swanctl configs
2021-04-06 Philip Prindevillestrongswan: remove synthesized ipsec conf files
2021-04-06 Philip Prindevillestrongswan: move ipsec conf files to subpackage
2021-04-06 Philip Prindevillestrongswan: make the include's in the .conf files persi...
2021-04-06 Philip Prindevillestrongswan: change maintainers
2021-04-06 Philip Prindevillestrongswan: fix local_gateway discovery
2021-04-06 David Bauermtd-rw: fix build failure with kernel 5.10
2021-04-06 Rosen Penevclamav: update to 0.103.1
2021-04-06 Rosen Penevpython3-libsemanage: update to 3.2
2021-04-06 Rosen Penevsetools: update to 4.4.0
2021-04-06 Ondřej Caletkajool: Update to 4.1.5
2021-04-06 Sven Roederernut: fix typo in nutshutdown script
2021-04-06 Karl Palssonmosquitto: bump to 2.0.10
2021-04-06 Christian Lachnerhaproxy: Update HAProxy to v2.2.13
2021-04-06 Gerard Ryancache-domains: Fixed host files directory
2021-04-04 Rosen PenevMerge pull request #15331 from 1715173329/xray-2102
2021-04-03 Dirk Brenkenbanip: bugfix 0.7.6-2
2021-04-02 Tianling Shenxray-core: Update to 1.4.2
2021-04-02 Tianling Shenxray-core: init: add browser dialer support
2021-04-02 Stan Grishinsimple-adblock: jsonOps-related bugfixes
2021-04-01 Tianling Shenxray-core: Update to 1.4.1
2021-04-01 Tianling Shenyq: Update to 4.6.3
2021-03-30 Martin Matějekpython3-pyroute2: update to version 0.5.16
2021-03-29 Dirk Brenkenbanip: update to 0.7.6
2021-03-28 Josef Schlehoferhwdata: update to version 0.345
2021-03-28 Jan Pavlinecpython-zipp: update to version 3.4.1
2021-03-28 Jan Pavlinecsubversion: update to 1.14.1
2021-03-28 Jan Pavlineczstd: update to version 1.4.9
2021-03-28 Jan Pavlinecgit: update to version 2.30.2
2021-03-28 Paul SpoorenCI: use new `openwrt` Docker username
2021-03-28 Rosen Penevreptyr: add mips64el to the DEPENDS list
2021-03-28 Rosen Penevbind: update to 9.17.11
2021-03-28 Josef Schlehofernetdata: update to version 1.29.3
2021-03-28 Josef Schlehofersshpass: update to version 1.09
2021-03-28 Josef Schlehofernnn: update to version 3.6