2020-11-05 Rosen PenevMerge pull request #13834 from br101/protobuf-3.13.0
2020-11-05 Rosen PenevMerge pull request #13841 from EricLuehrsen/unbound_112
2020-11-05 Rosen PenevMerge pull request #13854 from mstorchak/tmux
2020-11-05 Eric Luehrsenunbound: clean up interface interpretation in UCI
2020-11-05 Eric Luehrsenunbound: update to 1.1.12
2020-11-04 Maxim Storchaktmux: update to 3.1c
2020-11-04 Florian EckertMerge pull request #13851 from zhaojh329/master
2020-11-04 Jianhui Zhaorp-pppoe: fix typo
2020-11-04 Florian EckertMerge pull request #13798 from TDT-AG/pr/20201018-extra...
2020-11-04 Florian Eckertdocker-ce: use new extra_command function definition
2020-11-04 Florian Eckertwifidog: use new extra_command function definition
2020-11-04 Florian Eckertvpnbypass: use new extra_command function definition
2020-11-04 Florian Eckertvpn-policy-routing: use new extra_command function...
2020-11-04 Florian Eckerttinc: use new extra_command function definition
2020-11-04 Florian Eckerttgt: use new extra_command function definition
2020-11-04 Florian Eckertsimple-adblock: use new extra_command function definition
2020-11-04 Florian Eckertseafile-server: use new extra_command function definition
2020-11-04 Florian Eckertradicale: use new extra_command function definition
2020-11-04 Florian Eckertopenvswitch: use new extra_command function definition
2020-11-04 Florian Eckertnginx: use new extra_command function definition
2020-11-04 Florian Eckerthaproxy: use new extra_command function definition
2020-11-04 Florian Eckertgnunet: use new extra_command function definition
2020-11-04 Florian Eckertapfree-wifidog: use new extra_command function definition
2020-11-04 Florian Eckertpostfix: use new extra_command function definition
2020-11-03 Dirk BrenkenMerge pull request #13849 from dibdot/adblock
2020-11-03 Dirk BrenkenMerge pull request #13848 from dibdot/banip
2020-11-03 Dirk BrenkenMerge pull request #13847 from dibdot/travelmate
2020-11-03 Dirk Brenkenadblock: adapt openwrt rc.common changes
2020-11-03 Dirk Brenkenbanip: adapt openwrt rc.common changes
2020-11-03 Dirk Brenkentravelmate: adapt openwrt rc.common changes
2020-11-03 Rosen Penevusbip: remove no longer necessary udev hack
2020-11-03 Rosen Penevtreewide: turn specific libudev-* DEPENDS to generic...
2020-11-03 Rosen Penevlibudev-zero: add
2020-11-03 Rosen Penevlibudev-fbsd: remove
2020-11-03 Florian EckertMerge pull request #13748 from aaronjg/mwan3-owner...
2020-11-02 Rosen PenevMerge pull request #13830 from commodo/python-updates1
2020-11-02 Rosen PenevMerge pull request #13831 from commodo/stress-ng-bump
2020-11-02 Bruno Randolfprotobuf: Update to version 3.13.0
2020-11-02 Alexandru Ardeleanpython-cryptography: bump to version 3.2.1
2020-11-02 Alexandru Ardeleanutils: stress-ng: bump to version 0.11.23
2020-11-02 Alexandru Ardeleannumpy: bump to version 1.19.3
2020-11-02 Alexandru Ardeleanpillow: bump to version 8.0.1
2020-11-02 Rosen PenevMerge pull request #13813 from aleksander0m/aleksander...
2020-11-01 Rosen PenevMerge pull request #13755 from r-salvaterra/tor
2020-11-01 Rosen PenevMerge pull request #13678 from oldium/update-fwknopd...
2020-11-01 Rosen PenevMerge pull request #13653 from FinnixB/znc-multiple...
2020-11-01 Rosen PenevMerge pull request #13816 from mlichvar/chrony-improvements
2020-11-01 Rosen PenevMerge pull request #13780 from bobafetthotmail/patch-2
2020-11-01 Rosen PenevMerge pull request #13826 from jmarcet/python-dotenv...
2020-11-01 Rosen PenevMerge pull request #13825 from jmarcet/cached-property...
2020-11-01 Rosen PenevMerge pull request #13821 from jmarcet/ctop-update
2020-11-01 Josef SchlehoferMerge pull request #13824 from BKPepe/yt-dl
2020-11-01 Michael HeimpoldMerge pull request #13822 from mhei/php7-update
2020-11-01 Javier Marcetpython-cached-property: update to v1.5.2
2020-11-01 Javier Marcetpython-dotenv: update to v0.15.0
2020-11-01 Josef SchlehoferMerge pull request #13740 from Cynerd/python-influxdb...
2020-11-01 Josef Schlehoferyoutube-dl: update to version 2020.11.1.1
2020-11-01 Michael Heimpoldphp7: update to 7.4.12
2020-11-01 Javier Marcetctop: update to v0.7.4
2020-11-01 Karel Kočípython-influxdb: bump to version 5.3.0
2020-11-01 Rosen Penevkea: fix compilation with libcxx
2020-10-31 Martin Blumenstinglksmbd: update to 3.2.5
2020-10-31 Josef Schlehoferbind: update to version 9.16.8
2020-10-31 Sebastian Kemperuw-imap: install c-client/linkage.c to staging
2020-10-30 Aleksander... modemmanager: increase initial timeout for event reporting
2020-10-30 Josef SchlehoferMerge pull request #13692 from BKPepe/flask-packages
2020-10-30 Miroslav Lichvarchrony: improve configuration
2020-10-30 Miroslav Lichvarchrony: improve hotplug script
2020-10-30 Miroslav Lichvarchrony: rework loading of configuration
2020-10-30 Florian EckertMerge pull request #13806 from TDT-AG/pr/20201029-stunnel
2020-10-30 Yousong Zhouxl2tpd: bump to version 1.3.16
2020-10-30 Aaron Goodmanmwan3: fix rpcd with for routers with no IPv6 support
2020-10-29 Daniel Gollenginx: adapt to changed ubus socket path
2020-10-29 Josef SchlehoferMerge pull request #13713 from ja-pa/python-msgpack-new
2020-10-29 Josef Schlehoferpython-flask-session: add package
2020-10-29 Josef Schlehoferpython-flask-seasurf: add package
2020-10-29 Josef Schlehoferpython-flask-babel: add new package
2020-10-29 Jan Pavlineclighttpd: add config for logrotate
2020-10-29 Jan Pavlinecpython3-maxminddb: update to version 2.0.3
2020-10-29 Jan Pavlinecpython-iniconfig: update to version 1.1.1
2020-10-29 Jan Pavlinecpython-zipp: update to version 3.4.0
2020-10-29 Jan Pavlinecpython-psutil: update to version 5.7.3
2020-10-29 Josef SchlehoferMerge pull request #13693 from BKPepe/tornado
2020-10-29 Josef Schlehoferpython-tornado: add package
2020-10-29 Florian Eckertstunnel: update version to 5.57
2020-10-29 Jan Pavlinecpython-msgpack: add new package
2020-10-29 Jannis PinterAdd option for days until renewal
2020-10-29 Rosen Penevsetools: fix compilation with python 3.9
2020-10-29 Phil Eichingerat: bump to version 3.2.1
2020-10-28 Rui Salvaterrator: disable man pages and html manual generation
2020-10-28 Rui Salvaterrator: add a basic variant, without relay/bridge support
2020-10-28 Rui Salvaterrator: improve readability of the packages help text
2020-10-28 Ted HessMerge pull request #13795 from philenotfound/lame_cpe_id
2020-10-28 Phil Eichingersound/lame: add PKG_CPE_ID
2020-10-28 Rosen Penevtelldus-core: replace iconv with standard C++
2020-10-28 Matthieu Baertsifstat: import fixes from Debian package
2020-10-28 Lucian Cristiannss: update to 3.58
2020-10-28 Huangbin Zhancoreutils: Add alternatives support for runcon
2020-10-28 Aaron Goodmanmwan3: do not wait to process ifup/ifdown events
2020-10-28 Aaron Goodmanmwan3: fix mwan3 route handling