2022-03-23 Rosen Penevcoova-chilli: Update to 1.5
2022-03-23 Josef SchlehoferMerge pull request #18127 from jefferyto/python-3.7...
2022-03-21 Jeffery Topython3: Update to 3.7.13, refresh patches
2022-03-18 Noah Meyerhansbind: bump to 9.16.27
2022-03-12 Josef Schlehofersyslog-ng: update to version 3.36.1
2022-02-24 Michal Vasilekexpat: import patches for CVEs
2022-02-24 Rosen Penevexpat: update to 2.2.10
2022-02-23 Jo-Philipp... htpdate: drop freebsd.org from default server list
2022-02-22 Hannu Nymannano: update to 6.2
2022-02-09 Hannu Nymannano: update to 6.1
2022-02-06 Michal Vasilekruby: update to 2.6.9
2022-02-02 Josef SchlehoferMerge pull request #17778 from turris-cz/bind-19.07
2022-02-02 Josef Schlehoferbind: update to version 9.16.25
2022-02-02 Paul SpoorenCI: fix runtime testing for non master branch
2022-02-02 Josef SchlehoferMerge pull request #17756 from BKPepe/nss-cve-2021...
2022-02-01 Hannu Nymannano: Add a plus variant with more features
2022-01-31 Josef Schlehofernss: backport patch for CVE-2021-43527
2022-01-30 Josef Schlehoferprosody: update to version 0.11.13
2022-01-30 Rosen Penevprosody: fix shellcheck warnings
2022-01-30 Rosen Penevprosody: update to 0.11.7
2022-01-30 Vieno Hakkerinenprosody: update to 0.11.5
2022-01-30 Sergio E. Nemirowskiprosody: /etc/prosody permissions fix
2022-01-30 Rosen Penevprosody: Update to 0.11.3
2022-01-25 Josef Schlehofertvheadend: fix conffiles section
2022-01-19 Josef Schlehoferdomoticz: backport patch to fix compilation with uClibc-ng
2022-01-19 Stijn Tinteldomoticz: bump to 4.10717
2022-01-19 Rosen Penevdomoticz: Fix compilation without deprecated OpenSSL...
2022-01-13 James Whitenetdata: Update init script to use -D rather than -nd
2022-01-13 Sebastian Kemperapache: security bump to 2.4.51
2022-01-09 Hannu Nymanhaveged: update to 1.9.17
2022-01-03 Josef SchlehoferMerge pull request #17476 from BKPepe/buildonly
2022-01-02 Rosen Penevtreewide: add missing BUILDONLY
2021-12-17 Karel Kočízsh: drop bash syntax in postinst
2021-12-17 Karel Kočízsh: fix invalid postrm script and little refactor...
2021-12-16 Hannu Nymannano: update to version 6.0
2021-12-12 Petr ŠtetiarMerge pull request #17250 from ynezz/ynezz/cares-fix...
2021-12-12 Daniel GolleMerge pull request #17267 from BKPepe/postgresql-update
2021-12-04 Josef Schlehofermsmtp: update to version
2021-12-04 Josef Schlehoferpostgresql: security update to version 11.14
2021-12-02 Petr Štetiarlibs/c-ares: fix domain hijacking CVE-2021-3672
2021-11-30 Josef Schlehofermsmtp: update to version 1.8.17
2021-11-30 Josef Schlehofersyslog-ng: update to version 3.35.1
2021-11-30 Florian EckertMerge pull request #17209 from peci1/patch-1
2021-11-29 Hirokazu MORIKAWAicu: Fix memory bug w/ baseName
2021-11-26 Martin Peckaddns-scripts: Fix wrong whitespace in preinst and posti...
2021-11-18 Josef Schlehoferbind: update to version 9.16.23
2021-11-14 Josef SchlehoferMerge pull request #17114 from paper42/cve-2019-19906-19
2021-11-13 Michal Vasilekcyrus-sasl: patch CVE-2019-19906
2021-11-12 Michael HeimpoldMerge pull request #17110 from thg2k/pr/19_php72_ini_1
2021-11-11 Giovanni Giacobbiphp7: Clean up and update distributed php.ini for php...
2021-10-31 Josef Schlehofersyslog-ng: update to version 3.34.1
2021-10-30 Josef Schlehoferffmpeg: update to version 3.4.9 (security fix)
2021-10-29 Noah Meyerhansbind: Bump to 9.16.22
2021-10-28 Josef Schlehofertvheadend: update libhdhomerun
2021-10-25 Josef Schlehoferbind: update to version 9.16.21
2021-10-22 Olivier Poitreynextdns: Update to version 1.37.3
2021-10-18 Alexandru ArdeleanMerge pull request #16903 from jefferyto/python-package...
2021-10-17 Stan GrishinMerge pull request #16906 from stangri/openwrt-19.07
2021-10-17 Stan Grishinvpn-policy-routing: downgrade to 0.2.1-13
2021-10-16 Jeffery Topython-dateutil: Add missing HOST_PYTHON3_PACKAGE_BUILD...
2021-10-16 Jeffery Topython-importlib-metadata: Pin setuptools-scm version
2021-10-15 Stan GrishinMerge pull request #16900 from stangri/openwrt-19.07
2021-10-15 Stan Grishinsimple-adblock: update to 1.8.8-1
2021-10-14 Alexandru ArdeleanMerge pull request #16879 from turris-cz/19.07-zipp
2021-10-14 Stan GrishinMerge pull request #16885 from stangri/openwrt-19.07
2021-10-14 Stan Grishinhttps-dns-proxy: update to 2021-09-27
2021-10-13 Michal Vasilektor: update to
2021-10-13 Josef Schlehoferpython-zipp: pin setuptools-scm version
2021-10-08 Eneas U de... perl: perlmod.mk: use flock when hostpkg/perl used
2021-10-08 Hannu Nymannano: update to 5.9
2021-10-08 Hannu Nymanhaveged: update to 1.9.15
2021-10-06 Glenn Strausslighttpd: update to lighttpd 1.4.55 release hash
2021-09-18 Rosen PenevMerge pull request #16569 from turris-cz/19.07/tor...
2021-09-17 Josef SchlehoferMerge pull request #16196 from miska/snort3-19.07
2021-09-10 Stijn Tinteltcpreplay: avoid host lib leakage
2021-09-10 Alexandru Ardeleantcpreplay: bump to version 4.3.4
2021-09-10 Rosen Penevtcpreplay: add libdnet support
2021-09-10 Rosen Penevtcpreplay: fix compilation with Arch Linux
2021-09-10 Alexandru Ardeleantcpreplay: bump to version 4.3.3
2021-09-10 Michal Vasilekntfs-3g: patch CVE-2019-9755
2021-09-09 Olivier Poitreynextdns: Update to version 1.37.2
2021-09-08 Jo-Philipp... Merge pull request #16581 from jow-/openwrt-19.07
2021-09-08 Josef Schlehoferbind: update to version 9.16.20
2021-09-08 Jo-Philipp... cgi-io: update to latest Git HEAD
2021-09-08 Petr Štetiarcgi-io: update to version 2020-10-27
2021-09-08 Petr Štetiarcgi-io: move into out of tree project
2021-09-08 Christian Lachnerhaproxy: Update HAProxy to v2.0.25
2021-09-08 Josef Schlehoferpython3: update to version 3.7.12
2021-09-08 Josef Schlehofertor: update to version
2021-09-08 Rosen Penevirssi: update to 1.2.3
2021-09-07 Olivier Poitreynextdns: Update to version 1.37.1
2021-09-07 Olivier Poitreynextdns: Update to version 1.37.0
2021-09-06 Dennis Schüsselbaueracme: Fix uhttpd restart to load new certificates
2021-09-05 Josef Schlehoferclick: update to version 7.0
2021-09-02 Eneas U de... dnsdist: fix default SSL lib spelling
2021-09-02 Rosen PenevMerge pull request #16518 from jefferyto/golang-package...
2021-09-01 Jeffery Totreewide: Remove GO_PKG_LDFLAGS for stripping binaries
2021-09-01 Peter Stadlernginx: add PROVIDES nginx-ssl to nginx-all-module
2021-08-28 Josef SchlehoferRevert "net/miniupnpd: ext_ip_reserved_ignore support"
2021-08-27 Rosen PenevMerge pull request #16410 from paper42/git-2.26.3-19