2021-03-28 Rosen Penevreptyr: add mips64el to the DEPENDS list
2021-03-28 Rosen Penevbind: update to 9.17.11
2021-03-28 Josef Schlehofernetdata: update to version 1.29.3
2021-03-28 Josef Schlehofersshpass: update to version 1.09
2021-03-28 Josef Schlehofernnn: update to version 3.6
2021-03-28 Josef Schlehofersyslog-ng: update to version 3.31.2
2021-03-28 Jan Pavlinecgitlab-runner: update to version 13.10.0
2021-03-28 Rosen Penevgitlab-runner: update to 13.9.0
2021-03-28 Jan Pavlinecgnutls: update to version 3.7.1
2021-03-28 Philip Prindevillelibmariadb: add dependency on libcurl
2021-03-28 Nicholas Smithlibqmi: bump to 1.28.2
2021-03-28 Nicholas Smithlibqrtr-glib: add libqrtr-glib
2021-03-28 Nicholas Smithlibqmi: bump to 1.28.0
2021-03-28 Nicholas Smithmodemmanager: bump to 1.16.2
2021-03-28 Nicholas Smithmodemmanager: bump to version 1.16.0
2021-03-26 Dirk Brenkenbanip: update to 0.7.5-4
2021-03-25 Stan Grishinhttps-dns-proxy: bugfix: correct PROCD firewall object
2021-03-23 Dirk Brenkenadblock: update 4.1.0-3
2021-03-22 Rosen PenevMerge pull request #15220 from stangri/21.02-https...
2021-03-22 Rosen PenevMerge pull request #15227 from cotequeiroz/pic_quote...
2021-03-22 Eneas U de... nss: fix compilation with QUILT
2021-03-22 Eneas U de... nss: quote $(FPIC), as it may have multiple flags
2021-03-22 Philip Prindevilletreewide: fix places where $(FPIC) is unquoted
2021-03-22 Florian EckertMerge pull request #15158 from TDT-AG/pr/20210218-openw...
2021-03-22 Stan Grishinhttps-dns-proxy: support for additional Force DNS ports
2021-03-21 Erwan MAStinc: new maintainer
2021-03-21 Erwan MAStinc: fix missing HASH
2021-03-21 Erwan MAStinc: Bump to version 1.1 commit 3ee0d5dd
2021-03-19 Rosen PenevMerge pull request #15164 from gladiac1337/haproxy...
2021-03-19 Dirk Brenkenbanip: update 0.7.5-3
2021-03-19 Christian Lachnerhaproxy: Update HAProxy to v2.2.11
2021-03-19 Tianling Shentmate: add new package
2021-03-19 Tianling Shenmsgpack-c: add new package
2021-03-18 Nicholas Smithwatchcat: update to support procd
2021-03-18 Daniel Golleauc: bump to version 0.1.6
2021-03-17 Daniel Golleauc: sync with development branch
2021-03-17 Jan Pavlinector: update to version
2021-03-17 Florian Eckertmwan3: add connecting and disconnecting event to mwan3track
2021-03-15 Dirk Brenkenbanip: update to 0.7.5-2
2021-03-15 Karl Palssonlang/lua-libmodbus: bump to 0.7 release
2021-03-15 Karl Palssonnet/mosquitto: Update to 2.0.9
2021-03-14 Rosen Penevgerbera: update to 1.7.0
2021-03-14 Rosen Penevlibnpupnp: update to 4.1.1
2021-03-14 Rosen Penevpugixml: update to 1.11.4
2021-03-14 Rosen Penevtaglib: update to 1.12-beta-2
2021-03-14 Rosen Penevlibmatroska: update to 1.6.3
2021-03-14 Rosen Penevlibebml: update to 1.4.2
2021-03-14 Rosen PenevMerge pull request #15123 from 1715173329/21.02-xray...
2021-03-14 Tianling Shenxray-core: Update to 1.4.0
2021-03-14 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #15085 from cotequeiroz/pigeonhole...
2021-03-14 Dirk Brenkenbanip: bump to 0.7.5
2021-03-13 Rosen PenevMerge pull request #15113 from G-M0N3Y-2503/docker...
2021-03-13 Gerard Ryandocker,dockerd: Updated to 20.10.5
2021-03-13 Christian Lachnerhaproxy: Update HAProxy to v2.2.10
2021-03-13 Rosen Penevksmbd-tools: update to 3.3.7
2021-03-13 Rosen Penevksmbd: update to 3.3.7
2021-03-12 Rosen Penevksmbd-tools: update to 3.3.6
2021-03-12 Martin Blumenstinglksmbd-tools: update to 3.3.5
2021-03-12 Rosen Penevksmbd: update to 3.3.6
2021-03-12 Martin Blumenstinglksmbd: update to 3.3.5
2021-03-11 Paul Spoorensyncthing: update to 1.14.0
2021-03-11 Eneas U de... pigeonhole: bump to 0.5.14
2021-03-11 Rosen Penevpigeonhole: update to 0.5.13
2021-03-10 Dirk Brenkenadblock: small update
2021-03-10 Michael HeimpoldMerge pull request #15064 from mhei/21.02-php8
2021-03-08 Michael HeimpoldMerge pull request #15062 from mhei/21.02-php7-update
2021-03-08 Rosen PenevMerge pull request #15053 from stangri/21.02-vpn-policy...
2021-03-08 Michael Heimpoldphp8: update to 8.0.3
2021-03-08 Eneas U de... php8: fix pecl build with QUILT
2021-03-08 Eneas U de... php8: fix build with QUILT
2021-03-08 Rosen PenevMerge pull request #15051 from stangri/21.02-simple...
2021-03-08 Stan Grishinvpn-policy-routing: better processing of custom user...
2021-03-08 Stan Grishinsimple-adblock: update to 1.8.5-1
2021-03-07 Michael Heimpoldphp7: update to 7.4.16
2021-03-07 Dirk Neukircheni2pd: fix startup
2021-03-07 Jan Pavlinecpython-aiohttp: update to version 3.7.4
2021-03-07 Jan Pavlinecpython-typing-extensions: add new package
2021-03-07 Michael Heimpoldhs20: fix linking with full language support enabled
2021-03-07 Michael Heimpoldaria2: fix linking with full language support enabled
2021-03-07 Rosen Penevreptyr: do not build on mips64
2021-03-06 Hannu Nymannano: update to 5.6.1
2021-03-03 Rosen PenevMerge pull request #14993 from 1715173329/2102-newyq
2021-03-03 Rosen PenevMerge pull request #14995 from 1715173329/2102-xr-go1.16
2021-03-02 Josef SchlehoferMerge pull request #14908 from jefferyto/python-3.9...
2021-03-02 Jeffery Topython3: Update to 3.9.2, refresh patches
2021-03-02 Tianling Shenxray-core: Update to 1.3.1
2021-03-02 Tianling Shenyq: Update to 4.6.1
2021-03-02 Rosen PenevMerge pull request #14990 from G-M0N3Y-2503/dockerd...
2021-03-02 Rosen PenevMerge pull request #14989 from stangri/21.02-vpn-policy...
2021-03-02 Jan Pavlinecknot-resolver: update to version 5.3.0
2021-03-02 Gerard Ryandocker,dockerd: Updated to 20.10.4
2021-03-02 Gerard Ryanrunc: Updated to 1.0.0-rc93
2021-03-02 Rosen PenevMerge pull request #14976 from G-M0N3Y-2503/dockerd...
2021-03-01 Paul Spoorensyncthing: update to 1.13.1
2021-03-01 Paul SpoorenCI: fix handling of release branches
2021-03-01 Stan Grishinvpn-policy-routing: update to 0.3.2-18
2021-03-01 Florian Eckertmwan3: disable DNS lookups for ping checks
2021-03-01 Gerard Ryandockerd: package release bump
2021-03-01 Gerard Ryandockerd: Added options to setup a dualstack default...
2021-03-01 Ilya LipnitskiyCI: enhance package detection logic