2016-10-02 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #3282 from chris5560/master
2016-10-02 Christian Schoenebeckradicale: enable running on python 3
2016-10-01 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #3272 from tsl0922/ttyd
2016-10-01 Ted HessMerge pull request #3270 from dangowrt/libx264-more...
2016-10-01 Shuanglei Taottyd: remove the default insecure init script (#3271)
2016-10-01 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #3269 from zorun/wireguard
2016-10-01 Daniel Gollelibx264: more build fixes
2016-09-30 Baptiste Jonglezwireguard: Bump to 0.0.20161001
2016-09-30 Ted Hesslibx264: Re-enable powerpc (SOFT_FLOAT builds OK)
2016-09-30 Nuno Goncalvesnmap: bump version to 7.30
2016-09-30 Noah Meyerhansbind: Set PKG_USE_MIPS16:=0
2016-09-29 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #3263 from Borromini/mii-tool
2016-09-29 Álvaro Fernández... dump1090: update to latest version
2016-09-29 Stijn Segersmii-tool: fix variable being declared too early
2016-09-29 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #3262 from dibdot/adblock
2016-09-29 Dirk Brenkenadblock: update 1.4.10
2016-09-29 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #3072 from salzmdan/master
2016-09-29 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #3224 from jow-/mwan3-local-fix
2016-09-28 Claudiu Brasoveanavahi: Update to 0.6.32. Add netifd proto handler for...
2016-09-28 Ted HessMerge pull request #3253 from chris5560/master
2016-09-28 Christian Schoenebeckddns-scripts: fix reporting wrong version
2016-09-28 Álvaro Fernández... udpxy: update to latest version
2016-09-28 Daniel Gollepostgresql: move some binaries to pgsql-cli-extra
2016-09-28 Noah Meyerhansbind: Update to 9.9.9-p3 for CVE-2016-2776
2016-09-28 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #3246 from diizzyy/patch-7
2016-09-28 Ted HessMerge pull request #3244 from tsl0922/ttyd
2016-09-27 Shuanglei TaoAdd ttyd package
2016-09-27 diizzyynetdata: update to 1.3.0 and use procd init
2016-09-27 Nikos Mavrogiannopoulosgnutls: remove C99 constructions rejected by compiler
2016-09-27 Nikos Mavrogiannopoulosocserv: updated to 0.11.5
2016-09-27 Ted HessMerge pull request #3221 from Borromini/mii-tool
2016-09-27 Daniel Gollepostgresql: clean package to fix duplicate files issue
2016-09-27 Ted HessMerge pull request #3240 from antonlacon/ffmpeg-2.8.x
2016-09-27 Stijn Segersmii-tool: re-introduce from oldpackages
2016-09-27 Ted HessMerge pull request #3137 from dangowrt/hd-idle-procd
2016-09-27 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #3243 from diizzyy/patch-6
2016-09-27 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #3242 from diizzyy/patch-5
2016-09-27 diizzyysngrep: update to snapshot 2016-09-27
2016-09-27 diizzyyexfat-nofuse: update to snapshot 2016-09-26
2016-09-27 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #3241 from changeway/libstrophe
2016-09-27 Chih-Wei Chenlibstrophe : Update to version 0.9.1
2016-09-27 Álvaro Fernández... Merge pull request #3237 from diizzyy/patch-4
2016-09-27 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #3223 from chris5560/master
2016-09-27 Christian Schoenebeckddns-scripts: remove postinst (of main package) from...
2016-09-27 Ian Leonardffmpeg: Update 2.8.8, add codecs, update dlna profile...
2016-09-26 Christian Schoenebeckddns-scripts: apply needed changes in uci-defaults
2016-09-26 diizzyydmidecode: use url alias
2016-09-26 Christian Schoenebeckddns-scripts: no longer break using nslookup and option...
2016-09-26 Christian Schoenebeckddns-scripts: Add more services and minor changes
2016-09-26 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #3234 from diizzyy/patch-2
2016-09-26 diizzyygdisk: new package
2016-09-26 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #3233 from psidhu/master
2016-09-26 Pushpal Sidhugpsd: Update Maintainer Email
2016-09-26 Pushpal Sidhuevtest: Update Maintainer Email
2016-09-26 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #3203 from TouchStar/feature_gpsd_fi...
2016-09-26 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #3232 from zorun/bmon
2016-09-26 Baptiste Jonglezbmon: Update to 3.9
2016-09-26 Daniel Gollegnunet: update to SVN r38014 and improve packaging
2016-09-26 Daniel Gollelibp11: package PKCS#11 OpenSSL engine
2016-09-26 Daniel Golleengine_pkcs11: remove in favour of libp11 OpenSSL engine
2016-09-25 David Thornleygpsd: fix cross platform compilation
2016-09-25 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #3211 from nxhack/configure_without_...
2016-09-24 Michael Heimpoldmmc-utils: fix compilation on mips64
2016-09-24 Michael HeimpoldMerge pull request #3227 from jefferyto/python-cryptogr...
2016-09-24 Ted HessMerge pull request #3210 from dangowrt/fix-x264-build
2016-09-24 Jeffery Topython-cryptography: update to 1.5.1
2016-09-24 Jo-Philipp... Merge pull request #3220 from dangowrt/update-postgresql
2016-09-24 Jo-Philipp... mwan3: remove bad local shell variable declarations
2016-09-23 Daniel Gollepostgresql: update to version 9.5.4 and major rework
2016-09-23 Peter Wagnergit: fix wrong md5sum
2016-09-23 Peter Wagnerirssi: update to 0.8.20
2016-09-23 Peter Wagnergit: update to 2.10.0
2016-09-23 diizzyysipgrep: new package
2016-09-23 diizzyysngrep: new package
2016-09-23 Toke Høiland... radsecproxy: Bump version to 1.6.8.
2016-09-23 Nuno Goncalvesrtklib: fix repository and bump version (fixes #3212)
2016-09-23 Hirokazu MORIKAWAlogrotate: configure without libacl
2016-09-22 Daniel Gollelibx264: mark as broken on powerpc
2016-09-22 Daniel Gollelibx264: fix build on soft-float targets
2016-09-22 Michael Heimpoldphp7: adjust patch to unbreak build (fixes #3202)
2016-09-22 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #3207 from jefferyto/zope-interface...
2016-09-22 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #3206 from jefferyto/python-pyopenss...
2016-09-22 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #3208 from jefferyto/twisted-16.4.1
2016-09-22 Jeffery Totwisted: update to 16.4.1
2016-09-22 Jeffery Tozope-interface: update to 4.3.2
2016-09-22 Jeffery Topython-pyopenssl: update to 16.1.0
2016-09-22 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #3205 from jefferyto/python-cryptogr...
2016-09-22 Jeffery Topython-cryptography: update to 1.5
2016-09-22 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #3204 from jefferyto/python-enum34...
2016-09-22 Jeffery Topython-enum34: add build dependency to python-setuptools
2016-09-22 Hannu Nymanrng-tools: Add description, remove unused parameter
2016-09-22 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #3152 from Borromini/master
2016-09-21 Michael Heimpoldphp5: update to 5.6.26
2016-09-21 Michael Heimpoldphp7: update to 7.0.11
2016-09-21 Michael Heimpoldphp7: package phar extension
2016-09-21 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #3201 from commodo/python-pip-disabl...
2016-09-21 Alexandru Ardeleanpython: disable with-ensurepip option for host build
2016-09-21 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #3141 from bobafetthotmail/patch-1
2016-09-20 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #3197 from jefferyto/python-cffi...
2016-09-20 Jeffery Topython-cffi: update to 1.8.3