2018-12-19 Ted HessMerge pull request #7727 from ClaymorePT/boost_1.69...
2018-12-18 Carlos Miguel... boost: Package Version Update -> 1.69.0
2018-12-18 champtarMerge pull request #7725 from micmac1/master-sqlite3
2018-12-18 Ted HessCircleCI: Add bzr to Docker image. Update to v1.0.2
2018-12-18 Sebastian Kempersqlite3: remove $(FPIC)
2018-12-18 Sebastian Kempersqlite3: security bump
2018-12-18 Saverio ProtoMerge pull request #7646 from neheb/tinc
2018-12-18 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #7720 from cotequeiroz/softethervpn_host
2018-12-18 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #7714 from neheb/patch-18
2018-12-18 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #7710 from neheb/patch-15
2018-12-18 Eneas U de... softethervpn: cleanup host/build, pass HOST_*FLAGS
2018-12-18 Karl Palssonnet/mosquitto: bump to 1.5.5
2018-12-18 Ted HessMerge pull request #7565 from neheb/sendmail
2018-12-17 Peter Wagnergit: update to 2.20.1
2018-12-17 Rosen Penevlogrotate: Update to 3.15.0
2018-12-17 Eneas U de... sendmail: link with gcc instead of ld
2018-12-17 Rosen Penevsendmail: Add OpenSSL 1.1 support
2018-12-17 Rosen Penevpython-requests: Update to 2.21.0
2018-12-17 Hans DedeckerMerge pull request #7701 from dengqf6/xtables
2018-12-17 Ted HessCircleCI: Remove version info from SDK filename.
2018-12-17 Deng Qingfangxtables-addons: fix compile error on kernel 4.18+
2018-12-17 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #7690 from neheb/soft
2018-12-17 Rosen Penevhaproxy: Update deprecated API patch
2018-12-17 Yousong Zhouqemu: bump to version 3.1.0
2018-12-16 champtarMerge pull request #7594 from dhewg/pull/prometheus...
2018-12-16 Rosen Penevgammu: Fix build under 64-bit targets.
2018-12-16 Rene Trefferprometheus-node-exporter-lua: add lantiq dsl modem...
2018-12-16 champtarMerge pull request #7542 from Rixerx/master
2018-12-16 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #7687 from dengqf6/nginx
2018-12-16 Deng Qingfangnginx: add stream SSL and stream SSL preread support
2018-12-16 Ted HessMerge pull request #7681 from neheb/luv
2018-12-16 Rosen Penevluv: Update to 1.22.0-1
2018-12-15 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #7673 from micmac1/mariadb-maj2
2018-12-15 Ted HessCircleCI: Update SDK / gcc version bump
2018-12-15 Ted HessCircleCI: Fix Debian grep compatibility
2018-12-15 Ted HessCircleCI: Allow '+' in package name subject check
2018-12-15 Sebastian Kempermariadb: update init script to use uci
2018-12-15 Sebastian Kempermariadb: small miscellaneous enhancements
2018-12-15 Sebastian Kempermariadb: add galera support
2018-12-15 Sebastian Kempermariadb: add extra charsets to server base
2018-12-15 Sebastian Kempermariadb: improve packaging and configuration
2018-12-15 Sebastian Kempermariadb: rename share and plugin directories
2018-12-15 Sebastian Kempermariadb: refresh plugins
2018-12-15 Sebastian Kempermariadb: use system libedit for mysql
2018-12-15 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #7665 from sotux/master-aria2
2018-12-15 James Qianaria2: fix some typo
2018-12-15 Ted HessMerge pull request #7672 from cotequeiroz/gstreamer1_no-dw
2018-12-15 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #7671 from neheb/sig
2018-12-15 Rosen Penevlibsigcxx: Update to 2.10.1
2018-12-15 Eneas U de... gstreamer1: build without libdw
2018-12-14 Ted Hesslibv4l: Force build without libudev
2018-12-14 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #7564 from neheb/nail
2018-12-14 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #7612 from cotequeiroz/snort_includes
2018-12-14 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #7617 from neheb/sip
2018-12-14 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #7666 from zhaojh329/rtty
2018-12-14 Jianhui Zhaortty: update to 6.4.0
2018-12-14 Jianhui Zhaolibuwsc: update to 3.1.2
2018-12-13 Ted HessMerge pull request #7629 from cotequeiroz/lcdgrilo_no...
2018-12-13 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #7589 from cotequeiroz/opencv_no-gtk
2018-12-13 Eneas U de... opencv: remove gtk dependency
2018-12-13 Eneas U de... grilo: copy vapi files to versioned vala dir
2018-12-13 Eneas U de... libgee: copy vapi files to versioned vala dir
2018-12-13 Eneas U de... lcdgrilo: remove check dependency
2018-12-13 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #7531 from neheb/loud
2018-12-13 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #7651 from gladiac1337/feature-hapro...
2018-12-13 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #7648 from EricLuehrsen/unbound_183
2018-12-13 Ted HessMerge pull request #7635 from dhewg/pull/prometheus...
2018-12-13 Ted HessMerge pull request #7642 from cotequeiroz/grilo-plugins...
2018-12-13 Ted HessMerge pull request #7627 from cotequeiroz/libgee_valac
2018-12-13 Ted HessMerge pull request #7626 from cotequeiroz/grilo_valac
2018-12-13 Eneas U de... grilo-plugins: remove XML::Parser build dependency
2018-12-13 Christian Lachnerhaproxy: Update HAProxy to v1.8.15
2018-12-13 Rosen Penevtinc: Fix compilation without deprecated OpenSSL APIs
2018-12-12 Eric Luehrsenunbound: update to 1.8.3
2018-12-12 Eneas U de... grilo: update vapi files, copy to unversioned dir
2018-12-12 Eneas U de... libgee: use unversioned vala dir, misc fixes
2018-12-12 Ted Hessintltool: Add patch to fix regular expressions and...
2018-12-12 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #7645 from WeekendSoftware/safe...
2018-12-12 Gregory L.... net/safe-search: Fix double installation bug
2018-12-12 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #7644 from cotequeiroz/unixodbc_save...
2018-12-12 Eneas U de... unixodbc: save unixodbc_conf.h for host build
2018-12-12 Andre Heiderprometheus-statsd-exporter: add new package
2018-12-12 Ted HessMerge pull request #7482 from sotux/master
2018-12-12 James Qiannginx: unified indentation character and add additional...
2018-12-11 Ted HessMerge pull request #7640 from jefferyto/fix-golang...
2018-12-11 Jeffery Togolang: fix package clean / autoremove, add output...
2018-12-11 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #7605 from cotequeiroz/libtins_soname
2018-12-11 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #7630 from lucize/clamup
2018-12-11 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #7538 from smutt/danish
2018-12-11 Yousong Zhouxl2tpd: bump to version 1.3.13
2018-12-10 Lucian Cristianclamav: update to 0.101.0
2018-12-10 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #7540 from BKPepe/netdata
2018-12-10 Hannu Nymanyaaw: fix mirror hash
2018-12-10 Hannu Nymanyaaw: try to fix bad copy at a source mirror
2018-12-10 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #7596 from cotequeiroz/psqlodbc_odbc...
2018-12-10 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #7595 from cotequeiroz/unixodbc_lib-dir
2018-12-10 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #7358 from neheb/yara
2018-12-10 Nikos Mavrogiannopoulosgnutls: updated to 3.6.5
2018-12-10 Peter Wagnergit: update to 2.20.0
2018-12-10 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #7628 from DocLM/libgphoto2