2024-01-25 Paul Donaldluci-mod-network: repair DHCP relay validation logic
2024-01-25 Jo-Philipp... luci-mod-network: rework DHCP relay settings
2024-01-24 Philippe Duveauluci-app-openvpn: Updates proto and mssfix params
2024-01-24 Jo-Philipp... Merge pull request #6862 from jesferman/fix_11r_depende...
2024-01-24 He Pingluci-app-upup: Improve translation
2024-01-23 Stan GrishinMerge pull request #6851 from stangri/openwrt-22.03...
2024-01-22 Andrea Pesaresiluci-app-ksmbd: update kmod from version to vermagic
2024-01-21 Hannu Nymantreewide: Backport translations, sync
2024-01-20 Stan Grishinluci-app-https-dns-proxy: remove unnecessary translatio...
2024-01-11 Stan GrishinMerge pull request #6826 from stangri/openwrt-22.03...
2024-01-11 Stan Grishinluci-theme-openwrt-2020: fix anchor decorations
2024-01-09 Stan GrishinMerge pull request #6822 from stangri/openwrt-22.03...
2024-01-09 Stan Grishinluci-app-https-dns-proxy: bugfix: editing providers...
2024-01-06 Hannu Nymantreewide: Backport translations from master and sync
2024-01-06 Hannu Nymantimezone data: update to 2023d
2023-12-28 Ramon Van Gorkomluci-app-usteer: Added tooltip while hovering over...
2023-12-28 Ramon Van Gorkomluci-app-usteer: Removed save/apply button on status...
2023-12-28 Paul Donaldluci-mod-network: DHCP tab IPsets ( add NFTsets propert...
2023-12-28 Paul Donaldluci-app-sshtunnel: sync .po files
2023-12-28 Sergey Ponomarevluci-app-sshtunnel: servers: ProxyCommand option
2023-12-27 Sergey Ponomarevluci-app-sshtunnel: i18n
2023-12-27 Sergey Ponomarevluci-app-sshtunnel: hide Save and Apply buutons for...
2023-12-27 Sergey Ponomarevluci-app-sshtunnel: servers: make a link to man ssh_config
2023-12-27 Sergey Ponomarevluci-app-sshtunnel: extract a public key from a key...
2023-12-27 Sergey Ponomarevluci-app-sshtunnel: ssh_keys: list keys without a corre...
2023-12-27 Sergey Ponomarevluci-app-sshtunnel: generate a new key
2023-12-23 Paul Donaldluci-base: comment fixes (sp)
2023-12-23 Hannu Nymantreewide: Backport and sync translations
2023-12-21 Detluci-proto-ipv6: Add DHCPv6 norelease menu option ...
2023-12-19 Paul Donaldluci-app-statistics: lookup -> look up
2023-12-19 Paul Donaldluci-app-openvpn: Add multihome boolean.
2023-12-11 Stan GrishinMerge pull request #6762 from stangri/openwrt-22.03...
2023-12-11 Stan Grishinluci-app-https-dns-proxy: update to 2023-10-25-5
2023-12-08 Jo-Philipp... luci-mod-network: exclude alias to self from device...
2023-12-08 Jo-Philipp... luci-mod-network: properly reflect config state in...
2023-12-06 Christian Marangiluci-mod-status: add ACL entry for storage index
2023-12-06 Jan Hoffmannluci-app-vnstat2: fix configuration page when database...
2023-12-05 luci-app-tinyproxy: support socks5 upstream (#6303)
2023-12-04 Nicholaos MouzourakisAdding a DNS option to the wireguard peer config generator.
2023-12-04 Paul DonaldMerge pull request #6352 from nevumx/add-wireguard...
2023-12-04 Vladislav Grigoryevluci-proto-sstp: add support for custom port (#6634)
2023-12-04 Duncan Hillluci-app-example: Update with more documentation, more...
2023-12-04 Paul Donaldluci-proto-wireguard: Remove confirmation dialogue...
2023-12-04 Xiang Wluci-lib-nixio: Fix add_luci_conffiles adding duplicate...
2023-12-04 Sergey Ponomarevluci-app-tor: Manage tor-hs onion services (#6476)
2023-12-04 Sergey PonomarevNew app: luci-app-sshtunnel for SSH tunnels (#6424)
2023-12-04 Rani Hodluci-app-statistics: regenerate graphs on window resize
2023-12-04 Paul DonaldMerge pull request #6642 from vgaetera/dnsmasq-network...
2023-12-04 Paul DonaldMerge pull request #6651 from jjm2473/upstream/dockerma...
2023-12-04 Paul DonaldMerge pull request #6525 from hingbong/issue-6524
2023-12-04 Paul DonaldMerge pull request #6734 from felagund/patch-1
2023-12-04 Paul DonaldMerge pull request #6712 from systemcrash/discard_text
2023-12-04 Paul DonaldMerge pull request #6400 from vintas/patch-2
2023-12-04 Paul DonaldMerge pull request #6386 from egc112/egc112-openvpn...
2023-12-04 Paul DonaldMerge pull request #6296 from jjm2473/patch-2
2023-12-04 Paul DonaldMerge pull request #6295 from jjm2473/patch-1
2023-12-04 Paul DonaldMerge pull request #6216 from ne20002/luci-app-crowdsec...
2023-12-04 Paul DonaldMerge pull request #5631 from coudu/luci-app-nut-fixes
2023-12-04 Paul DonaldMerge pull request #5520 from acooler15/luci-lib-docker
2023-12-04 Paul Donaldluci-proto-modemmanager: Added logging level option...
2023-12-04 Ramon00Luci-app-usteer: First version of luci-app-usteer
2023-12-04 Jo-Philipp... Merge pull request #6707 from ElbertMai/fix_vxlan6_ui
2023-12-04 Jo-Philipp... Merge pull request #6698 from vgaetera/route-defaults-fix
2023-12-04 Hannu Nymantreewide: Backport translations, sync
2023-11-19 Jan Hoffmannluci-app-vnstat2: use more efficient way to get databas...
2023-11-07 Jo-Philipp... luci-lib-ip: fix creating address instances from integers
2023-10-26 Stan GrishinMerge pull request #6654 from stangri/openwrt-22.03...
2023-10-26 Stan Grishinluci-app-https-dns-proxy: add status->overview include...
2023-10-25 Jo-Philipp... luci-lib-jsonc: improve handling of integral numeric...
2023-10-19 Jo-Philipp... luci-mod-status: persist sorting of DHCP lease status...
2023-10-19 Jo-Philipp... luci-base: ui.js: sorting fixes for tables initialized...
2023-10-08 Hannu Nymantreewide: Backport translations from master
2023-09-09 Hannu Nymantreewide: Backport from master and sync translations
2023-09-04 Stan GrishinMerge pull request #6559 from stangri/openwrt-22.03...
2023-09-03 Stan Grishinluci-app-https-dns-proxy: rewrite in javascript
2023-08-10 Hannu Nymantreewide: Backport translations from master
2023-07-29 Stan GrishinMerge pull request #6488 from stangri/openwrt-22.03...
2023-07-28 Stan Grishinluci-app-simple-adblock: bugfix: unsupported DNS option...
2023-07-17 Dirk Brenkenluci-app-banip: fix URL regex in custom feed editor
2023-07-16 Dirk Brenkenluci-app-banip: sync with banIP 0.9.0-1
2023-07-08 Dirk Brenkenluci-app-travelmate: remove unneeded dependency
2023-07-08 Dirk Brenkenluci-app-banip: remove unneeded dependency
2023-07-08 Dirk Brenkenluci-app-adblock: remove unneeded dependency
2023-07-02 Hannu Nymantreewide: Backport/sync translations
2023-06-24 Dirk Brenkenluci-app-banip: sync with banIP 0.8.8-1
2023-06-24 Dirk Brenkenluci-app-banip: sync with banIP 0.8.7-1
2023-06-19 Jo-Philipp... luci-mod-network: fix incorrectly reverting vlan device...
2023-06-07 Christian Marangiluci-mod-status: handle HE channel width for channel_an...
2023-06-03 Hannu Nymantreewide: Backport translations from master
2023-06-02 Hannu Nymanluci-app-statistics: enhance tcpconns plugin
2023-05-30 Jo-Philipp... luci-mod-network: fix dropdown clipping on diagnostics...
2023-05-20 Stan GrishinMerge pull request #6394 from stangri/openwrt-22.03...
2023-05-19 Stan Grishinluci-app-https-dns-proxy: fix curl-related error in...
2023-05-13 Dirk Brenkenluci-app-banip: sync with banIP 0.8.6-1
2023-05-11 Stan GrishinMerge pull request #6384 from stangri/openwrt-22.03...
2023-05-09 Stan Grishinluci-app-pbr: opkg_get_version bugfix
2023-05-09 Stan GrishinMerge pull request #6375 from stangri/openwrt-22.03...
2023-05-08 Dirk Brenkenluci-app-banip: sync with banIP 0.8.5-1
2023-05-05 Stan Grishinluci-app-pbr: update to 1.1.1-5
2023-05-05 Stan GrishinMerge pull request #6368 from stangri/openwrt-22.03...