2017-07-14 Daniel Gollepython: itsdangerous: add package
2017-07-14 Daniel Gollepython: MarkupSafe: add package
2017-07-14 Daniel Gollepython: Jinja2: add package
2017-07-14 Daniel Gollepyodbc: assume SQL_C_WCHAR is native endian
2017-07-14 Daniel GolleMerge pull request #4531 from dangowrt/update-python...
2017-07-14 Daniel Gollepython-yaml: update source and build for python3
2017-07-14 champtarMerge pull request #4587 from diizzyy/patch-71
2017-07-14 Daniel Engbergsound/lame: Update as MP3 isn't covered by patents
2017-07-13 Philip PrindevilleMerge pull request #4585 from pprindeville/beanstalk...
2017-07-13 Philip Prindevillebeanstalkd: switch to xz compression and add PKG_HASH
2017-07-13 Daniel GolleMerge pull request #4044 from pprindeville/add-beanstal...
2017-07-13 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #4555 from antonlacon/ffmpeg-3.2.x
2017-07-13 Philip Prindevillebeanstalkd: add package
2017-07-11 Philip PrindevilleMerge pull request #4570 from pprindeville/lighttpd...
2017-07-11 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #4507 from diizzyy/patch-59
2017-07-11 Jo-Philipp... Merge pull request #4561 from wertarbyte/package_libnet
2017-07-11 Jo-Philipp... Merge pull request #4511 from wertarbyte/package_trigge...
2017-07-11 Karl Palssonmosquitto: update to 1.4.14
2017-07-11 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #4571 from diizzyy/patch-62
2017-07-11 Stijn TintelMerge pull request #4566 from dedeckeh/pr-netsnmp-config
2017-07-11 Daniel Engberglibs/confuse: Update to 3.2
2017-07-10 Philip Prindevillelighttpd: add 'reload' to init script to make logrotate...
2017-07-10 Hans Dedeckernetsnmp: add global enabled config option
2017-07-10 Karl Palssonmosquitto: update to 1.4.13
2017-07-10 Peter Wagnerirssi: update to 1.0.4
2017-07-09 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #4556 from zx2c4/master
2017-07-09 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #4558 from commodo/python-cleanup1
2017-07-09 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #4557 from dibdot/travelmate
2017-07-09 Stefan Tomaneknetdiscover: use simplified libnet header location
2017-07-09 Stefan Tomaneklibnet-1.2.x: simplify build dep installation
2017-07-09 Etienne Champetierscreen: update to 4.6.0
2017-07-09 Etienne Champetiermonit: update to 5.23
2017-07-09 Etienne Champetiersqlite3: update to 3.19.3
2017-07-08 Daniel Gollepython-gnupg: add package
2017-07-08 Etienne Champetierzabbix: update to 3.2.6
2017-07-08 Etienne Champetierzabbix: partially fix zabbix-extra-mac80211
2017-07-08 Thomas HeilMerge pull request #4563 from dangowrt/fix-odbc-config
2017-07-08 Daniel Gollepsqlodbc: build against staging libs
2017-07-08 Daniel Golleunixodbc: fix cross-compile drivers
2017-07-07 Florian Fainelliportaudio: Pass down TARGET_CPPFLAGS only build what...
2017-07-07 Stefan Tomanektriggerhappy: update to upstream version 0.5.0
2017-07-07 Daniel Gollepsqlodbc: add package
2017-07-07 Daniel GolleMerge pull request #4559 from commodo/python-pyodbc-fix
2017-07-07 Thomas HeilMerge pull request #4532 from dangowrt/auto-unixodbc
2017-07-07 Alexandru Ardeleanpyodbc: fix python-pyodbc variant ; wasn't working
2017-07-07 Alexandru Ardeleanpython-lxml: override PyBuild/Compile & Py3Build/Compil...
2017-07-07 Alexandru Ardeleanpython,python3: remove .egginfo directories
2017-07-07 Alexandru Ardeleanpython,python3: define PyBuild/Compile & Py3Build/Compile
2017-07-07 Dirk Brenkentravelmate: update 0.8.2
2017-07-07 Jason A. Donenfeldwireguard: version bump
2017-07-07 Jason A. Donenfeldwireguard: assume /32 or /128 if no CIDR is given
2017-07-06 Ian Leonardffmpeg: update to 3.2.6, correct arm optimization check
2017-07-06 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #4554 from lucize/clamavssl
2017-07-06 Lucian Cristianclamav: Fix OpenSSL dependency
2017-07-06 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #4542 from MikePetullo/dovecot
2017-07-06 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #4552 from dibdot/travelmate
2017-07-06 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #4553 from val-kulkov/subversion...
2017-07-06 Val Kulkovsubversion: update to v1.9.6
2017-07-06 Dirk Brenkentravelmate: update 0.8.1
2017-07-06 Alexandru Ardeleanpython: fix intermitent build failure
2017-07-05 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #4546 from mrpace2/rename-i2c-lua...
2017-07-05 mrpace2relocated upstream repo, update to upstream v1.1.2
2017-07-05 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #4545 from dibdot/adblock
2017-07-05 Dirk Brenkenadblock: update 2.8.3
2017-07-05 Daniel Gollegawk: add GNU awk package
2017-07-05 W. Michael... pigeonhole: new package
2017-07-05 W. Michael... dovecot: install libraries to allow building plugins
2017-07-04 Hauke MehrtensMerge pull request #4539 from hauke/tor
2017-07-03 Hauke Mehrtenstor: update to version
2017-07-03 Jo-Philipp... Merge pull request #4538 from commodo/python-updates
2017-07-03 Alexandru Ardeleanpython,python3: add dependency on CONFIG_PACKAGE_ symbo...
2017-07-03 Alexandru Ardeleanpython,python3: simplify `sed` expression for setuptool...
2017-07-03 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #4536 from lucize/doveup
2017-07-03 Yousong Zhoushadowsocks-libev: disable documentation
2017-07-03 Alexandru Ardeleanpython,python3: fix underlinking issues with lrt (clock...
2017-07-03 Florian Fainellilibnopoll: Fix clashes with sys/param.h and link with...
2017-07-03 Florian Fainellijq: Set -std=c99 CLFAGS
2017-07-02 Lucian Cristiandovecot: update
2017-07-02 Michael Heimpoldlibiio: add missing dependencies to avahi
2017-07-02 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #4533 from pprindeville/acpica-versi...
2017-07-02 Daniel Golleunixodbc: auto-generate odbcinst.ini
2017-07-02 Philip Prindevilleacpica-unix: version bump and add parallel build
2017-07-02 Daniel Gollepostgresql: allow populating required DB using script
2017-07-02 Yousong Zhoushadowsocks-libev: rewrite
2017-07-01 Daniel Gollepython-pyodbc: add package
2017-07-01 Daniel Gollegnunet: update source
2017-07-01 Daniel Gollepostgresql: update to version 9.6.3
2017-07-01 Nuno Goncalvesnmap: bump version to 7.50
2017-07-01 Michael Heimpoldlibiio: fix typo from previous commit
2017-06-30 Michael Heimpoldlibiio: make optional dependencies conditional
2017-06-29 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #4526 from zx2c4/patch-7
2017-06-29 Jason A. Donenfeldwireguard: version bump
2017-06-29 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #4524 from commodo/more-fix-ovs
2017-06-29 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #4525 from dibdot/adblock
2017-06-29 Dirk Brenkenadblock: update 2.8.2
2017-06-29 Stijn Tinteldomoticz: removed hardcoded userdata path
2017-06-29 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #4523 from dibdot/adblock
2017-06-29 Alexandru Ardeleanpython,python3: install mk files in the Host/Install...
2017-06-29 Dirk Brenkenadblock: update 2.8.1
2017-06-29 Alexandru Ardeleanopenvswitch: make dependencies conditional for openvswi...