2017-07-03 Florian Fainellijq: Set -std=c99 CLFAGS
2017-07-02 Michael Heimpoldlibiio: add missing dependencies to avahi
2017-07-02 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #4533 from pprindeville/acpica-versi...
2017-07-02 Philip Prindevilleacpica-unix: version bump and add parallel build
2017-07-02 Daniel Gollepostgresql: allow populating required DB using script
2017-07-02 Yousong Zhoushadowsocks-libev: rewrite
2017-07-01 Daniel Gollepython-pyodbc: add package
2017-07-01 Daniel Gollegnunet: update source
2017-07-01 Daniel Gollepostgresql: update to version 9.6.3
2017-07-01 Nuno Goncalvesnmap: bump version to 7.50
2017-07-01 Michael Heimpoldlibiio: fix typo from previous commit
2017-06-30 Michael Heimpoldlibiio: make optional dependencies conditional
2017-06-29 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #4526 from zx2c4/patch-7
2017-06-29 Jason A. Donenfeldwireguard: version bump
2017-06-29 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #4524 from commodo/more-fix-ovs
2017-06-29 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #4525 from dibdot/adblock
2017-06-29 Dirk Brenkenadblock: update 2.8.2
2017-06-29 Stijn Tinteldomoticz: removed hardcoded userdata path
2017-06-29 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #4523 from dibdot/adblock
2017-06-29 Alexandru Ardeleanpython,python3: install mk files in the Host/Install...
2017-06-29 Dirk Brenkenadblock: update 2.8.1
2017-06-29 Alexandru Ardeleanopenvswitch: make dependencies conditional for openvswi...
2017-06-29 Alexandru Ardeleanopenvswitch: add CONFIG_PACKAGE_openvswitch-python...
2017-06-29 Alexandru Ardeleanpython-six: rename PKG_NAME to python-six, and adapt...
2017-06-29 Alexandru Ardeleanopenvswitch: enforce the use of the python binary from...
2017-06-29 Rafał Miłeckilighttpd: backport more mod_cgi fixes queued for 1...
2017-06-28 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #4483 from andor-pierdelacabeza...
2017-06-28 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #4519 from zx2c4/patch-7
2017-06-28 Jason A. Donenfeldwireguard: version bump
2017-06-28 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #4518 from EricLuehrsen/unbound_1_6_4
2017-06-28 Eric Luehrsenunbound: update to 1.6.4
2017-06-27 Alvaro [Andor]Fix http/https, increase PKG_RELEASE
2017-06-27 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #4515 from pprindeville/rng-tools...
2017-06-27 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #4517 from dibdot/adblock
2017-06-27 Philip Prindevillerng-tools: add upstreamed patch to fix newlines in...
2017-06-27 Dirk Brenkenadblock: update 2.8.0 (release 2)
2017-06-27 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #4516 from dibdot/adblock
2017-06-27 Dirk Brenkenadblock: update 2.8.0
2017-06-26 Nikos MavrogiannopoulosMerge pull request #4494 from yousong/openconnect
2017-06-25 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #4416 from diizzyy/patch-50
2017-06-25 Peter Wagnergit: update to 2.13.2
2017-06-25 Peter Wagnerglib2: update to 2.52.3
2017-06-24 Daniel Gollegnunet: update source and init script
2017-06-24 Daniel Gollepostgresql: fix host build and correctly apply NLS
2017-06-24 Ted HessMerge pull request #4508 from diizzyy/patch-60
2017-06-24 Daniel Engberglibs/opus: Update to 1.2
2017-06-24 Philip Prindevilleacpica: initial commit
2017-06-23 Michael Heimpoldlibiio: add missing dependency to libusb
2017-06-23 Daniel Gollegnunet: update source
2017-06-23 Daniel Gollepostgresql: properly handle pg_config host build
2017-06-23 Daniel GolleMerge pull request #4430 from diizzyy/patch-58
2017-06-23 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #4454 from poranje/fs#785
2017-06-22 Michael Heimpoldlibiio: add new package
2017-06-22 Daniel Gollelibudev-fbsd: select libevdev
2017-06-22 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #4503 from TDT-GmbH/mwan3_changes
2017-06-22 Florian Eckertnet/mwan3: update version
2017-06-22 Florian Eckertnet/mwan3: simplify tracking status statement command
2017-06-22 Florian Eckertnet/mwan3: add lock for mwan3 hotplug script
2017-06-22 Michael HeimpoldMerge pull request #4485 from pprindeville/php7-enable...
2017-06-22 Stijn TintelMerge pull request #4484 from pprindeville/net-snmp...
2017-06-21 Philip Prindevillenet-snmp: add symlink for net-snmp-config into usr/bin
2017-06-20 Daniel Gollepostgresql: set include path to fix building contribs
2017-06-20 Daniel Gollepostgresql: disable parallel build
2017-06-20 Paul Oranjeunbound: manage resolv.conf iff when listening on 127...
2017-06-20 Daniel Engbergutils/pcsc-tools: Add to repo
2017-06-20 Stijn TintelMerge pull request #4273 from dedeckeh/pr-netsnmp-trap
2017-06-19 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #4498 from lynxis/libmicrohttpd0...
2017-06-19 Daniel Golleeudev: remove package
2017-06-19 Daniel Golleuvcdynctrl: get rid of udev
2017-06-19 Daniel Golleusbip: use libudev-fbsd instead of eudev
2017-06-19 Daniel Gollelibudev-fbsd: add stubs for usbip
2017-06-19 Daniel Gollepostgresql: fix build and improve packaging
2017-06-19 Alexander Couzenslibmicrohttpd: update to version 0.9.55
2017-06-19 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #4495 from dibdot/travelmate
2017-06-19 Hannu NymanMerge pull request #4496 from aTanW/master
2017-06-19 Shuanglei Taottyd: update to 1.3.3
2017-06-19 Daniel Gollecgi-io: merge changes from luci2-io-helper
2017-06-19 aTanWgammu: bump to a new upstream v1.38.4
2017-06-19 Dirk Brenkentravelmate: update 0.8.0
2017-06-19 Hans Dedeckernet-snmp: add notification config options
2017-06-19 Jo-Philipp... Merge pull request #4493 from yousong/coreutils-stdbuf
2017-06-19 Yousong Zhouopenconnect: openconnect-wrapper: rewrite
2017-06-19 Yousong Zhoucoreutils: stdbuf: fix missing libstdbuf.so
2017-06-19 Florian Fainellirxtx: Fix permissions and format
2017-06-19 Florian Fainellizerotier: Allow building with older GCC 4.8
2017-06-18 Daniel Gollelibinput: update to version 1.7.3 and use libudev-fbsd
2017-06-18 Daniel Gollelibudev-fbsd: add package
2017-06-18 Daniel Gollelibevdev: update to version 1.5.6
2017-06-18 Daniel Gollembtools: use https to clone and add PKG_MIRROR_HASH
2017-06-18 Daniel Gollelibp11: update to version 0.4.6
2017-06-18 Daniel Gollepcsc-lite: update to version 1.8.22
2017-06-18 Daniel Golleglpk: update to version 4.62
2017-06-18 Daniel Gollegnurl: update to version 7.54.1
2017-06-18 Daniel Gollepostgresql: update to version 9.4.12
2017-06-18 Daniel Golleopentracker: bump source
2017-06-18 Daniel Gollelibowfat: update to version 0.31
2017-06-18 Florian Fainelliopenzwave: Avoid picking host libraries
2017-06-18 Florian Fainellicgi-io: Find and search for libubus.h
2017-06-18 Florian Fainellifping: Set -std=gnu99 to fix build errors due to C99...
2017-06-18 Nikos Mavrogiannopoulosgnutls: updated to 3.5.13