2014-05-08 Felix Fietkauigmpproxy: allow as allowed net in the config
2014-05-08 Florian Fainelliddns-scripts: Support Mythic Beast's Dynamic DNS API
2014-05-08 Florian Fainellidhcpcd: update to 6.1.0
2014-05-08 Florian Fainelliinput-utils: update to 1.1
2014-05-08 Florian Fainelliseeks: fix compile on platforms with VFP
2014-05-08 Florian Fainellignutls: Allow gnutls to be compiled using nettle-mini.
2014-05-08 Florian Fainellinettle: Nettle can be configured to not use gmp
2014-05-08 Florian Fainellignutls: Made several parts of gnutls configurable and...
2014-05-08 Florian Fainellishairport: Update shairport to final version 1.0
2014-05-06 Florian Fainellitgt: fix conffiles section
2014-05-05 Stephen Walker[packages] libotr: remove host paths to fix buildbot...
2014-05-05 Stephen Walker[packages] libimobiledevice: update to 1.1.6, bypass...
2014-05-05 Stephen Walker[packages] libusbmuxd: add separate libusbmuxd & tools...
2014-05-05 Stephen Walker[packages] libplist: update to 1.11, build without...
2014-05-05 Florian Fainellinew package tgt
2014-05-05 Florian Fainellihaserl: uptate to 0.9.32, add optional lua support
2014-05-05 Florian Fainellihttping: fix build with NLS
2014-05-05 Florian Fainellitayga: fix compile on platforms with VFP
2014-05-05 Florian Fainellitvheadend: fix compile on platforms with VFP
2014-05-03 Hauke Mehrtensposix: fix build
2014-05-03 Hauke Mehrtensetherpuppet: correct broken url
2014-05-03 Hauke Mehrtensbemused: fix build by including more include files
2014-05-03 Hauke Mehrtensxupnpd: Update to latest version, switch to procd and...
2014-05-03 Hauke Mehrtensluaposix: update to v31
2014-05-03 Hauke Mehrtensluabitop: add new package for luaposix
2014-05-03 Hauke Mehrtenspptpd: bump to version 1.4.0 (fix bugs #12909, #15490...
2014-05-03 Hauke Mehrtenshaveged: bump to 1.9.1
2014-05-03 Hauke Mehrtenshtop: bump version to 1.03
2014-05-02 Stephen Walker[packages] ldns: update to 1.6.17
2014-05-02 Stephen Walker[packages] unbound: update to 1.4.22, drop libldns...
2014-05-02 Stephen Walker[packages] usbmuxd: update to 1.0.8 (CVE-2012-0065...
2014-05-02 Stephen Walker[packages] vblade: update to 21
2014-05-02 Stephen Walker[packages] uftp: update to 4.1.5
2014-05-02 Stephen Walker[packages] tor-alpha: update to
2014-05-01 Hauke Mehrtenspyload: do not depend on python-django
2014-05-01 Hauke Mehrtensweechat: update to version 0.4.3 and fix dependencies
2014-05-01 Hauke Mehrtensmxml: update to version 2.8
2014-05-01 Hauke Mehrtensnufw: add dependency to libgcrypt
2014-05-01 Hauke MehrtensRevert "replace dependency of libffmpeg with libffmpeg...
2014-05-01 Hauke Mehrtenstesseract: update to version 3.02.02
2014-05-01 Hauke Mehrtenspyload: update to current version 0.4.9
2014-05-01 Hauke Mehrtenscollectd: Fix collectd / Luci statistics breakage due...
2014-05-01 Hauke Mehrtensreplace dependency of libffmpeg with libffmpeg-mini
2014-05-01 Hauke Mehrtensmocp: bumped version from 2.4.4 to 2.5.0-beta2 and...
2014-05-01 Hauke Mehrtenslibyaml: update to version 0.1.6
2014-05-01 Hauke Mehrtenspyyaml: update to version 3.11
2014-05-01 Hauke MehrtensUpdate zabbix to 2.2.2
2014-05-01 Hauke Mehrtenszabbix: Always install /etc/zabbix_agentd.conf.d dir...
2014-05-01 Hauke Mehrtensnagios-plugins: Fix check_procs command
2014-05-01 Hauke Mehrtenstvheadend: Update Tvheadend to 3.4patch1
2014-05-01 Hauke Mehrtensradsecproxy: procd conversion and version bump
2014-05-01 Hauke Mehrtenssslstrip: update to version 0.9
2014-05-01 Hauke Mehrtensstrace: update to version 3.8
2014-05-01 Hauke Mehrtensruby: fix unresolved getaddrinfo #9873 and update to...
2014-05-01 Hauke Mehrtensexpat: update to version 2.1.0
2014-05-01 Hauke Mehrtenssudo: update sudo to version 1.7.10p8
2014-05-01 Hauke Mehrtensgnupg: update to version 1.4.16
2014-05-01 Hauke Mehrtensyaml: update to version 0.1.5
2014-05-01 Hauke Mehrtenssubversion: update to version 1.6.23
2014-05-01 Hauke Mehrtenspackages: remove empty directories
2014-05-01 Hauke Mehrtenscurl: fix compile with cyassl version 3.0.0
2014-05-01 Hauke Mehrtensopenswan: update openswan to version 2.6.41
2014-04-30 Hauke Mehrtensmii-tool: update to 2014-02-18
2014-04-30 Hauke Mehrtensluaposix: Update source links and urls
2014-04-30 Hauke Mehrtenspv: bump to version 1.5.2
2014-04-30 Hauke Mehrtensscreen: Update to version 4.2.1
2014-04-29 Hauke Mehrtenslibdbi-drivers: update libdbi-drivers to 0.9.0
2014-04-29 Hauke Mehrtenslibdbi: update libdbi to 0.9.0
2014-04-29 Hauke Mehrtenslighttpd: update lighttpd to 1.4.35
2014-04-29 Hauke Mehrtensmosquitto: Update to v1.3.1
2014-04-29 Hauke MehrtensFix wget-nossl variant by disabling ntlm support (bug...
2014-04-29 Hauke Mehrtensamule: remove dependency to
2014-04-27 Hauke MehrtensaMule: update to 2.3.1
2014-04-27 Hauke Mehrtenswxbase: update to version 2.8.12
2014-04-27 Hauke Mehrtensntfs-3g: bump to 2014.2.15
2014-04-27 Hauke Mehrtensffmpeg: update to 0.11.5
2014-04-27 Hauke Mehrtensgnutls: update to 3.2.13
2014-04-27 Hauke Mehrtensparprouted: update to 0.7
2014-04-27 Felix Fietkauwget: bump to 1.15. Fixes compilation in buildhost...
2014-04-23 Thomas Heilpackage: haproxy remove unnecessary patch
2014-04-23 Thomas Heilpackage: haproxy update to 1.4.25
2014-04-22 Florian Fainellilibxslt: update to version 1.1.28
2014-04-20 Peter Wagner[packages] rtorrent: update to git head and add 2 disti...
2014-04-20 Peter Wagner[packages] libtorrent: update to git head
2014-04-17 Felix Fietkaustrongswan: add missing config files for plugins
2014-04-17 Stephen Walker[packages] httping: update to 2.3.4
2014-04-16 Felix Fietkaustrongswan: add missing patch for avoiding collisions...
2014-04-15 Felix Fietkaustrongswan: update to 5.1.3, fixes an authentication...
2014-04-15 Felix Fietkaustrongswan: add missing library for the kernel-libipsec...
2014-04-15 Felix Fietkaustrongswan: remove the PF_ROUTE kernel interface to...
2014-04-15 Felix Fietkauclearsilver: fix building on non-linux systems
2014-04-11 Peter Wagner[packages] git: update to 1.9.2
2014-04-10 Steven Barthmdnsresponder: several Linux-related fixes (thanks...
2014-04-07 Felix Fietkaumultiwan: remove unnecessary call to config_clear()
2014-04-07 Nuno Goncalves[packages]: revert previous change that was committed...
2014-04-06 Nuno GoncalvesSVN-Revision: 40397
2014-04-05 Michael Heimpold[packages] php5: prepare pecl macros to distinguish...
2014-04-05 Michael Heimpold[packages] php5: upgrade to 5.4.27
2014-04-03 Felix Fietkaulibxml2: disable use of liblzma (#15457)
2014-04-02 Peter Wagner[packages] openssh: update to 6.6p1