+++ /dev/null
-menu "bareSIP configuration"
- depends on PACKAGE_baresip
- bool "Compile with FFmpeg support"
- default y if (x86_64)
- help
- The sole purpose of this symbol is to prevent that the bareSIP
- video modules, the ones which depend on FFmpeg, are built by
- default. The reason is that FFmpeg often fails to compile for
- some targets, causing the bareSIP compile to fail as well.
- If you want the modules which depend on FFmpeg to become
- available, select 'y'.
include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/package.mk
-define Package/$(PKG_NAME)/config
- source "$(SOURCE)/Config.in"
define Package/baresip/Default
$(eval $(call BuildPlugin,alsa,ALSA audio driver,alsa,+alsa-lib))
$(eval $(call BuildPlugin,aubridge,Audio bridge module,aubridge,))
$(eval $(call BuildPlugin,aufile,Audio module for using a WAV-file as audio input,aufile,))
-$(eval $(call BuildPlugin,avcodec,Video codec using FFmpeg,avcodec,@BARESIP_WITH_FFMPEG +libffmpeg-full))
+$(eval $(call BuildPlugin,avcodec,Video codec using FFmpeg,avcodec,+libffmpeg-full))
$(eval $(call BuildPlugin,avformat,Video source using FFmpeg,avformat,baresip-mod-avcodec))
$(eval $(call BuildPlugin,b2bua,Back-to-Back User-Agent module,b2bua,))
$(eval $(call BuildPlugin,cons,UDP/TCP console UI driver,cons,))