{ Flag, "client_disconnect", 0, translate("Run script cmd on client disconnection") },
{ Value, "learn_address", "/usr/bin/ovpn-learnaddress", translate("Executed in server mode whenever an IPv4 address/route or MAC address is added to OpenVPN's internal routing table") },
{ Value, "auth_user_pass_verify", "/usr/bin/ovpn-userpass via-env", translate("Executed in server mode on new client connections, when the client is still untrusted") },
- { ListValue, "script_security", { 0, 1, 2, 3 }, translate("Policy level over usage of external programs and scripts"), {mode="server" } },
+ { ListValue, "script_security", { 0, 1, 2, 3 }, translate("Policy level over usage of external programs and scripts") },
} },
{ "Networking", {