define Package/https-dns-proxy/install
$(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/sbin
+ $(INSTALL_BIN) $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/https_dns_proxy $(1)/usr/sbin/https-dns-proxy
$(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/etc/init.d
+ $(INSTALL_BIN) ./files/etc/init.d/https-dns-proxy $(1)/etc/init.d/https-dns-proxy
+ $(SED) "s|^\(readonly PKG_VERSION\).*|\1='$(PKG_VERSION)-$(PKG_RELEASE)'|" $(1)/etc/init.d/https-dns-proxy
$(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/etc/config
- $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/etc/hotplug.d/iface
+ $(INSTALL_CONF) ./files/etc/config/https-dns-proxy $(1)/etc/config/https-dns-proxy
+ $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/etc/hotplug.d/online
+ $(INSTALL_DATA) ./files/etc/hotplug.d/online/30-https-dns-proxy $(1)/etc/hotplug.d/online/30-https-dns-proxy
$(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/etc/uci-defaults/
- $(INSTALL_BIN) $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/https_dns_proxy $(1)/usr/sbin/https-dns-proxy
- $(INSTALL_BIN) ./files/https-dns-proxy.init $(1)/etc/init.d/https-dns-proxy
- $(SED) "s|^\(readonly PKG_VERSION\).*|\1='$(PKG_VERSION)-$(PKG_RELEASE)'|" $(1)/etc/init.d/https-dns-proxy
- $(INSTALL_CONF) ./files/https-dns-proxy.config $(1)/etc/config/https-dns-proxy
- $(INSTALL_BIN) ./files/https-dns-proxy.defaults $(1)/etc/uci-defaults/
+ $(INSTALL_BIN) ./files/etc/uci-defaults/ $(1)/etc/uci-defaults/
$(eval $(call BuildPackage,https-dns-proxy))
--- /dev/null
+config main 'config'
+ option canary_domains_icloud '1'
+ option canary_domains_mozilla '1'
+ option dnsmasq_config_update '*'
+ option force_dns '1'
+ list force_dns_port '53'
+ list force_dns_port '853'
+# ports listed below are used by some
+# of the dnscrypt-proxy v1 resolvers
+# list force_dns_port '553'
+# list force_dns_port '1443'
+# list force_dns_port '4343'
+# list force_dns_port '4434'
+# list force_dns_port '5443'
+# list force_dns_port '8443'
+ option procd_trigger_wan6 '0'
+config https-dns-proxy
+ option bootstrap_dns ','
+ option resolver_url ''
+ option listen_addr ''
+ option listen_port '5053'
+ option user 'nobody'
+ option group 'nogroup'
+config https-dns-proxy
+ option bootstrap_dns ','
+ option resolver_url ''
+ option listen_addr ''
+ option listen_port '5054'
+ option user 'nobody'
+ option group 'nogroup'
--- /dev/null
+/etc/init.d/https-dns-proxy start 'on_hotplug'
--- /dev/null
+#!/bin/sh /etc/rc.common
+# Copyright 2019-2023 Stan Grishin (
+# shellcheck disable=SC1091,SC3043,SC3060
+# shellcheck disable=SC2034
+# shellcheck disable=SC2034
+if type extra_command 1>/dev/null 2>&1; then
+ extra_command 'version' 'Show version information'
+# shellcheck disable=SC2034
+ EXTRA_COMMANDS='version'
+readonly PKG_VERSION='dev-test'
+readonly packageName='https-dns-proxy'
+readonly serviceName="$packageName $PKG_VERSION"
+readonly _OK_='\033[0;32m\xe2\x9c\x93\033[0m'
+readonly _FAIL_='\033[0;31m\xe2\x9c\x97\033[0m'
+readonly PROG=/usr/sbin/https-dns-proxy
+readonly BOOTSTRAP_CF=',,2606:4700:4700::1111,2606:4700:4700::1001'
+readonly BOOTSTRAP_GOOGLE=',,2001:4860:4860::8888,2001:4860:4860::8844'
+readonly canaryDomainsMozilla=''
+readonly canaryDomainsiCloud=''
+str_contains() { [ -n "$1" ] &&[ -n "$2" ] && [ "${1//$2}" != "$1" ]; }
+is_mac_address() { expr "$1" : '[0-9A-F][0-9A-F]:[0-9A-F][0-9A-F]:[0-9A-F][0-9A-F]:[0-9A-F][0-9A-F]:[0-9A-F][0-9A-F]:[0-9A-F][0-9A-F]$' >/dev/null; }
+is_ipv4() { expr "$1" : '[0-9][0-9]*\.[0-9][0-9]*\.[0-9][0-9]*\.[0-9][0-9]*$' >/dev/null; }
+is_ipv6() { ! is_mac_address "$1" && str_contains "$1" ":"; }
+output() {
+ local msg memmsg logmsg
+ local sharedMemoryOutput="/dev/shm/$packageName-output"
+ [ -t 1 ] && printf "%b" "$@"
+ msg="${1//$serviceName /service }";
+ if [ "$(printf "%b" "$msg" | wc -l)" -gt 0 ]; then
+ [ -s "$sharedMemoryOutput" ] && memmsg="$(cat "$sharedMemoryOutput")"
+ logmsg="$(printf "%b" "${memmsg}${msg}" | sed 's/\x1b\[[0-9;]*m//g')"
+ logger -t "$packageName" "$(printf "%b" "$logmsg")"
+ rm -f "$sharedMemoryOutput"
+ else
+ printf "%b" "$msg" >> "$sharedMemoryOutput"
+ fi
+output_ok() { output "$_OK_"; }
+output_okn() { output "${_OK_}\\n"; }
+output_fail() { output "$_FAIL_"; }
+output_failn() { output "${_FAIL_}\\n"; }
+uci_add_list_if_new() {
+ local PACKAGE="$1"
+ local CONFIG="$2"
+ local OPTION="$3"
+ local VALUE="$4"
+ local i
+ [ -n "$PACKAGE" ] && [ -n "$CONFIG" ] && [ -n "$OPTION" ] && [ -n "$VALUE" ] || return 1
+ for i in $(uci_get "$PACKAGE" "$CONFIG" "$OPTION"); do
+ [ "$i" = "$VALUE" ] && return 0
+ done
+ uci_add_list "$PACKAGE" "$CONFIG" "$OPTION" "$VALUE"
+uci_changes() {
+ local PACKAGE="$1"
+ local CONFIG="$2"
+ local OPTION="$3"
+dnsmasq_restart() { [ -x /etc/init.d/dnsmasq ] || return 1; /etc/init.d/dnsmasq restart >/dev/null 2>&1; }
+version() { echo "$PKG_VERSION"; }
+xappend() { PROG_param="$PROG_param $1"; }
+append_bool() {
+ local section="$1"
+ local option="$2"
+ local value="$3"
+ local default="${4:-0}"
+ local _loctmp
+ config_get_bool _loctmp "$section" "$option" "$default"
+ [ "$_loctmp" -ne 0 ] && xappend "$value"
+append_parm() {
+ local section="$1"
+ local option="$2"
+ local switch="$3"
+ local default="$4"
+ local _loctmp
+ config_get _loctmp "$section" "$option" "$default"
+ [ -n "$_loctmp" ] && xappend "$switch $_loctmp"
+append_counter() {
+ local section="$1"
+ local option="$2"
+ local switch="$3"
+ local default="${4:-0}"
+ local _loctmp i
+ config_get _loctmp "$section" "$option" "$default"
+# shellcheck disable=SC2086,SC2154
+ for i in $(seq 1 $_loctmp); do
+ xappend '-v'
+ done
+append_bootstrap() {
+ local section="$1"
+ local option="$2"
+ local switch="$3"
+ local default="$4"
+ local _old_ifs="$IFS"
+ local _loctmp _newtmp i
+ config_get _loctmp "$section" "$option" "$default"
+ [ -z "$_loctmp" ] && return 0
+ IFS=" ,"
+ for i in $_loctmp; do
+ if { [ "$ipv6_resolvers_only" -eq 0 ] && is_ipv4 "$i"; } || \
+ { [ "$ipv6_resolvers_only" -ne 0 ] && is_ipv6 "$i"; }; then
+ [ -z "$_newtmp" ] && _newtmp="$i" || _newtmp="${_newtmp},${i}"
+ fi
+ done
+ IFS="$_old_ifs"
+ [ -n "$_newtmp" ] && xappend "$switch $_newtmp"
+ [ "$ipv6_resolvers_only" -eq 0 ] && xappend '-4'
+resolver_health_check() { resolveip -t 3 >/dev/null 2>&1; }
+boot() {
+ ubus -t 30 wait_for network.interface 2>/dev/null
+ rc_procd start_service 'on_boot'
+ resolver_health_check || rc_procd stop_service 'on_boot'
+start_instance() {
+ local cfg="$1" param="$2"
+ local PROG_param
+ local listen_addr listen_port ipv6_resolvers_only p url iface
+ config_get url "$cfg" 'resolver_url'
+ config_get_bool ipv6_resolvers_only "$cfg" 'use_ipv6_resolvers_only' '0'
+ append_parm "$cfg" 'resolver_url' '-r'
+ append_parm "$cfg" 'listen_addr' '-a' ''
+ append_parm "$cfg" 'listen_port' '-p' "$port"
+ append_parm "$cfg" 'dscp_codepoint' '-c'
+ append_bootstrap "$cfg" 'bootstrap_dns' '-b' "$DEFAULT_BOOTSTRAP"
+ append_parm "$cfg" 'user' '-u' 'nobody'
+ append_parm "$cfg" 'group' '-g' 'nogroup'
+ append_parm "$cfg" 'ca_certs_file' '-C'
+ append_parm "$cfg" 'polling_interval' '-i'
+ append_parm "$cfg" 'proxy_server' '-t'
+ append_parm "$cfg" 'logfile' '-l'
+ append_bool "$cfg" 'use_http1' '-x'
+ append_counter "$cfg" 'verbosity' '-v' '0'
+ procd_open_instance
+# shellcheck disable=SC2086
+ procd_set_param command $PROG $PROG_param
+ procd_set_param stderr 1
+ procd_set_param stdout 1
+ procd_set_param respawn
+ procd_open_data
+ json_add_object mdns
+ procd_add_mdns_service "$packageName" 'udp' "$port" "DNS over HTTPS proxy"
+ json_close_object
+ if [ "$force_dns" -ne 0 ]; then
+ json_add_array firewall
+ for iface in $procd_fw_src_interfaces; do
+ for p in $force_dns_port; do
+ if netstat -tuln | grep 'LISTEN' | grep ":${p}" >/dev/null 2>&1 || [ "$p" = '53' ]; then
+ json_add_object ''
+ json_add_string type redirect
+ json_add_string target DNAT
+ json_add_string src "$iface"
+ json_add_string proto 'tcp udp'
+ json_add_string src_dport "$p"
+ json_add_string dest_port "$p"
+ json_add_string family any
+ json_add_boolean reflection 0
+ json_close_object
+ else
+ json_add_object ''
+ json_add_string type rule
+ json_add_string src "$iface"
+ json_add_string dest '*'
+ json_add_string proto 'tcp udp'
+ json_add_string dest_port "$p"
+ json_add_string target REJECT
+ json_close_object
+ fi
+ done
+ done
+ json_close_array
+ fi
+ procd_close_data
+ procd_close_instance
+ if [ "$?" ]; then
+ config_get listen_addr "$cfg" 'listen_addr' ''
+ config_get listen_port "$cfg" 'listen_port' "$port"
+ if [ "$dnsmasq_config_update" = '*' ]; then
+ config_load 'dhcp'
+ config_foreach dnsmasq_doh_server 'dnsmasq' 'add' "${listen_addr}" "${listen_port}"
+ elif [ -n "$dnsmasq_config_update" ]; then
+ for i in $dnsmasq_config_update; do
+ if [ -n "$(uci_get 'dhcp' "@dnsmasq[$i]")" ]; then
+ dnsmasq_doh_server "@dnsmasq[$i]" 'add' "${listen_addr}" "${listen_port}"
+ elif [ -n "$(uci_get 'dhcp' "$i")" ]; then
+ dnsmasq_doh_server "${i}" 'add' "${listen_addr}" "${listen_port}"
+ fi
+ done
+ fi
+ output_ok
+ port="$((port+1))"
+ force_dns=0
+ else
+ output_fail
+ fi
+start_service() {
+ local param="$1"
+ local canaryDomains canary_domains_icloud canary_domains_mozilla
+ local dnsmasq_config_update force_dns force_dns_port
+ local procd_fw_src_interfaces
+ local port=5053
+ output "Starting $serviceName instances ${param:+$param }"
+ config_load "$packageName"
+ config_get_bool canary_domains_icloud 'config' 'canary_domains_icloud' '1'
+ config_get_bool canary_domains_mozilla 'config' 'canary_domains_mozilla' '1'
+ config_get_bool force_dns 'config' 'force_dns' '1'
+ config_get dnsmasq_config_update 'config' 'dnsmasq_config_update' '*'
+ config_get force_dns_port 'config' 'force_dns_port' '53 853'
+ config_get procd_fw_src_interfaces 'config' 'procd_fw_src_interfaces' 'lan'
+ if [ "$canary_domains_icloud" -ne 0 ]; then
+ canaryDomains="${canaryDomains:+$canaryDomains }${canaryDomainsiCloud}"
+ fi
+ if [ "$canary_domains_mozilla" -ne 0 ]; then
+ canaryDomains="${canaryDomains:+$canaryDomains }${canaryDomainsMozilla}"
+ fi
+ dhcp_backup 'create'
+ config_load "$packageName"
+ config_foreach start_instance "$packageName" "$param"
+ output "\\n"
+ if [ -n "$(uci_changes dhcp)" ]; then
+ output "Updating dnsmasq config "
+ if uci_commit 'dhcp'; then
+ output_okn
+ else
+ output_failn
+ fi
+ param='dnsmasq_restart'
+ fi
+ if [ "$param" = 'on_hotplug' ] || [ "$param" = 'on_boot' ] || \
+ [ "$param" = 'dnsmasq_restart' ] ; then
+ output "Restarting dnsmasq "
+ if dnsmasq_restart; then
+ output_okn
+ else
+ output_failn
+ fi
+ fi
+stop_service() {
+ local param="$1"
+ local canaryDomains canary_domains_icloud canary_domains_mozilla
+ local dnsmasq_config_update
+ local s=0
+ output "Stopping $serviceName ${param:+$param }"
+ config_load "$packageName"
+ config_get dnsmasq_config_update 'config' 'dnsmasq_config_update' '*'
+ config_get_bool canary_domains_icloud 'config' 'canary_domains_icloud' '1'
+ config_get_bool canary_domains_mozilla 'config' 'canary_domains_mozilla' '1'
+ if [ "$canary_domains_icloud" -ne 0 ]; then
+ canaryDomains="${canaryDomains:+$canaryDomains }${canaryDomainsiCloud}"
+ fi
+ if [ "$canary_domains_mozilla" -ne 0 ]; then
+ canaryDomains="${canaryDomains:+$canaryDomains }${canaryDomainsMozilla}"
+ fi
+ dhcp_backup 'restore'
+ if [ -n "$(uci_changes dhcp)" ]; then
+ uci_commit 'dhcp'
+ dnsmasq_restart || s=1
+ fi
+# shellcheck disable=SC2015
+ [ "$s" = '0' ] && output_okn || output_failn
+# shellcheck disable=SC1091
+service_triggers() {
+ local wan wan6 i
+ local procd_trigger_wan6
+ config_load "$packageName"
+ config_get_bool procd_trigger_wan6 'config' 'procd_trigger_wan6' '0'
+ . /lib/functions/
+ network_flush_cache
+ network_find_wan wan
+ wan="${wan:-wan}"
+ if [ "$procd_trigger_wan6" -ne 0 ]; then
+ network_find_wan6 wan6
+ wan6="${wan6:-wan6}"
+ fi
+ for i in "$wan" "$wan6"; do
+ [ -n "$i" ] && procd_add_interface_trigger "interface.*" "$i" "/etc/init.d/${packageName}" restart
+ done
+ procd_add_config_trigger "config.change" "$packageName" "/etc/init.d/${packageName}" reload
+service_started() { procd_set_config_changed firewall; }
+service_stopped() { procd_set_config_changed firewall; }
+restart() { procd_send_signal "$packageName"; rc_procd start_service; }
+dnsmasq_doh_server() {
+ local cfg="$1" param="$2" address="${3:-}" port="$4" i
+ case "$param" in
+ add)
+ if [ "$force_dns" -ne 0 ]; then
+ for i in $canaryDomains; do
+ uci_add_list_if_new 'dhcp' "$cfg" 'server' "/${i}/"
+ done
+ fi
+ case $address in
+|::ffff: address='';;
+ ::) address='::1';;
+ esac
+ uci_add_list_if_new 'dhcp' "$cfg" 'server' "${address}#${port}"
+ uci_add_list_if_new 'dhcp' "$cfg" 'doh_server' "${address}#${port}"
+ ;;
+ remove)
+ for i in $(uci -q get "dhcp.$cfg.doh_server"); do
+ uci_remove_list 'dhcp' "$cfg" 'server' "$i"
+ uci_remove_list 'dhcp' "$cfg" 'doh_server' "$i"
+ done
+ for i in $canaryDomains; do
+ uci_remove_list 'dhcp' "$cfg" 'server' "/${i}/"
+ uci_remove_list 'dhcp' "$cfg" 'doh_server' "/${i}/"
+ done
+ ;;
+ esac
+dnsmasq_create_server_backup() {
+ local cfg="$1" i
+ [ -n "$(uci_get 'dhcp' "$cfg")" ] || return 1
+ if [ -z "$(uci_get 'dhcp' "$cfg" 'doh_backup_noresolv')" ]; then
+ if [ -z "$(uci_get 'dhcp' "$cfg" 'noresolv')" ]; then
+ uci_set 'dhcp' "$cfg" 'doh_backup_noresolv' '-1'
+ else
+ uci_set 'dhcp' "$cfg" 'doh_backup_noresolv' "$(uci_get 'dhcp' "$cfg" noresolv)"
+ fi
+ uci_set 'dhcp' "$cfg" 'noresolv' 1
+ fi
+ if [ -z "$(uci_get 'dhcp' "$cfg" 'doh_backup_server')" ]; then
+ if [ -z "$(uci_get 'dhcp' "$cfg" 'server')" ]; then
+ uci_add_list 'dhcp' "$cfg" 'doh_backup_server' ""
+ fi
+ for i in $(uci_get 'dhcp' "$cfg" 'server'); do
+ uci_add_list 'dhcp' "$cfg" 'doh_backup_server' "$i"
+ if [ "$i" = "$(echo "$i" | tr -d /\#)" ]; then
+ uci_remove_list 'dhcp' "$cfg" 'server' "$i"
+ fi
+ done
+ fi
+ return 0
+dnsmasq_restore_server_backup() {
+ local cfg="$1" i
+ [ -n "$(uci_get 'dhcp' "$cfg")" ] || return 0
+ if [ -n "$(uci_get 'dhcp' "$cfg" 'doh_backup_noresolv')" ]; then
+ if [ "$(uci_get 'dhcp' "$cfg" 'doh_backup_noresolv')" = "-1" ]; then
+ uci_remove 'dhcp' "$cfg" 'noresolv'
+ else
+ uci_set 'dhcp' "$cfg" 'noresolv' "$(uci_get 'dhcp' "$cfg" 'doh_backup_noresolv')"
+ fi
+ uci_remove 'dhcp' "$cfg" 'doh_backup_noresolv'
+ fi
+ if uci_get 'dhcp' "$cfg" 'doh_backup_server' >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+ dnsmasq_doh_server "$cfg" 'remove'
+ for i in $(uci_get 'dhcp' "$cfg" 'doh_backup_server'); do
+ uci_add_list_if_new 'dhcp' "$cfg" 'server' "$i"
+ done
+ uci_remove 'dhcp' "$cfg" 'doh_backup_server'
+ fi
+dhcp_backup() {
+ local i
+ config_load 'dhcp'
+ case "$1" in
+ create)
+ if [ "$dnsmasq_config_update" = "*" ]; then
+ config_foreach dnsmasq_create_server_backup 'dnsmasq'
+ elif [ -n "$dnsmasq_config_update" ]; then
+ for i in $dnsmasq_config_update; do
+ if [ -n "$(uci_get 'dhcp' "@dnsmasq[$i]")" ]; then
+ dnsmasq_create_server_backup "@dnsmasq[$i]"
+ elif [ -n "$(uci_get 'dhcp' "$i")" ]; then
+ dnsmasq_create_server_backup "$i"
+ fi
+ done
+ fi
+ ;;
+ restore)
+ config_foreach dnsmasq_restore_server_backup 'dnsmasq'
+ ;;
+ esac
--- /dev/null
+ sed -i "s|update_dnsmasq_config|dnsmasq_config_update|" "/etc/config/https-dns-proxy"
+ sed -i "s|wan6_trigger|procd_trigger_wan6|" "/etc/config/https-dns-proxy"
+++ /dev/null
-config main 'config'
- option canary_domains_icloud '1'
- option canary_domains_mozilla '1'
- option dnsmasq_config_update '*'
- option force_dns '1'
- list force_dns_port '53'
- list force_dns_port '853'
-# ports listed below are used by some
-# of the dnscrypt-proxy v1 resolvers
-# list force_dns_port '553'
-# list force_dns_port '1443'
-# list force_dns_port '4343'
-# list force_dns_port '4434'
-# list force_dns_port '5443'
-# list force_dns_port '8443'
- option procd_trigger_wan6 '0'
-config https-dns-proxy
- option bootstrap_dns ','
- option resolver_url ''
- option listen_addr ''
- option listen_port '5053'
- option user 'nobody'
- option group 'nogroup'
-config https-dns-proxy
- option bootstrap_dns ','
- option resolver_url ''
- option listen_addr ''
- option listen_port '5054'
- option user 'nobody'
- option group 'nogroup'
+++ /dev/null
- sed -i "s|update_dnsmasq_config|dnsmasq_config_update|" "/etc/config/https-dns-proxy"
- sed -i "s|wan6_trigger|procd_trigger_wan6|" "/etc/config/https-dns-proxy"
+++ /dev/null
-if [ "$ACTION" = 'ifup' ] && [ "$INTERFACE" = 'wan' ] && /etc/init.d/https-dns-proxy enabled; then
- logger -t "https-dns-proxy" "Restarting https-dns-proxy due to $ACTION of $INTERFACE"
- /etc/init.d/https-dns-proxy restart
+++ /dev/null
-#!/bin/sh /etc/rc.common
-# Copyright 2019-2022 Stan Grishin (
-# shellcheck disable=SC1091,SC3043,SC3060
-# shellcheck disable=SC2034
-# shellcheck disable=SC2034
-if type extra_command 1>/dev/null 2>&1; then
- extra_command 'version' 'Show version information'
-# shellcheck disable=SC2034
- EXTRA_COMMANDS='version'
-readonly PKG_VERSION='dev-test'
-readonly packageName='https-dns-proxy'
-readonly serviceName="$packageName $PKG_VERSION"
-readonly _OK_='\033[0;32m\xe2\x9c\x93\033[0m'
-readonly _FAIL_='\033[0;31m\xe2\x9c\x97\033[0m'
-readonly PROG=/usr/sbin/https-dns-proxy
-readonly BOOTSTRAP_CF=',,2606:4700:4700::1111,2606:4700:4700::1001'
-readonly BOOTSTRAP_GOOGLE=',,2001:4860:4860::8888,2001:4860:4860::8844'
-readonly canaryDomainsMozilla=''
-readonly canaryDomainsiCloud=''
-str_contains() { [ -n "$1" ] &&[ -n "$2" ] && [ "${1//$2}" != "$1" ]; }
-is_mac_address() { expr "$1" : '[0-9A-F][0-9A-F]:[0-9A-F][0-9A-F]:[0-9A-F][0-9A-F]:[0-9A-F][0-9A-F]:[0-9A-F][0-9A-F]:[0-9A-F][0-9A-F]$' >/dev/null; }
-is_ipv4() { expr "$1" : '[0-9][0-9]*\.[0-9][0-9]*\.[0-9][0-9]*\.[0-9][0-9]*$' >/dev/null; }
-is_ipv6() { ! is_mac_address "$1" && str_contains "$1" ":"; }
-output() {
- local msg memmsg logmsg
- local sharedMemoryOutput="/dev/shm/$packageName-output"
- [ -t 1 ] && printf "%b" "$@"
- msg="${1//$serviceName /service }";
- if [ "$(printf "%b" "$msg" | wc -l)" -gt 0 ]; then
- [ -s "$sharedMemoryOutput" ] && memmsg="$(cat "$sharedMemoryOutput")"
- logmsg="$(printf "%b" "${memmsg}${msg}" | sed 's/\x1b\[[0-9;]*m//g')"
- logger -t "$packageName" "$(printf "%b" "$logmsg")"
- rm -f "$sharedMemoryOutput"
- else
- printf "%b" "$msg" >> "$sharedMemoryOutput"
- fi
-output_ok() { output "$_OK_"; }
-output_okn() { output "${_OK_}\\n"; }
-output_fail() { output "$_FAIL_"; }
-output_failn() { output "${_FAIL_}\\n"; }
-uci_add_list_if_new() {
- local PACKAGE="$1"
- local CONFIG="$2"
- local OPTION="$3"
- local VALUE="$4"
- local i
- [ -n "$PACKAGE" ] && [ -n "$CONFIG" ] && [ -n "$OPTION" ] && [ -n "$VALUE" ] || return 1
- for i in $(uci_get "$PACKAGE" "$CONFIG" "$OPTION"); do
- [ "$i" = "$VALUE" ] && return 0
- done
- uci_add_list "$PACKAGE" "$CONFIG" "$OPTION" "$VALUE"
-uci_changes() {
- local PACKAGE="$1"
- local CONFIG="$2"
- local OPTION="$3"
-dnsmasq_restart() { [ -x /etc/init.d/dnsmasq ] || return 1; /etc/init.d/dnsmasq restart >/dev/null 2>&1; }
-version() { echo "$PKG_VERSION"; }
-xappend() { param="$param $1"; }
-append_bool() {
- local section="$1"
- local option="$2"
- local value="$3"
- local default="${4:-0}"
- local _loctmp
- config_get_bool _loctmp "$section" "$option" "$default"
- [ "$_loctmp" -ne 0 ] && xappend "$value"
-append_parm() {
- local section="$1"
- local option="$2"
- local switch="$3"
- local default="$4"
- local _loctmp
- config_get _loctmp "$section" "$option" "$default"
- [ -n "$_loctmp" ] && xappend "$switch $_loctmp"
-append_counter() {
- local section="$1"
- local option="$2"
- local switch="$3"
- local default="${4:-0}"
- local _loctmp i
- config_get _loctmp "$section" "$option" "$default"
-# shellcheck disable=SC2086,SC2154
- for i in $(seq 1 $_loctmp); do
- xappend '-v'
- done
-append_bootstrap() {
- local section="$1"
- local option="$2"
- local switch="$3"
- local default="$4"
- local _old_ifs="$IFS"
- local _loctmp _newtmp i
- config_get _loctmp "$section" "$option" "$default"
- [ -z "$_loctmp" ] && return 0
- IFS=" ,"
- for i in $_loctmp; do
- if { [ "$ipv6_resolvers_only" -eq 0 ] && is_ipv4 "$i"; } || \
- { [ "$ipv6_resolvers_only" -ne 0 ] && is_ipv6 "$i"; }; then
- [ -z "$_newtmp" ] && _newtmp="$i" || _newtmp="${_newtmp},${i}"
- fi
- done
- IFS="$_old_ifs"
- [ -n "$_newtmp" ] && xappend "$switch $_newtmp"
- [ "$ipv6_resolvers_only" -eq 0 ] && xappend '-4'
-boot() {
- ubus -t 30 wait_for network.interface 2>/dev/null
- rc_procd start_service 'on_boot'
-start_instance() {
- local cfg="$1" param listen_addr listen_port ipv6_resolvers_only p url iface
- config_get url "$cfg" 'resolver_url'
- config_get_bool ipv6_resolvers_only "$cfg" 'use_ipv6_resolvers_only' '0'
- append_parm "$cfg" 'resolver_url' '-r'
- append_parm "$cfg" 'listen_addr' '-a' ''
- append_parm "$cfg" 'listen_port' '-p' "$port"
- append_parm "$cfg" 'dscp_codepoint' '-c'
- append_bootstrap "$cfg" 'bootstrap_dns' '-b' "$DEFAULT_BOOTSTRAP"
- append_parm "$cfg" 'user' '-u' 'nobody'
- append_parm "$cfg" 'group' '-g' 'nogroup'
- append_parm "$cfg" 'ca_certs_file' '-C'
- append_parm "$cfg" 'polling_interval' '-i'
- append_parm "$cfg" 'proxy_server' '-t'
- append_parm "$cfg" 'logfile' '-l'
- append_bool "$cfg" 'use_http1' '-x'
- append_counter "$cfg" 'verbosity' '-v' '0'
- procd_open_instance
-# shellcheck disable=SC2086
- procd_set_param command $PROG $param
- procd_set_param stderr 1
- procd_set_param stdout 1
- procd_set_param respawn
- procd_open_data
- json_add_object mdns
- procd_add_mdns_service "$packageName" 'udp' "$port" "DNS over HTTPS proxy"
- json_close_object
- json_add_string url "$url"
- if [ "$force_dns" -ne 0 ]; then
- json_add_array firewall
- for iface in $procd_fw_src_interfaces; do
- for p in $force_dns_port; do
- if netstat -tuln | grep 'LISTEN' | grep ":${p}" >/dev/null 2>&1 || [ "$p" = '53' ]; then
- json_add_object ''
- json_add_string type redirect
- json_add_string target DNAT
- json_add_string src "$iface"
- json_add_string proto 'tcp udp'
- json_add_string src_dport "$p"
- json_add_string dest_port "$p"
- json_add_string family any
- json_add_boolean reflection 0
- json_close_object
- else
- json_add_object ''
- json_add_string type rule
- json_add_string src "$iface"
- json_add_string dest '*'
- json_add_string proto 'tcp udp'
- json_add_string dest_port "$p"
- json_add_string target REJECT
- json_close_object
- fi
- done
- done
- json_close_array
- fi
- procd_close_data
- procd_close_instance
- if [ "$?" ]; then
- config_get listen_addr "$cfg" 'listen_addr' ''
- config_get listen_port "$cfg" 'listen_port' "$port"
- if [ "$dnsmasq_config_update" = '*' ]; then
- config_load 'dhcp'
- config_foreach dnsmasq_doh_server 'dnsmasq' 'add' "${listen_addr}" "${listen_port}"
- elif [ -n "$dnsmasq_config_update" ]; then
- for i in $dnsmasq_config_update; do
- if [ -n "$(uci_get 'dhcp' "@dnsmasq[$i]")" ]; then
- dnsmasq_doh_server "@dnsmasq[$i]" 'add' "${listen_addr}" "${listen_port}"
- elif [ -n "$(uci_get 'dhcp' "$i")" ]; then
- dnsmasq_doh_server "${i}" 'add' "${listen_addr}" "${listen_port}"
- fi
- done
- fi
- output_ok
- port="$((port+1))"
- force_dns=0
- else
- output_fail
- fi
-start_service() {
- local canaryDomains canary_domains_icloud canary_domains_mozilla
- local dnsmasq_config_update force_dns force_dns_port
- local procd_fw_src_interfaces
- local port=5053
- output "Starting $serviceName instances "
- config_load "$packageName"
- config_get_bool canary_domains_icloud 'config' 'canary_domains_icloud' '1'
- config_get_bool canary_domains_mozilla 'config' 'canary_domains_mozilla' '1'
- config_get_bool force_dns 'config' 'force_dns' '1'
- config_get dnsmasq_config_update 'config' 'dnsmasq_config_update' '*'
- config_get force_dns_port 'config' 'force_dns_port' '53 853'
- config_get procd_fw_src_interfaces 'config' 'procd_fw_src_interfaces' 'lan'
- if [ "$canary_domains_icloud" -ne 0 ]; then
- canaryDomains="${canaryDomains:+$canaryDomains }${canaryDomainsiCloud}"
- fi
- if [ "$canary_domains_mozilla" -ne 0 ]; then
- canaryDomains="${canaryDomains:+$canaryDomains }${canaryDomainsMozilla}"
- fi
- dhcp_backup 'create'
- config_load "$packageName"
- config_foreach start_instance "$packageName"
- output "\\n"
- if [ -n "$(uci_changes dhcp)" ]; then
- output "Updating dnsmasq config "
- if uci_commit 'dhcp'; then
- output_okn
- else
- output_failn
- fi
- output "Restarting dnsmasq "
- if dnsmasq_restart; then
- output_okn
- else
- output_failn
- fi
- fi
-stop_service() {
- local canaryDomains canary_domains_icloud canary_domains_mozilla
- local dnsmasq_config_update
- local s=0
- output "Stopping $serviceName "
- config_load "$packageName"
- config_get dnsmasq_config_update 'config' 'dnsmasq_config_update' '*'
- config_get_bool canary_domains_icloud 'config' 'canary_domains_icloud' '1'
- config_get_bool canary_domains_mozilla 'config' 'canary_domains_mozilla' '1'
- if [ "$canary_domains_icloud" -ne 0 ]; then
- canaryDomains="${canaryDomains:+$canaryDomains }${canaryDomainsiCloud}"
- fi
- if [ "$canary_domains_mozilla" -ne 0 ]; then
- canaryDomains="${canaryDomains:+$canaryDomains }${canaryDomainsMozilla}"
- fi
- dhcp_backup 'restore'
- if [ -n "$(uci_changes dhcp)" ]; then
- uci_commit 'dhcp'
- dnsmasq_restart || s=1
- fi
-# shellcheck disable=SC2015
- [ "$s" -eq 0 ] && output_okn || output_failn
-# shellcheck disable=SC1091
-service_triggers() {
- local wan wan6 i
- local procd_trigger_wan6
- config_load "$packageName"
- config_get_bool procd_trigger_wan6 'config' 'procd_trigger_wan6' '0'
- . /lib/functions/
- network_flush_cache
- network_find_wan wan
- wan="${wan:-wan}"
- if [ "$procd_trigger_wan6" -ne 0 ]; then
- network_find_wan6 wan6
- wan6="${wan6:-wan6}"
- fi
- for i in "$wan" "$wan6"; do
- [ -n "$i" ] && procd_add_interface_trigger "interface.*" "$i" "/etc/init.d/${packageName}" restart
- done
- procd_add_config_trigger "config.change" "$packageName" "/etc/init.d/${packageName}" reload
-service_started() { procd_set_config_changed firewall; }
-service_stopped() { procd_set_config_changed firewall; }
-restart() { procd_send_signal "$packageName"; rc_procd start_service; }
-dnsmasq_doh_server() {
- local cfg="$1" param="$2" address="${3:-}" port="$4" i
- case "$param" in
- add)
- if [ "$force_dns" -ne 0 ]; then
- for i in $canaryDomains; do
- uci_add_list_if_new 'dhcp' "$cfg" 'server' "/${i}/"
- done
- fi
- case $address in
-|::ffff: address='';;
- ::) address='::1';;
- esac
- uci_add_list_if_new 'dhcp' "$cfg" 'server' "${address}#${port}"
- ;;
- remove)
- eval "$(ubus call service list "{ 'verbose': true, 'name': '$packageName' }" | jsonfilter -F '# ' -e 'TUPLES=@[*].instances[*].command[4,6]')"
- for i in $TUPLES; do
- uci_remove_list 'dhcp' "$cfg" 'server' "$i"
- done
- for i in $canaryDomains; do
- uci_remove_list 'dhcp' "$cfg" 'server' "/${i}/"
- done
- ;;
- esac
-dnsmasq_create_server_backup() {
- local cfg="$1" i
- [ -n "$(uci_get 'dhcp' "$cfg")" ] || return 1
- if [ -z "$(uci_get 'dhcp' "$cfg" 'doh_backup_noresolv')" ]; then
- if [ -z "$(uci_get 'dhcp' "$cfg" 'noresolv')" ]; then
- uci_set 'dhcp' "$cfg" 'doh_backup_noresolv' '-1'
- else
- uci_set 'dhcp' "$cfg" 'doh_backup_noresolv' "$(uci_get 'dhcp' "$cfg" noresolv)"
- fi
- uci_set 'dhcp' "$cfg" 'noresolv' 1
- fi
- if [ -z "$(uci_get 'dhcp' "$cfg" 'doh_backup_server')" ]; then
- if [ -z "$(uci_get 'dhcp' "$cfg" 'server')" ]; then
- uci_add_list 'dhcp' "$cfg" 'doh_backup_server' ""
- fi
- for i in $(uci_get 'dhcp' "$cfg" 'server'); do
- uci_add_list 'dhcp' "$cfg" 'doh_backup_server' "$i"
- if [ "$i" = "$(echo "$i" | tr -d /\#)" ]; then
- uci_remove_list 'dhcp' "$cfg" 'server' "$i"
- fi
- done
- fi
- return 0
-dnsmasq_restore_server_backup() {
- local cfg="$1" i
- [ -n "$(uci_get 'dhcp' "$cfg")" ] || return 0
- if [ -n "$(uci_get 'dhcp' "$cfg" 'doh_backup_noresolv')" ]; then
- if [ "$(uci_get 'dhcp' "$cfg" 'doh_backup_noresolv')" = "-1" ]; then
- uci_remove 'dhcp' "$cfg" 'noresolv'
- else
- uci_set 'dhcp' "$cfg" 'noresolv' "$(uci_get 'dhcp' "$cfg" 'doh_backup_noresolv')"
- fi
- uci_remove 'dhcp' "$cfg" 'doh_backup_noresolv'
- fi
- if uci_get 'dhcp' "$cfg" 'doh_backup_server' >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- dnsmasq_doh_server "$cfg" 'remove'
- for i in $(uci_get 'dhcp' "$cfg" 'doh_backup_server'); do
- uci_add_list_if_new 'dhcp' "$cfg" 'server' "$i"
- done
- uci_remove 'dhcp' "$cfg" 'doh_backup_server'
- fi
-dhcp_backup() {
- local i
- config_load 'dhcp'
- case "$1" in
- create)
- if [ "$dnsmasq_config_update" = "*" ]; then
- config_foreach dnsmasq_create_server_backup 'dnsmasq'
- elif [ -n "$dnsmasq_config_update" ]; then
- for i in $dnsmasq_config_update; do
- if [ -n "$(uci_get 'dhcp' "@dnsmasq[$i]")" ]; then
- dnsmasq_create_server_backup "@dnsmasq[$i]"
- elif [ -n "$(uci_get 'dhcp' "$i")" ]; then
- dnsmasq_create_server_backup "$i"
- fi
- done
- fi
- ;;
- restore)
- config_foreach dnsmasq_restore_server_backup 'dnsmasq'
- ;;
- esac