TITLE:=RIPE Atlas software probe
- DEPENDS:=+atlas-probe
+ DEPENDS:=+atlas-probe +PACKAGE_dropbear:dropbearconvert
define Package/atlas-sw-probe/description
define Package/atlas-sw-probe/conffiles
# Fix permision
chmod 755 $(1)/$(SCRIPTS_DIR)/bin
+ # Add registration instruction
+ $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/etc/atlas/
+ $(CP) ./files/atlas.readme $(1)/etc/atlas/
# Create softlinks for writable dirs
$(LN) $(TMP_BASE_DIR)/crons $(1)/$(SCRIPTS_DIR)/crons
$(LN) $(TMP_BASE_DIR)/data $(1)/$(SCRIPTS_DIR)/data
-EXTRA_COMMANDS="get_key probeid log create_backup load_backup"
+EXTRA_COMMANDS="get_key probeid log create_backup load_backup create_key"
EXTRA_HELP=" get_key print probe public key (used for probe registration)
probeid print probe id
log print probe status log
create_backup backup ssh key to tar.gz
load_backup 'backup.tar.gz' load backup ssh key from tar.gz
+ create_key create probe priv/pub key
+create_key() {
+ local username
+ local probe_key=/etc/atlas/probe_key
+ local probe_pub_key=/etc/atlas/
+ config_load atlas
+ config_get username "common" username
+ if [ -f "$PRIV_KEY_FILE" ]; then
+ if [ ! -f $probe_key ]; then
+ print_msg "Missing probe_key in /etc/atlas"
+ print_msg "The key will be lost on sysupgrade. Cosider moving the keys in /etc/atlas and create a link in the $SCRIPTS_DIR/etc/ dir."
+ fi
+ print_msg "probe_key already present. Exiting..."
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ if [ -z "$username" ]; then
+ print_msg "Username not set in atlas config file. Enter your ripe-atlas username."
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ if [ -n "$(which ssh-keygen)" ]; then
+ ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 2048 -f $probe_key -N ""
+ sed -i "s/ \S*$/ "$username"/" $probe_pub_key
+ elif [ -n "$(which dropbearkey)" ] && [ -n "$(which dropbearconvert)" ]; then
+ local public_key
+ public_key="$(dropbearkey -t rsa -f /etc/atlas/probe_key_dropbear -s 2048 | sed -n 2p)"
+ public_key="$(echo "$public_key" | sed "s/ \S*$/ "$username"/")"
+ echo $public_key > $probe_pub_key
+ dropbearconvert dropbear openssh /etc/atlas/probe_key_dropbear $probe_key
+ rm /etc/atlas/probe_key_dropbear
+ else
+ print_msg "Can't find a way to generate key."
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ #Link priv/pub key
+ [ -f $PRIV_KEY_FILE ] || ln -s $probe_key $PRIV_KEY_FILE
+ [ -f $PRIV_KEY_FILE ] || ln -s $probe_pub_key $PUB_KEY_FILE
+ #Fix permission
+ chown atlas $probe_key $probe_pub_key
+ chgrp atlas $probe_key $probe_pub_key
+ chmod 644 $probe_key $probe_pub_key
+ print_msg "Key generated successfully. Use the get_key command to show the public key and get instruction on how to register your probe."
log() {
if [ -f "$LOG_FILE" ];then
tail "$LOG_FILE"
local rxtxrpt
local test_setting
+ if [ ! -f $PRIV_KEY_FILE ]; then
+ print_msg "Missing probe_key. To init the key follow instruction in /etc/atlas/atlas.readme"
+ print_msg "Assuming atlas-sw-probe not init. Exiting..."
+ exit 1
+ fi
config_load atlas
--- /dev/null
+# Atlas probe setup instruction\r
+The atlas probe software requires a rsa 2048-4096 key for registration.\r
+Follow these steps to register your probe on the ripe-atlas systems.\r
+1. Insert your username in the atlas config file (/etc/config/atlas)\r
+2. Use the command '/etc/init.d/atlas create_key' to create a priv/pub key.\r
+3. The priv/pub key will be stored on the directory /etc/atlas/\r
+4. Use the command '/etc/init.d/atlas get_key' to get the public key used for probe registration.\r
+ Make sure to copy the entire key and that the last value is the correct username\r
+5. Follow the instruction from the past command or go to ''\r
+ and register your probe.\r