include $(TOPDIR)/
PKG_MAINTAINER:=Daniel Golle <>
include ../
include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/
- TITLE:=python3-gnupg
- URL:=
- DEPENDS:=+gnupg +python3-light
+ TITLE:=A wrapper for GnuPG
+ URL:=
+ DEPENDS:=+gnupg +python3-light +python3-logging
define Package/python3-gnupg/description
-A Python wrapper for GnuPG
-This module allows easy access to GnuPG.s key management, encryption
-and signature functionality from Python programs, by interacting with
-GnuPG through file descriptors. Input arguments are strictly checked
-and sanitised, and therefore this module should be safe to use in
-networked applications requiring direct user input. It is intended for
-use on Windows, MacOS X, BSD, or Linux, with Python 2.6, Python 2.7,
-Python 3.3, Python 3.4, or PyPy.
-define Py3Build/Compile
- $(call Python3/ModSetup,,\
- install --prefix="/usr" --root="$(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)" \
- )
+ The gnupg module allows Python programs to make use of the
+ functionality provided by the GNU Privacy Guard (abbreviated GPG or
+ GnuPG). Using this module, Python programs can encrypt and decrypt
+ data, digitally sign documents and verify digital signatures, manage
+ (generate, list and delete) encryption keys, using Public Key
+ Infrastructure (PKI) encryption technology based on OpenPGP.
$(eval $(call Py3Package,python3-gnupg))
$(eval $(call BuildPackage,python3-gnupg))
+$(eval $(call BuildPackage,python3-gnupg-src))