# Copyright (C) 2009 David Cooper <dave@kupesoft.com>
-# Copyright (C) 2009-2015 OpenWrt.org
-# Copyright (C) 2016 Daniel Dickinson <cshored@thecshore.com>
+# Copyright (C) 2016-2019 Daniel Dickinson <cshored@thecshore.com>
# This is free software, licensed under the GNU General Public License v2.
# See /LICENSE for more information.
include $(TOPDIR)/rules.mk
+PKG_MAINTAINER:=Daniel F. Dickinson <cshored@thecshore.com>
include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/package.mk
define Package/msmtp-scripts/Default
- TITLE:=DEPRECATED: Simple sendmail SMTP queueing and forwarding
- URL:=http://msmtp-scripts.sourceforge.net/
+ TITLE:=Forwarding only SMTP with queuing
+ URL:=https://msmtp-scripts.thecshore.com
define Package/msmtp-scripts/Default/description
- DEPRECATED: SourceForge project is abandonded; and upstream (on GitHub)
- has deprecated this project. See:
- https://github.com/cshore-history/msmtp-scripts#deprecation-notice
msmtp-scripts are scripts wrappers around the msmtp SMTP client that
- add queueing, logging to syslog or file, a subset of sendmail/postfix
+ add queueing, logging to syslog or file, and a subset of sendmail/postfix
mailq/postsuper/postqueue commands implemented in a compatible fashion.
define Package/msmtpq-ng
$(call Package/msmtp-scripts/Default)
DEPENDS+= +msmtp
- TITLE+= (msmtpq-ng wrappers)
+ TITLE+= (common)
define Package/msmtpq-ng/conffiles
$(call Package/msmtp-scripts/Default)
TITLE+= (as MTA)
- USERID:=msmtp=482:msmtp=482
- 400:/usr/sbin/sendmail:/usr/bin/msmtpq-ng-mta \
- 400:/usr/lib/sendmail:/usr/bin/msmtpq-ng-mta \
- 400:/usr/sbin/mailq:/usr/bin/msmtpq-ng-queue-mta \
- 400:/usr/sbin/postqueue:/usr/bin/msmtpq-ng-queue-mta \
- 400:/usr/sbin/postsuper:/usr/sin/msmtpq-ng-queue-mta
+ 400:/usr/sbin/sendmail:/usr/sbin/msmtpq-ng-mta \
+ 400:/usr/lib/sendmail:/usr/sbin/msmtpq-ng-mta \
+ 400:/usr/sbin/mailq:/usr/sbin/msmtpq-ng-queue-mta \
+ 400:/usr/sbin/postqueue:/usr/sbin/msmtpq-ng-queue-mta \
+ 400:/usr/sbin/postsuper:/usr/sbin/msmtpq-ng-queue-mta
-define Package/msmtp-queue-mta/conffiles
+define Package/msmtpq-ng-mta/conffiles
and postsuper symlinks to wrappers that configure
msmtpq-ng for use as the system mail transport
agent via the sendmail command.
+**NB**: In order for msmtpq-ng-mta aka sendmail to
+send mail for non-root users (not just queue it
+after failing), the user must have permissions to
+access /etc/msmtprc -- package msmtp sets msmtprc
+to rw only by root by default as a security measure
+(it _can_ contain information like passwords with
+which to send mail through your email server).
+There are a couple of choices. One is to leave
+the default permissions (in which cases the mail
+will queue and fail to send until the mailq -q
+runner which runs in a root crontab sends the mail).
+Another is to give any non-root daemon users (or
+any other users) group access (i.e. create a
+group for all the users who should be able to
+send mail, add the users to it, and give the
+group read-only permissions on the msmtrpc).
+A final option (which is only resonable if you
+have no secrets in msmtprc because you are
+sending unauthenticated mail to a server that
+accepts mail directly for the intended user --
+usually that means a self-hosted system mail
+server, rather than trying to send mail to
+public servers (which don't typically accept
+mail from normal user IP addresses, even if
+you ISP doesn't block the traffic) is to
+make msmtprc world readable.
+The first option is probably the best choice
+for most users, as it just means a 15
+minute delay in the mail getting off the
+system, and doesn't involve special permissions
+for non-root daemons or users.
define Package/msmtpq-ng-mta-smtpd
$(call Package/msmtp-scripts/Default)
DEPENDS+= +msmtpq-ng-mta +xinetd
- TITLE+= (basic SMTP server)
+ TITLE+= (localhost SMTPd)
+ USERID:=msmtp=482:msmtp=482
define Package/msmtp-ng-mta-smtpd/description
the hold queue before it can be delivered.
-define Package/msmtpq-ng-mta/postinst
- mkdir -p $${IPKG_INSTROOT}/etc/crontabs
- if ! grep -q msmtpq-ng-mta $${IPKG_INSTROOT}/etc/crontabs/root; then echo $$'\n'"*/60 * * * * /usr/bin/msmtpq-ng-mta -q" >>$${IPKG_INSTROOT}/etc/crontabs/root; fi
+define Package/msmtpq-ng-mta-smtpd/conffiles
-define Package/msmtp-queue-mta/prerm
- if grep -q msmtpq-ng-mta $${IPKG_INSTROOT}/etc/crontabs/root; then grep -v '\*/60 \* \* \* \* /usr/bin/msmtpq-ng-mta -q' $${IPKG_INSTROOT}/etc/crontabs/root >$${IPKG_INSTROOT}/etc/crontabs/root.new; mv -f $${IPKG_INSTROOT}/etc/crontabs/root.new $${IPKG_INSTROOT}/etc/crontabs; fi
+define Package/msmtpq-ng-mta/postinst
+ mkdir -p $${IPKG_INSTROOT}/etc/crontabs
+ if ! grep -q msmtpq-ng-mta $${IPKG_INSTROOT}/etc/crontabs/root 2>/dev/null; then echo $$'\n'"*/60 * * * * /usr/bin/msmtpq-ng-mta -q" >>$${IPKG_INSTROOT}/etc/crontabs/root; fi
define Build/Configure
define Package/msmtpq-ng/install
$(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/etc
- $(INSTALL_CONF) ./files/msmtpq-ng.rc $(1)/etc/msmtpq-ng.rc
+ $(INSTALL_DATA) ./files/msmtpq-ng.rc $(1)/etc/msmtpq-ng.rc
$(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/bin
- $(CP) $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/msmtpq-ng/msmtpq-ng $(1)/usr/bin/
- $(SED) 's/logger -i/logger/' $(1)/usr/bin/msmtpq-ng
- $(CP) $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/msmtpq-ng/msmtpq-ng-queue $(1)/usr/bin/
+ $(CP) $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/src/usr/bin/msmtpq-ng $(1)/usr/bin/
+ $(SED) "s,nc -vz,printf \"HEAD / HTTP/1.1\\\\r\\\\nHost: \$$$${EMAIL_CONN_TEST_SITE}\\\\r\\\\n\\\\r\\\\n\"|nc," $(1)/usr/bin/msmtpq-ng
+ $(CP) $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/src/usr/bin/msmtpq-ng-queue $(1)/usr/bin/
define Package/msmtpq-ng-mta/install
$(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/bin $(1)/usr/sbin $(1)/usr/lib $(1)/etc/init.d
- $(INSTALL_CONF) $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/msmtpq-ng-mta/msmtpq-ng-mta.rc $(1)/etc/
- echo 'MSMTP_LOCK_DIR=/var/lock/msmtp' >>$(1)/etc/msmtpq-ng-mta.rc
- $(INSTALL_BIN) $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/msmtpq-ng-mta/msmtpq-ng-mta $(1)/usr/bin/
- $(INSTALL_BIN) $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/msmtpq-ng-mta/msmtpq-ng-queue-mta $(1)/usr/bin/
+ $(INSTALL_DATA) ./files/msmtpq-ng-mta.rc $(1)/etc/
+ $(INSTALL_BIN) $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/src/usr/sbin/msmtpq-ng-mta $(1)/usr/sbin/
+ $(INSTALL_BIN) $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/src/usr/sbin//msmtpq-ng-queue-mta $(1)/usr/sbin/
$(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/etc/crontabs
$(INSTALL_BIN) ./files/msmtpq-ng-mta.init $(1)/etc/init.d/msmtpq-ng-mta
define Package/msmtpq-ng-mta-smtpd/install
$(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/etc/xinetd.d
- $(INSTALL_BIN) $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/msmtpq-ng-mta/sendmail-bs.xinetd $(1)/etc/xinetd.d/msmtpq-ng-mta-smtpd
+ $(INSTALL_BIN) $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/src/etc/xinetd.d/ms-mta-smtpd $(1)/etc/xinetd.d/ms-mta-smtpd