--- /dev/null
+include $(TOPDIR)/rules.mk
+PKG_MAINTAINER:=Andy Walsh <andy.walsh44+github@gmail.com>
+include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/kernel.mk
+include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/package.mk
+define KernelPackage/fs-cifsd
+ SUBMENU:=Filesystems
+ TITLE:=CIFS/SMB kernel server support
+ URL:=https://github.com/cifsd-team/cifsd
+ FILES:=$(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/cifsd.ko
+ +kmod-nls-base \
+ +kmod-nls-utf8 \
+ +kmod-crypto-md4 \
+ +kmod-crypto-md5 \
+ +kmod-crypto-hmac \
+ +kmod-crypto-ecb \
+ +kmod-crypto-des \
+ +kmod-crypto-sha256 \
+ +kmod-crypto-cmac \
+ +kmod-crypto-sha512 \
+ +kmod-crypto-aead \
+ +kmod-crypto-ccm
+define KernelPackage/fs-cifsd/description
+ Kernel module for a CIFS/SMBv2,3 fileserver.
+# broken atm (needs CONFIG_KEYS=y)
+define Build/Compile
+ modules
+$(eval $(call KernelPackage,fs-cifsd))
--- /dev/null
+include $(TOPDIR)/rules.mk
+PKG_MAINTAINER:=Andy Walsh <andy.walsh44+github@gmail.com>
+include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/package.mk
+include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/nls.mk
+define Package/cifsd-tools
+ SECTION:=net
+ CATEGORY:=Network
+ SUBMENU:=Filesystem
+ TITLE:=Kernel CIFS/SMB server support and userspace tools
+ URL:=https://github.com/cifsd-team/cifsd-tools
+ DEPENDS:=+kmod-fs-cifsd +glib2 +libnl-core +libnl-genl
+define Package/cifsd-tools/description
+ Userspace tools (cifsd, cifsuseradd, cifsshareadd) for the CIFS/SMB kernel fileserver.
+ The config file location is /etc/cifs/smb.conf
+define Package/cifsd-tools/install
+ $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/lib
+ $(CP) $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/usr/lib/libcifsdtools.so* $(1)/usr/lib/
+ $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/sbin
+ $(INSTALL_BIN) $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/usr/sbin/{cifsuseradd,cifsshareadd,cifsd} $(1)/usr/sbin/
+ $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/etc/config $(1)/etc/cifs $(1)/etc/init.d
+ $(INSTALL_CONF) ./files/cifsd.config $(1)/etc/config/cifsd
+ $(INSTALL_DATA) ./files/smb.conf.template $(1)/etc/cifs/
+ $(INSTALL_BIN) ./files/cifsd.init $(1)/etc/init.d/cifsd
+ # copy examples until we have a wiki page
+ $(INSTALL_DATA) ./files/cifsd.config.example $(1)/etc/cifs/
+ $(INSTALL_DATA) ./files/smb.conf.help $(1)/etc/cifs/
+define Package/cifsd-tools/conffiles
+$(eval $(call BuildPackage,cifsd-tools))
--- /dev/null
+config globals
+ option 'description' 'Cifsd on OpenWrt'
--- /dev/null
+config globals
+ option 'description' 'Cifsd on OpenWrt'
+config share
+ option name 'testshare'
+ option path '/tmp'
+ option guest_ok 'yes'
+ option create_mask '0666'
+ option dir_mask '0777'
+ option writeable 'yes'
+ option force_root '1'
--- /dev/null
+#!/bin/sh /etc/rc.common
+ config_get CIFSD_IFACE $1 interface "lan"
+ # resolve interfaces
+ local interfaces
+ interfaces=$(
+ . /lib/functions/network.sh
+ local net
+ for net in $CIFSD_IFACE; do
+ local device
+ network_is_up $net || continue
+ network_get_device device "$net"
+ echo -n "${device:-$net} "
+ done
+ )
+ local workgroup description
+ local hostname
+ hostname="$(cat /proc/sys/kernel/hostname)"
+ config_get workgroup $1 workgroup "WORKGROUP"
+ config_get description $1 description "Cifsd on OpenWrt"
+ sed -e "s#|NAME|#$hostname#g" \
+ -e "s#|WORKGROUP|#$workgroup#g" \
+ -e "s#|DESCRIPTION|#$description#g" \
+ -e "s#|INTERFACES|#$interfaces#g" \
+ /etc/cifs/smb.conf.template > /var/etc/cifs/smb.conf
+ [ -e /etc/cifs/smb.conf ] || ln -nsf /var/etc/cifs/smb.conf /etc/cifs/smb.conf
+ if [ ! -L /etc/cifs/smb.conf ]; then
+ logger -t 'cifsd' "Local custom /etc/cifs/smb.conf file detected, all UCI/Luci config settings are ignored!"
+ fi
+ local name
+ local path
+ local comment
+ local users
+ local create_mask
+ local dir_mask
+ local browseable
+ local read_only
+ local writeable
+ local guest_ok
+ local force_root
+ local write_list
+ local read_list
+ local hide_dot_files
+ local veto_files
+ local inherit_owner
+ local force_create_mode
+ local force_directory_mode
+ config_get name $1 name
+ config_get path $1 path
+ config_get comment $1 comment
+ config_get users $1 users
+ config_get create_mask $1 create_mask
+ config_get dir_mask $1 dir_mask
+ config_get browseable $1 browseable
+ config_get read_only $1 read_only
+ config_get writeable $1 writeable
+ config_get guest_ok $1 guest_ok
+ config_get_bool force_root $1 force_root 0
+ config_get write_list $1 write_list
+ config_get read_list $1 read_list
+ config_get_bool hide_dot_files $1 hide_dot_files 0
+ config_get veto_files $1 veto_files
+ config_get inherit_owner $1 inherit_owner
+ config_get force_create_mode $1 force_create_mode
+ config_get force_directory_mode $1 force_directory_mode
+ [ -z "$name" ] || [ -z "$path" ] && return
+ {
+ printf "\n[%s]\n\tpath = %s\n" "$name" "$path"
+ [ -n "$comment" ] && printf "\tcomment = %s\n" "$comment"
+ if [ "$force_root" -eq 1 ]; then
+ printf "\tforce user = %s\n" "root"
+ printf "\tforce group = %s\n" "root"
+ else
+ [ -n "$users" ] && printf "\tvalid users = %s\n" "$users"
+ fi
+ [ -n "$create_mask" ] && printf "\tcreate mask = %s\n" "$create_mask"
+ [ -n "$dir_mask" ] && printf "\tdirectory mask = %s\n" "$dir_mask"
+ [ -n "$force_create_mode" ] && printf "\tforce create mode = %s\n" "$force_create_mode"
+ [ -n "$force_directory_mode" ] && printf "\tforce directory mode = %s\n" "$force_directory_mode"
+ [ -n "$browseable" ] && printf "\tbrowseable = %s\n" "$browseable"
+ [ -n "$read_only" ] && printf "\tread only = %s\n" "$read_only"
+ [ -n "$writeable" ] && printf "\twriteable = %s\n" "$writeable"
+ [ -n "$guest_ok" ] && printf "\tguest ok = %s\n" "$guest_ok"
+ [ -n "$inherit_owner" ] && printf "\tinherit owner = %s\n" "$inherit_owner"
+ [ -n "$write_list" ] && printf "\twrite list = %s\n" "$write_list"
+ [ -n "$read_list" ] && printf "\tread list = %s\n" "$read_list"
+ [ "$hide_dot_files" -eq 1 ] && printf "\thide dot files = %s\n" "yes"
+ [ -n "$veto_files" ] && printf "\tveto files = %s\n" "$veto_files"
+ } >> /var/etc/cifs/smb.conf
+ mkdir -p /var/etc/cifs
+ config_load cifsd
+ # allow copy&paste from samba UCI configs (we dont have a cifsd wiki yet)
+ config_foreach smb_header globals
+ config_foreach smb_header samba
+ config_foreach smb_add_share share
+ config_foreach smb_add_share sambashare
+ procd_add_reload_trigger "dhcp" "system" "cifsd"
+ local i
+ for i in $CIFSD_IFACE; do
+ procd_add_reload_interface_trigger $i
+ done
+ init_config
+ if [ ! -e /etc/cifs/smb.conf ]; then
+ logger -t 'cifsd' "missing config /etc/cifs/smb.conf, needs to-be created manually!"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ modprobe cifsd 2> /dev/null
+ if [ ! -e /sys/module/cifsd ]; then
+ logger -t 'cifsd' "modprobe of cifsd module failed, can\'t start cifsd!"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ logger -t 'cifsd' "Starting CIFS/SMB userspace service."
+ procd_open_instance
+ procd_set_param command /usr/sbin/cifsd --n
+ procd_close_instance
+ logger -t 'cifsd' "Stopping CIFSD userspace service."
+ killall cifsd > /dev/null 2>&1
+ sleep 1
+ [ -e /sys/class/cifsd-control/kill_server ] && echo hard > /sys/class/cifsd-control/kill_server
+ sleep 2
+ [ -e /sys/module/cifsd ] && rmmod cifsd > /dev/null 2>&1
+ # With open smb connections rmmod takes longer
+ if [ -e /sys/module/cifsd ]; then
+ sleep 5
+ rmmod cifsd > /dev/null 2>&1
+ fi
+ [ -f /tmp/cifsd.lock ] && rm /tmp/cifsd.lock
+reload_service() {
+ stop_service "$@"
+ sleep 1
+ start_service "$@"
--- /dev/null
+; File to define cifsd configuration parameters which are comparable with
+; samba's ones
+; Supported [global] level parameters list:
+; - server string
+; This controls what string will show up in browse lists next
+; to the machine name
+; - workgroup
+; This controls what workgroup your server will appear to be
+; in when queried by clients
+; - netbios name
+; This sets the NetBIOS name by which a SMB server is known.
+; By default it is the same as the first component of the host's
+; DNS name. If a machine is a browse server or logon server this
+; name (or the first component of the hosts DNS name) will be
+; the name that these services are advertised under.
+; - server min protocol
+; This setting controls the minimum protocol version that the
+; server will allow the client to use.
+; - server max protocol
+; The value of the parameter (a string) is the highest protocol
+; level that will be supported by the server.
+; - server signing
+; This controls whether the client is allowed or required to use
+; SMB1 and SMB2 signing. Possible values are default, auto,
+; mandatory and disabled.
+; - guest account
+; This is a username which will be used for access to services
+; which are specified as guest ok.
+; - max active sessions
+; This option allows the number of simultaneous connections to
+; a service to be limited.
+; - ipc timeout
+; This option specifies the number of seconds server will wait
+; for the userspace to reply to heartbeat frames. If user space
+; is down for more than `ipc timeout` seconds the server will
+; reset itself - close all sessions and all TCP connections.
+; - restrict anonymous
+; The setting of this parameter determines whether user and
+; group list information is returned for an anonymous connection.
+; - map to guest
+; This parameter can take four different values, which tell cifsd
+; what to do with user login requests.(bad user
+; - bind interfaces only
+; This global parameter allows the cifsd admin to limit what
+; interfaces on a machine will serve SMB requests.
+; - interfaces
+; This option allows you to override the default network
+; interfaces list that cifsd will use for browsing. The option
+; takes only list of interface name.
+; - deadtime
+; The value of the parameter (a decimal integer) represents
+; the number of minutes of inactivity before a connection is
+; considered dead, and it is disconnected. The deadtime only
+; takes effect if the number of open files is zero.
+; - root directory
+; Sets up a root (base) directory for all shares. In some
+; sense it's equal to chroot(). When this option set all shares'
+; paths become relative to root directory, IOW the file name
+; lookup resolves '/root directory/share path/file path' path.
+; Supported [share] level parameters list:
+; - comment
+; comment string to associate with the new share
+; - path
+; This parameter specifies a directory to which the user of the
+; service is to be given access.
+; - guest ok
+; If this parameter is yes for a service, then no password is
+; required to connect to the service.
+; - read only
+; If this parameter is yes, then users of a service may not
+; create or modify files in the service's directory.
+; - browseable
+; This controls whether this share is seen in the list of
+; available shares in a net view and in the browse list.
+; - write ok
+; - writeable
+; Inverted synonym for read only.
+; - store dos attributes
+; If this parameter is set cifsd attempts to first read DOS
+; attributes (SYSTEM, HIDDEN, ARCHIVE or READ-ONLY) from a
+; filesystem extended attribute, before mapping DOS attributes
+; to UNIX permission bits (such as occurs with map hidden and
+; map readonly).
+; - oplocks
+; This boolean option tells cifsd whether to issue oplocks
+; (opportunistic locks) to file open requests on this share.
+; - create mask
+; When a file is created, the necessary permissions are calculated
+; according to the mapping from DOS modes to UNIX permissions, and
+; the resulting UNIX mode is then bit-wise 'AND'ed with this
+; parameter.
+; - directory mask
+; This parameter is the octal modes which are used when converting
+; DOS modes to UNIX modes when creating UNIX directories.
+; - force group
+; This specifies a UNIX group name that will be assigned as
+; the default primary group for all users connecting to this
+; service.
+; - force user
+; This specifies a UNIX user name that will be assigned as
+; the default user for all users connecting to this service.
+; - hide dot files
+; This is a boolean parameter that controls whether files starting
+; with a dot appear as hidden files.
+; - hosts allow
+; This parameter is a comma, space, or tab delimited set of hosts
+; which are permitted to access a service
+; - hosts deny
+; The opposite of allow hosts - hosts listed here are NOT
+; permitted access to services unless the specific services have
+; their own lists to override this one. Where the lists conflict,
+; the allow list takes precedence.
+; - valid users
+; This is a list of users that should be allowed to login to this
+; service
+; - invalid users
+; This is a list of users that should not be allowed to login to
+; this service.
+; - read list
+; This is a list of users that are given read-only access to
+; a service.
+; - write list
+; This is a list of users that are given read-write access to
+; a service.
+; - max connections
+; This option allows the number of simultaneous connections to
+; a service to be limited.
+; - veto files
+; This is a list of files and directories that are neither visible
+; nor accessible.
+; Veto any files containing the word Security,
+; any ending in .tmp, and any directory containing the
+; word root.
+; veto files = /*Security*/*.tmp/*root*/
+; Veto the Apple specific files that a NetAtalk server
+; creates.
+; veto files = /.AppleDouble/.bin/.AppleDesktop/Network Trash Folder/
+; - inherit owner
+; The ownership for new files and directories should be controlled
+; by the ownership of the parent directory.
+; Valid options are yes or no.
+; - inherit smack
+; This parameter can be used to ensure that if smack label exist
+; on parent directories.
+; Valid options are yes or no.
+; - force create mode
+; This parameter specifies a set of UNIX mode bit permissions
+; that will always be set on a file created by cifsd.
+; - force directory mode
+; This parameter specifies a set of UNIX mode bit permissions
+; that will always be set on a directory created by cifsd.
+; Rules to update this file:
+; - Every [share] definition should start on new line
+; - Every parameter should be indented with single tab
+; - There should be single spaces around equal (eg: " = ")
+; - Multiple parameters should be separated with comma
+; eg: "invalid users = usr1,usr2,usr3"
+; Make sure to configure the server after making changes to this file.
+ netbios name = CIFSD
+ comment = content server share
+ path = /tmp
--- /dev/null
+ netbios name = |NAME|
+ server string = |DESCRIPTION|
+ workgroup = |WORKGROUP|
+ interfaces = |INTERFACES|
+ bind interfaces only = yes
+ ipc timeout = 8
+ deadtime = 15
+ map to guest = Bad User