include $(TOPDIR)/
include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/
define Package/opennds
- SUBMENU:=Captive Portals
- SECTION:=net
- CATEGORY:=Network
- DEPENDS:=+libpthread +iptables-mod-ipopt +libmicrohttpd-no-ssl
- TITLE:=Open public network gateway daemon
- URL:=
- CONFLICTS:=nodogsplash nodogsplash2
+ SUBMENU:=Captive Portals
+ SECTION:=net
+ CATEGORY:=Network
+ DEPENDS:=+libpthread +iptables-mod-ipopt +libmicrohttpd-no-ssl
+ TITLE:=Open public network gateway daemon
+ URL:=
+ CONFLICTS:=nodogsplash nodogsplash2
define Package/opennds/description
- openNDS is a Captive Portal solution that offers an instant way to provide restricted access to the Internet.
- With little or no configuration, a dynamically generated and adaptive splash page sequence is automatically served.
- Both client driven Captive Portal Detection (CPD) and gateway driven Captive Portal Identification (CPI - RFC 8910 and RFC 8908) are supported.
- Internet access is granted by either a click to continue button, or after credential verification as a result of filling in a login form.
- The package incorporates the FAS API allowing many flexible customisation options.
- The creation of sophisticated third party authentication applications is fully supported.
- Internet hosted https portals can be implemented with no security errors, to inspire maximum user confidence.
- This version requires iptables (legacy).
+ openNDS is a Captive Portal solution that offers an instant way to provide restricted access to the Internet.
+ With little or no configuration, a dynamically generated and adaptive splash page sequence is automatically served.
+ Both client driven Captive Portal Detection (CPD) and gateway driven Captive Portal Identification (CPI - RFC 8910 and RFC 8908) are supported.
+ Internet access is granted by either a click to continue button, or after credential verification as a result of filling in a login form.
+ The package incorporates the FAS API allowing many flexible customisation options.
+ The creation of sophisticated third party authentication applications is fully supported.
+ Internet hosted https portals can be implemented with no security errors, to inspire maximum user confidence.
+ This release requires iptables(legacy)
define Package/opennds/install
$(CP) $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/forward_authentication_service/PreAuth/ $(1)/usr/lib/opennds/
$(CP) $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/forward_authentication_service/PreAuth/ $(1)/usr/lib/opennds/
$(CP) $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/forward_authentication_service/libs/ $(1)/usr/lib/opennds/
- $(CP) $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/forward_authentication_service/libs/ $(1)/usr/lib/opennds/
$(CP) $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/forward_authentication_service/libs/ $(1)/usr/lib/opennds/
$(CP) $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/forward_authentication_service/libs/ $(1)/usr/lib/opennds/
$(CP) $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/forward_authentication_service/libs/ $(1)/usr/lib/opennds/