Older git versions seem output the original argument to stdout if there
is no upstream, presumably because they try to do things with it
internally. This can be prevented by passing --verify to it, which
should be safe on newer git versions.
Signed-off-by: Jonas Gorski <jonas.gorski@gmail.com>
BRANCH="$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)"
- ORIGIN="$(git rev-parse --symbolic-full-name ${BRANCH}@{u} 2>/dev/null)"
- [ -n "$ORIGIN" ] || ORIGIN="$(git rev-parse --symbolic-full-name master@{u} 2>/dev/null)"
+ ORIGIN="$(git rev-parse --verify --symbolic-full-name ${BRANCH}@{u} 2>/dev/null)"
+ [ -n "$ORIGIN" ] || ORIGIN="$(git rev-parse --verify --symbolic-full-name master@{u} 2>/dev/null)"
REV="$(git rev-list ${REBOOT}..$GET_REV | wc -l | awk '{print $1}')"
if [ -n "$ORIGIN" ]; then