#$(info Determined 'srctree' to be $(srctree))
-# Makefiles suck: This macro sets a default value of $(2) for the
-# variable named by $(1), unless the variable has been set by
-# environment or command line. This is necessary for CC and AR
-# because make sets default values, so the simpler ?= approach
-# won't work as expected.
-define allow-override
- $(if $(or $(findstring environment,$(origin $(1))),\
- $(findstring command line,$(origin $(1)))),,\
- $(eval $(1) = $(2)))
-# Allow setting CC and AR, or setting CROSS_COMPILE as a prefix.
-$(call allow-override,CC,$(CROSS_COMPILE)gcc)
-$(call allow-override,AR,$(CROSS_COMPILE)ar)
INSTALL = install
# Use DESTDIR for installing into a different root directory.
export man_dir man_dir_SQ INSTALL
-include ../../scripts/Makefile.include
+include $(srctree)/tools/scripts/Makefile.include
# copy a bit from Linux kbuild