--- /dev/null
+. /lib/au1000.sh
+. /lib/functions/system.sh
+. /lib/functions/uci-defaults.sh
+case "$(au1000_board_name)" in
+ 'internetbox')
+ MAC="$( au1000_yamonenv_getvar 'ethaddr' )"
+ MAC="$( macaddr_canonicalize "$MAC" )"
+ [ -n "$MAC ] && ucidef_set_interface_macaddr lan "$MAC"
+ ;;
+[ -z "$MAC" ] || uci commit network
--- /dev/null
+ local varname="$1"
+ local partition
+ . /lib/functions.sh
+ partition="$( find_mtd_part 'yamon env' )"
+ YAMONENVFILE="$partition" yamonenv "$varname"
+ local line board_name model
+ while read line; do
+ case "$line" in
+ 'system type'*)
+ break
+ ;;
+ esac
+ done <'/proc/cpuinfo'
+ case "$line" in
+ *' MTX-1')
+ # both models appear nearly similar: the 'InternetBox' has
+ # the same design but shrinked to 1 PCB and only 1 x miniPCI
+ # for WiFi/ath5k and 1 x miniPCI for CardBus/UMTS, they differ
+ # in BogoMIPS but there are old MeshCubes with 330 Mhz instead
+ # of 400 MHz and no Cube has 'imei' (for UMTS) set in bootloader-env
+ if [ -n "$( au1000_yamonenv_getvar 'imei' )" ]; then
+ board_name='internetbox'
+ model='T-Mobile InternetBox TMD SB1-S'
+ else
+ board_name='meshcube'
+ model='4G Systems AccessCube/MeshCube'
+ fi
+ ;;
+ *)
+ board_name='unknown'
+ model='unknown'
+ ;;
+ esac
+ mkdir -p '/tmp/sysinfo'
+ echo "$board_name" >'/tmp/sysinfo/board_name'
+ echo "$model" >'/tmp/sysinfo/model'
+ local file='/tmp/sysinfo/board_name'
+ [ -e "$file" ] || au1000_detect
+ cat "$file"