--- /dev/null
+# OpenSLP configuration file
+# Format and contents conform to specification in IETF RFC 2614 so the
+# comments use the language of the RFC. In OpenSLP, SLPD operates as an SA
+# and a DA. The SLP UA functionality is encapsulated by SLPLIB.
+# Static Scope and Static DA Configuration
+# This option is a comma delimited list of strings indicating the only scopes
+# a UA or SA is allowed when making requests or registering or the scopes a
+# DA must support. (default value is "DEFAULT")
+;net.slp.useScopes = myScope1, myScope2, myScope3
+# Allows administrator to force UA and SA agents to use specific DAs. If
+# this setting is not used dynamic DA discovery will be used to determine
+# which DAs to use. (Default is to use dynamic DA discovery)
+;net.slp.DAAddresses = myDa1,myDa2,myDa3
+# DA Specific Configuration
+# Enables slpd to function as a DA. Only a very few DAs should exist. It
+# is suggested that the administrator read the OpenSLP users guide before
+# enabling this setting. Default is false. Uncomment the line below to
+# enable DA operation.
+;net.slp.isDA = true
+# A 32 bit integer giving the number of seconds for the DA heartbeat.
+# Default is 3 hours (10800 seconds). This property corresponds to
+# the protocol specification parameter CONFIG_DA_BEAT [7]. Ignored
+# if isDA is false.
+;net.slp.DAHeartBeat = 10800
+# SA Specific Configuration
+# If net.slp.watchRegistrationPID is set to true, local registrations made
+# with the SA via the SLPReg() API call will be monitored. If the PID of the
+# process (and/or thread on Linux) disappears (the registering process died
+# unexpectedly with out calling SLPDereg()), then the registration is
+# automatically de-registered. (Default value is true. Uncomment the line
+# below to disable PID watching.
+;net.slp.watchRegistrationPID = false
+# UA Specific Configuration
+# A 32 bit integer giving the maximum number of results to accumulate and
+# return for a synchronous request before the timeout, or the maximum number
+# of results to return through a callback if the request results are
+# reported asynchronously (default value is 256).
+;net.slp.maxResults = 256
+# Network Configuration Properties
+# Force broadcasts to be used instead of multicast. This setting is seldom
+# necessary since OpenSLP will automatically use broadcast if multicast
+# is unavailable. (Default is false)
+;net.slp.isBroadcastOnly = true
+# A boolean indicating whether passive DA detection should be used.
+# Default is true. Uncomment the following line to disable passive DA
+# detection
+;net.slp.passiveDADetection = false
+# A boolean indicating whether active DA detection should be used. This is
+# useful when the DAs available are explicitly restricted to those obtained
+# from DHCP or the net.slp.DAAddresses property. Default is true. Uncomment
+# the following line to disable active DA detection
+;net.slp.activeDADetection = false
+# The net.slp.DAActiveDiscoveryInterval property controls *periodic*
+# transmission of active DA discovery SrvRqsts. The default setting
+# of 1 which disables sending periodic active DA discovery SrvRqsts.
+# However, even if net.slp.DAActiveDiscoveryInterval=1 OpenSLP agents will
+# send a send active DA request only upon initialization. To disable all
+# active DA detection you MUST net.slp.passiveDADetection = false. (you
+# may also set net.slp.DAActiveDiscoveryInterval=0)
+# simply set
+;net.slp.DAActiveDiscoveryInterval = 1
+# A positive integer that is less than or equal to 255. (The default is 255)
+;net.slp.multicastTTL = 255
+# An integer giving the maximum amount of time (in milliseconds) to perform
+# active DA discovery requests. (Default is 2000 ms or 2 secs).
+;net.slp.DADiscoveryMaximumWait = 2000
+# A value-list of 32 bit integers used as timeouts, in milliseconds, to
+# implement the multicast convergence algorithm during active DA discovery.
+# Each value specifies the time to wait before sending the next request, or
+# until nothing new has been learned from two successive requests.
+# Default is: 500,750,1000,1500,2000,3000.
+;net.slp.DADiscoveryTimeouts = 500,750,1000,1500,2000,3000
+# An integer giving the maximum amount of time (in milliseconds) to perform
+# multicast requests. (Default is 5000 ms or 5 secs).
+;net.slp.multicastMaximumWait = 5000
+# A value-list of 32 bit integers used as timeouts, in milliseconds, to
+# implement the multicast convergence algorithm. Each value specifies
+# the time to wait before sending the next request, or until nothing new
+# has been learned from two successive requests.
+# Default is: 500,750,1000,1500,2000,3000. In a slow network the less
+# aggressive values of 3000,3000,3000,3000,3000 allow better performance.
+;net.slp.multicastTimeouts = 500,750,1000,1500,2000,3000
+# An integer giving the maximum amount of time (in milliseconds) to perform
+# unicast requests. (Default is 5000 ms or 5 secs).
+;net.slp.unicastMaximumWait = 5000
+# A value-list of 32 bit integers used as timeouts, in milliseconds, to
+# implement unicast datagram transmission to DAs. The nth value gives
+# the time to block waiting for a reply on the nth try to contact the DA.
+# Currently OpenSLP uses TCP for all unicast communication so this setting
+# does not do anything
+;net.slp.unicastTimeouts = 500,750,1000,1500,2000,3000
+# To OpenSLP the following is the same as net.slp.unicastTimeouts. Use
+# net.slp.unicastTimeouts instead.
+;net.slp.datagramTimeouts = IGNORED
+# An integer giving the maximum value for all random wait parameters.
+# (Default is 5000 or 5 sec)
+;net.slp.randomWaitBound = 5000
+# A integer giving the network packet MTU in bytes. (Default is 1400)
+;net.slp.MTU = 1400
+# A list of IP address of network interfaces on which the DA/SA should listen
+# for slp requests. By default, slpd will use all interfaces.
+;net.slp.interfaces =,,
+# Security
+# A boolean indicating whether the agent should enable security for URLs,
+# attribute lists, DAAdverts, and SAAdverts. (Default setting is false and
+# ENABLE_SECURITY code must be compiled)
+# A boolean indicating whether the DA or SA will only allow deregistrations
+# and re-registration from the *exact* host that made the registration.
+# Default setting if true. Uncomment the line below to disable source
+# address checking.
+# Tracing and Logging
+# A boolean controlling printing of messages about traffic with DAs.
+# Default is false. Uncomment the following line to enable DA traffic
+# tracing
+;net.slp.traceDATraffic = true
+# A boolean controlling dumps of all registered services upon registration
+# and deregistration. If true, the contents of the DA or SA server are
+# dumped after a registration or deregistration occurs. Default is false.
+# Uncommment the following line to enable registration message logging
+;net.slp.traceReg = true
+# A boolean controlling printing details when a SLP message is dropped for
+# any reason. Default is false. Uncomment the following line to trace all
+# dropped messages
+;net.slp.traceDrop = true
+# A boolean controlling printing of details on SLP messages. The fields in
+# all incoming messages and outgoing replies are printed. Very verbose.
+# Default is false. Uncomment the following line to enable verbose message
+# tracing.
+;net.slp.traceMsg = true
+# Serialized Proxy Registration
+# The net.slp.serializedRegURL is not supported by net.slp.serializeRegURL.
+# slpd accepts the [-r] command line parameter that specifies the serialized
+# registration file. The default serialized registration file is
+# /etc/slp.reg