--disable BUILD_NATIVE \
- # Hack:
# When changing anything in MENUSELECT_CFLAGS the file ".lastclean"
# gets deleted. E.g. when compiling on x86 for x86 "--disable
# BUILD_NATIVE" changes MENUSELECT_CFLAGS and the file gets removed.
# But that will result in a rebuild attempt of menuselect which will
- # likely fail. Prevent that by recreating ".lastclean".
- $(CP) "$(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/.cleancount" "$(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/.lastclean"
+ # likely fail. Prevent that by recreating ".lastclean" and menuselect.
+ $(call Build/Compile/Default,.lastclean)
+ $(call Build/menuselect)
$(call Build/Compile/Default,all install samples)