The generic preinit code is now able to setup network and switch vlan settings
from the /etc/board.json file, therefor drop the target specific code.
Fixes FS#790.
Signed-off-by: Jo-Philipp Wich <>
(cherry picked from commit
+++ /dev/null
-preinit_iface() {
- ifname=eth0
- # hardware specific overrides
- case "$(awk 'BEGIN{FS="[ \t]+:[ \t]"} /machine/ {print $2}' /proc/cpuinfo)" in
- "Asus WLHDD") ifname=eth1;;
- "Asus WL300G") ifname=eth1;;
- esac
- local try=0;
- while [ $((try++)) -le 5 ] && [ ! -f /sys/class/net/$ifname/operstate ]; do sleep 1; done
-boot_hook_add preinit_main preinit_iface
+++ /dev/null
-preinit_ip() {
- # if the preinit interface isn't specified and ifname is set in
- # preinit.arch use that interface
- if [ -z "$pi_ifname" ]; then
- pi_ifname=$ifname
- fi
- [ -n "$pi_ifname" ] && grep -q "$pi_ifname" /proc/net/dev && {
- ifconfig $pi_ifname $pi_ip netmask $pi_netmask broadcast $pi_broadcast up
- local try=0;
- while [ $((try++)) -le 5 ] && [ ! "$(cat /sys/class/net/$pi_ifname/operstate)" = "up" ]; do sleep 1; done
- }