--- /dev/null
+[ -n "${IPKG_INSTROOT}" ] || {
+ ( . /etc/uci-defaults/luci-olsr ) && rm -f /etc/uci-defaults/luci-olsr
module("luci.controller.olsr", package.seeall)
function index()
- if not luci.fs.isfile("/etc/config/olsr") then
+ if not luci.fs.isfile("/etc/config/olsrd") then
local i18n = luci.i18n.translate
local page = node("admin", "status", "olsr")
page.target = call("action_index")
page.title = "OLSR"
page.i18n = "olsr"
local page = node("admin", "status", "olsr", "routes")
page.target = call("action_routes")
page.title = i18n("olsr_routes", "Routen")
page.order = 10
local page = node("admin", "status", "olsr", "topology")
page.target = call("action_topology")
page.title = i18n("olsr_topology", "Topologie")
page.order = 20
local page = node("admin", "status", "olsr", "hna")
page.target = call("action_hna")
page.title = "HNA"
page.order = 30
local page = node("admin", "status", "olsr", "mid")
page.target = call("action_mid")
page.title = "MID"
page.order = 50
- entry({"admin", "services", "olsrd"}, cbi("olsr/olsrd"), "OLSR").i18n = "olsr"
+ entry(
+ {"admin", "services", "olsrd"},
+ cbi("olsr/olsrd"), "OLSR"
+ ).i18n = "olsr"
+ entry(
+ {"admin", "services", "olsrd", "hna"},
+ cbi("olsr/olsrdhna"), "HNA Announcements"
+ ).i18n = "olsr"
+ oplg = entry(
+ {"admin", "services", "olsrd", "plugins"},
+ cbi("olsr/olsrdplugins"), "Plugins"
+ )
+ oplg.i18n = "olsr"
+ oplg.leaf = true
+ local uci = require("luci.model.uci").cursor()
+ uci:foreach("olsrd", "LoadPlugin",
+ function (section)
+ local lib = section.library
+ entry(
+ {"admin", "services", "olsrd", "plugins", lib },
+ cbi("olsr/olsrdplugins"),
+ nil --'Plugin "%s"' % lib:gsub("^olsrd_",""):gsub("%.so.+$","")
+ )
+ end
+ )
function action_index()
local data = fetch_txtinfo("links")
if not data or not data.Links then
return nil
local function compare(a, b)
- local c = tonumber(a.ETX)
- local d = tonumber(b.ETX)
+ local c = tonumber(a.Cost)
+ local d = tonumber(b.Cost)
if not c or c == 0 then
return false
if not d or d == 0 then
return true
return c < d
table.sort(data.Links, compare)
luci.template.render("status-olsr/index", {links=data.Links})
function action_routes()
local data = fetch_txtinfo("routes")
if not data or not data.Routes then
return nil
local function compare(a, b)
local c = tonumber(a.ETX)
local d = tonumber(b.ETX)
if not c or c == 0 then
return false
if not d or d == 0 then
return true
return c < d
table.sort(data.Routes, compare)
luci.template.render("status-olsr/routes", {routes=data.Routes})
function action_topology()
local data = fetch_txtinfo("topology")
if not data or not data.Topology then
return nil
local function compare(a, b)
- return a["Destination IP"] < b["Destination IP"]
+ return a["Dest. IP"] < b["Dest. IP"]
table.sort(data.Topology, compare)
luci.template.render("status-olsr/topology", {routes=data.Topology})
function action_hna()
local data = fetch_txtinfo("hna")
if not data or not data.HNA then
return nil
local function compare(a, b)
- return a.Network < b.Network
+ return a.Destination < b.Destination
table.sort(data.HNA, compare)
luci.template.render("status-olsr/hna", {routes=data.HNA})
function action_mid()
local data = fetch_txtinfo("mid")
if not data or not data.MID then
return nil
local function compare(a, b)
- return a.IP < b.IP
+ return a["IP address"] < b["IP address"]
table.sort(data.MID, compare)
luci.template.render("status-olsr/mid", {mids=data.MID})
otable = otable or ""
local rawdata = luci.sys.httpget(""..otable)
if #rawdata == 0 then
return nil
local data = {}
local tables = luci.util.split(luci.util.trim(rawdata), "\r?\n\r?\n", nil, true)
for i, tbl in ipairs(tables) do
local lines = luci.util.split(tbl, "\r?\n", nil, true)
local name = table.remove(lines, 1):sub(8)
local keys = luci.util.split(table.remove(lines, 1), "\t")
local split = #keys - 1
data[name] = {}
for j, line in ipairs(lines) do
local fields = luci.util.split(line, "\t", split)
data[name][j] = {}
for k, key in pairs(keys) do
- data[name][j][key] = fields[k]
+ data[name][j][key] = fields[k]
if data[name][j].Linkcost then
data[name][j].ETX =
- data[name][j].Linkcost:match("([%w.]+)/([%w.]+)[%s]+([%w.]+)")
+ data[name][j].Linkcost:match("([%w.]+)/([%w.]+)[%s]+([%w.]+)")
return data
-m = Map("olsr", "OLSR")
+m = Map("olsrd", "OLSR")
-s = m:section(NamedSection, "general", "olsr")
+s = m:section(TypedSection, "olsrd", translate("olsr_general"))
s.dynamic = true
+s.anonymous = true
debug = s:option(ListValue, "DebugLevel")
for i=0, 9 do
+debug.optional = true
ipv = s:option(ListValue, "IpVersion")
ipv:value("4", "IPv4")
ipv:value("6", "IPv6")
+noint = s:option(Flag, "AllowNoInt")
+noint.enabled = "yes"
+noint.disabled = "no"
+noint.optional = true
+s:option(Value, "Pollrate").optional = true
+tcr = s:option(ListValue, "TcRedundancy")
+tcr:value("0", translate("olsr_general_tcredundancy_0"))
+tcr:value("1", translate("olsr_general_tcredundancy_1"))
+tcr:value("2", translate("olsr_general_tcredundancy_2"))
+tcr.optional = true
+s:option(Value, "MprCoverage").optional = true
+lql = s:option(ListValue, "LinkQualityLevel")
+lql:value("0", translate("disable"))
+lql:value("1", translate("olsr_general_linkqualitylevel_1"))
+lql:value("2", translate("olsr_general_linkqualitylevel_2"))
+lql.optional = true
+s:option(Value, "LinkQualityAging").optional = true
+lqa = s:option(ListValue, "LinkQualityAlgorithm")
+lqa.optional = true
+lqa:value("etx_fpm", translate("olsr_etx_fpm"))
+lqa:value("etx_float", translate("olsr_etx_float"))
+lqa:value("etx_ff", translate("olsr_etx_ff"))
+lqa.optional = true
+lqfish = s:option(Flag, "LinkQualityFishEye")
+lqfish.optional = true
+s:option(Value, "LinkQualityWinSize").optional = true
+s:option(Value, "LinkQualityDijkstraLimit").optional = true
+hyst = s:option(Flag, "UseHysteresis")
+hyst.enabled = "yes"
+hyst.disabled = "no"
+hyst.optional = true
+fib = s:option(ListValue, "FIBMetric")
+fib.optional = true
+fib.optional = true
+clrscr = s:option(Flag, "ClearScreen")
+clrscr.enabled = "yes"
+clrscr.disabled = "no"
+clrscr.optional = true
+willingness = s:option(ListValue, "Willingness")
+for i=0,7 do
+ willingness:value(i)
+willingness.optional = true
i = m:section(TypedSection, "Interface", translate("interfaces"))
i.anonymous = true
i.addremove = true
i.dynamic = true
-network = i:option(ListValue, "Interface", translate("network"))
-i:option(Value, "Ip4Broadcast")
-i:option(Value, "HelloInterval")
-i:option(Value, "HelloValidityTime")
-i:option(Value, "TcInterval")
-i:option(Value, "TcValidityTime")
-i:option(Value, "MidInterval")
-i:option(Value, "MidValidityTime")
-i:option(Value, "HnaInterval")
-i:option(Value, "HnaValidityTime")
-p = m:section(TypedSection, "LoadPlugin")
-p.addremove = true
-p.dynamic = true
-lib = p:option(ListValue, "Library", translate("library"))
-for k, v in pairs(luci.fs.dir("/usr/lib")) do
- if v:sub(1, 6) == "olsrd_" then
- lib:value(v)
- end
+ign = i:option(Flag, "ignore", "Enable")
+ign.enabled = "0"
+ign.disabled = "1"
+network = i:option(ListValue, "interface", translate("network"))
-for i, sect in ipairs({ "Hna4", "Hna6" }) do
- hna = m:section(TypedSection, sect)
- hna.addremove = true
- hna.anonymous = true
- hna.template = "cbi/tblsection"
+i:option(Value, "Ip4Broadcast").optional = true
+i:option(Value, "HelloInterval").optional = true
+i:option(Value, "HelloValidityTime").optional = true
+i:option(Value, "TcInterval").optional = true
+i:option(Value, "TcValidityTime").optional = true
+i:option(Value, "MidInterval").optional = true
+i:option(Value, "MidValidityTime").optional = true
+i:option(Value, "HnaInterval").optional = true
+i:option(Value, "HnaValidityTime").optional = true
- net = hna:option(Value, "NetAddr")
- msk = hna:option(Value, "Prefix")
+adc = i:option(Flag, "AutoDetectChanges")
+adc.enabled = "yes"
+adc.disabled = "no"
+adc.optional = true
-ipc = m:section(NamedSection, "IpcConnect")
+ipc = m:section(TypedSection, "IpcConnect")
conns = ipc:option(Value, "MaxConnections")
conns.isInteger = true
--- /dev/null
+LuCI - Lua Configuration Interface
+Copyright 2008 Steven Barth <steven@midlink.org>
+Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+mh = Map("olsrd", "OLSR - HNA Announcements")
+for i, sect in ipairs({ "Hna4", "Hna6" }) do
+ hna = mh:section(TypedSection, sect)
+ hna.addremove = true
+ hna.anonymous = true
+ hna.template = "cbi/tblsection"
+ net = hna:option(Value, "NetAddr")
+ msk = hna:option(Value, "Prefix")
+return mh
--- /dev/null
+LuCI - Lua Configuration Interface
+Copyright 2008 Steven Barth <steven@midlink.org>
+Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+if arg[1] then
+ mp = Map("olsrd", "OLSR - Plugins")
+ p = mp:section(TypedSection, "LoadPlugin")
+ p:depends("library", arg[1])
+ p.anonymous = true
+ ign = p:option(Flag, "ignore", "Enable")
+ ign.enabled = "0"
+ ign.disabled = "1"
+ function ign.cfgvalue(self, section)
+ return Flag.cfgvalue(self, section) or "0"
+ end
+ lib = p:option(DummyValue, "library", translate("library"))
+ lib.default = arg[1]
+ local function Range(x,y)
+ local t = {}
+ for i = x, y do t[#t+1] = i end
+ return t
+ end
+ local function Cidr2IpMask(val)
+ if val then
+ for i = 1, #val do
+ local cidr = luci.ip.IPv4(val[i]) or luci.ip.IPv6(val[i])
+ if cidr then
+ val[i] = cidr:network():string() .. " " .. cidr:mask():string()
+ end
+ end
+ return val
+ end
+ end
+ local function IpMask2Cidr(val)
+ if val then
+ for i = 1, #val do
+ local ip, mask = val[i]:gmatch("([^%s+])%s+([^%s+])")()
+ local cidr
+ if ip and mask and ip:match(":") then
+ cidr = luci.ip.IPv6(ip, mask)
+ elseif ip and mask then
+ cidr = luci.ip.IPv4(ip, mask)
+ end
+ if cidr then
+ val[i] = cidr:string()
+ end
+ end
+ return val
+ end
+ end
+ local knownPlParams = {
+ ["olsrd_bmf.so.1.5.3"] = {
+ { Value, "BmfInterface", "bmf0" },
+ { Value, "BmfInterfaceIp", "" },
+ { Flag, "DoLocalBroadcast", "no" },
+ { Flag, "CapturePacketsOnOlsrInterfaces", "yes" },
+ { ListValue, "BmfMechanism", { "UnicastPromiscuous", "Broadcast" } },
+ { Value, "BroadcastRetransmitCount", "2" },
+ { Value, "FanOutLimit", "4" },
+ { DynamicList, "NonOlsrIf", "eth1" }
+ },
+ ["olsrd_dyn_gw.so.0.4"] = {
+ { Value, "Interval", "40" },
+ { DynamicList, "Ping", "" },
+ { DynamicList, "HNA", "", IpMask2Cidr, Cidr2IpMask }
+ },
+ ["olsrd_httpinfo.so.0.1"] = {
+ { Value, "port", "80" },
+ { DynamicList, "Host", "" },
+ { DynamicList, "Net", "", IpMask2Cidr, Cidr2IpMask }
+ },
+ ["olsrd_nameservice.so.0.3"] = {
+ { DynamicList, "name", "my-name.mesh" },
+ { DynamicList, "hosts", " name-for-other-interface.mesh" },
+ { Value, "suffix", ".olsr" },
+ { Value, "hosts_file", "/path/to/hosts_file" },
+ { Value, "add_hosts", "/path/to/file" },
+ { Value, "dns_server", "" },
+ { Value, "resolv_file", "/path/to/resolv.conf" },
+ { Value, "interval", "120" },
+ { Value, "timeout", "240" },
+ { Value, "lat", "12.123" },
+ { Value, "lon", "12.123" },
+ { Value, "latlon_file", "/var/run/latlon.js" },
+ { Value, "latlon_infile", "/var/run/gps.txt" },
+ { Value, "sighup_pid_file", "/var/run/dnsmasq.pid" },
+ { Value, "name_change_script", "/usr/local/bin/announce_new_hosts.sh" },
+ { Value, "services_change_script", "/usr/local/bin/announce_new_services.sh" }
+ },
+ ["olsrd_quagga.so.0.2.2"] = {
+ { StaticList, "redistribute", {
+ "system", "kernel", "connect", "static", "rip", "ripng", "ospf",
+ "ospf6", "isis", "bgp", "hsls"
+ } },
+ { ListValue, "ExportRoutes", { "only", "both" } },
+ { Flag, "LocalPref", "true" },
+ { Value, "Distance", Range(0,255) }
+ },
+ ["olsrd_secure.so.0.5"] = {
+ { Value, "Keyfile", "/etc/private-olsr.key" }
+ },
+ ["olsrd_txtinfo.so.0.1"] = {
+ { Value, "accept", "" }
+ },
+ ["olsrd_arprefresh.so.0.1"] = {},
+ ["olsrd_dot_draw.so.0.3"] = {},
+ ["olsrd_dyn_gw_plain.so.0.4"] = {},
+ ["olsrd_pgraph.so.1.1"] = {},
+ ["olsrd_tas.so.0.1"] = {}
+ }
+ -- build plugin options with dependencies
+ if knownPlParams[arg[1]] then
+ for _, option in ipairs(knownPlParams[arg[1]]) do
+ local otype, name, default, uci2cbi, cbi2uci = unpack(option)
+ local values
+ if type(default) == "table" then
+ values = default
+ default = default[1]
+ end
+ if otype == Flag then
+ local bool = p:option( Flag, name )
+ if default == "yes" or default == "no" then
+ bool.enabled = "yes"
+ bool.disabled = "no"
+ elseif default == "on" or default == "off" then
+ bool.enabled = "on"
+ bool.disabled = "off"
+ elseif default == "1" or default == "0" then
+ bool.enabled = "1"
+ bool.disabled = "0"
+ else
+ bool.enabled = "true"
+ bool.disabled = "false"
+ end
+ bool.optional = true
+ bool.default = default
+ bool:depends({ library = plugin })
+ else
+ local field = p:option( otype, name )
+ if values then
+ for _, value in ipairs(values) do
+ field:value( value )
+ end
+ end
+ if type(uci2cbi) == "function" then
+ function field.cfgvalue(self, section)
+ return uci2cbi(otype.cfgvalue(self, section))
+ end
+ end
+ if type(cbi2uci) == "function" then
+ function field.formvalue(self, section)
+ return cbi2uci(otype.formvalue(self, section))
+ end
+ end
+ field.optional = true
+ field.default = default
+ --field:depends({ library = arg[1] })
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return mp
+ mpi = Map("olsrd", "OLSR - Plugins")
+ local plugins = {}
+ mpi.uci:foreach("olsrd", "LoadPlugin",
+ function(section)
+ if section.library and not plugins[section.library] then
+ plugins[section.library] = true
+ end
+ end
+ )
+ -- create a loadplugin section for each found plugin
+ for k, v in pairs(luci.fs.dir("/usr/lib")) do
+ if v:sub(1, 6) == "olsrd_" then
+ if not plugins[v] then
+ mpi.uci:section(
+ "olsrd", "LoadPlugin", nil,
+ { library = v, ignore = 1 }
+ )
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ t = mpi:section( TypedSection, "LoadPlugin", "Plugins" )
+ t.anonymous = true
+ t.template = "cbi/tblsection"
+ t.override_scheme = true
+ function t.extedit(self, section)
+ local lib = self.map:get(section, "library") or ""
+ return luci.dispatcher.build_url("admin", "services", "olsrd", "plugins") .. "/" .. lib
+ end
+ ign = t:option( Flag, "ignore", "Enabled" )
+ ign.enabled = "0"
+ ign.disabled = "1"
+ function ign.cfgvalue(self, section)
+ return Flag.cfgvalue(self, section) or "0"
+ end
+ t:option( DummyValue, "library", "Library" )
+ return mpi
<% for k, route in ipairs(routes) do %>
<td><a href="http://<%=route.Gateway%>"><%=route.Gateway%></a></td>
<% end %>
<% for k, link in ipairs(links) do
local color = "#bb3333"
- link.ETX = tonumber(link.ETX) or 0
- if link.ETX == 0 then
+ link.Cost = tonumber(link.Cost) or 0
+ if link.Cost == 0 then
color = "#bb3333"
- elseif link.ETX < 4 then
+ elseif link.Cost < 4 then
color = "#00cc00"
- elseif link.ETX < 10 then
+ elseif link.Cost < 10 then
color = "#ffcb05"
- elseif link.ETX < 100 then
+ elseif link.Cost < 100 then
color = "#ff6600"
-<td><a href="http://<%=link["remote IP"]%>"><%=link["remote IP"]%></a></td>
+<td><a href="http://<%=link["Remote IP"]%>"><%=link["Remote IP"]%></a></td>
<td><%=link["Local IP"]%></td>
-<td style="background-color:<%=color%>"><%=string.format("%.3f", link.ETX)%></td>
+<td style="background-color:<%=color%>"><%=string.format("%.3f", link.Cost)%></td>
<% end %>
<% for k, mid in ipairs(mids) do %>
-<td><a href="http://<%=mid.IP%>"><%=mid.IP%></a></td>
+<td><a href="http://<%=mid["IP address"]%>"><%=mid["IP address"]%></a></td>
<% end %>
+<td><%=route["Gateway IP"]%></td>
<td style="background-color:<%=color%>"><%=string.format("%.3f", tonumber(route.ETX) or 0)%></td>
<% for k, route in ipairs(routes) do
-<td><a href="http://<%=route["Destination IP"]%>"><%=route["Destination IP"]%></a></td>
+<td><a href="http://<%=route["Dest. IP"]%>"><%=route["Dest. IP"]%></a></td>
<td><a href="http://<%=route["Last hop IP"]%>"><%=route["Last hop IP"]%></a></td>
-<td><%=string.format("%.3f", tonumber(route.ETX) or 0)%></td>
+<td><%=string.format("%.3f", tonumber(route.Cost) or 0)%></td>
<% end %>
--- /dev/null
+uci batch <<-EOF
+ add ucitrack olsrd
+ set ucitrack.@olsrd[-1].init=olsrd
+ commit ucitrack