append_params() {
local p v args
- for p in $*; do
+ for p in "$@"; do
eval "v=\$$p"
[ -n "$v" ] && args="$args -o $p=$v"
validate_tunnelW_section() {
uci_load_validate sshtunnel tunnelW "$1" "$2" \
'vpntype:or("ethernet", "point-to-point"):point-to-point' \
- 'localdev:or("any", min(1))' \
- 'remotedev:or("any", min(1))'
+ 'localdev:or("any", min(0))' \
+ 'remotedev:or("any", min(0))'
load_tunnelR() {
[ -n "$remoteport" -a -n "$localport" -a -n "$remoteaddress" ] || { _err "tunnelR $1: missing required options"; return 1; }
# count nr of valid sections to make sure there are at least one
- let count++
+ count=$((count+=1))
_log "tunnelR at $server: -R $remoteaddress:$remoteport:$localaddress:$localport"
append_string "ARGS_tunnels" "-R $remoteaddress:$remoteport:$localaddress:$localport"
[ -n "$remoteport" -a -n "$localport" -a -n "$remoteaddress" ] || { _err "tunnelL $1: missing required options"; return 1; }
# count nr of valid sections to make sure there are at least one
- let count++
+ count=$((count+=1))
_log "tunnelL at $server: -L $localaddress:$localport:$remoteaddress:$remoteport"
append_string "ARGS_tunnels" "-L $localaddress:$localport:$remoteaddress:$remoteport"
[ -n "$localport" ] || { _err "tunnelD $1: missing localport"; return 1; }
# count nr of valid sections to make sure there are at least one
- let count++
+ count=$((count+=1))
_log "proxy via $server: -D $localaddress:$localport"
append_string "ARGS_tunnels" "-D $localaddress:$localport"
[ "$user" = "root" ] || { _err "tunnelW $1: root is required for tun"; return 1; }
# count nr of valid sections to make sure there are at least one
- let count++
+ count=$((count+=1))
- _log "tunnelW to $server: -w $localdev:$remotedev -o Tunnel=$vpntype"
- append_string "ARGS_tunnels" "-w $localdev:$remotedev -o Tunnel=$vpntype"
+ _log "tunnelW to $server: -o Tunnel=$vpntype -w $localdev:$remotedev"
+ append_string "ARGS_tunnels" "-o Tunnel=$vpntype -w $localdev:$remotedev"
load_server() {