# <VERSION> The version number of upgrade. Not checked so use arbitrary value (8 bytes)
# <TYPE> Model of target device, padded (0x20) to (15 bytes)
# <CRC> CRC checksum of the image to flash (8 byte)
-# <padding> Padding (0x20) (7 bytes)
+# <padding> Padding ('0' + 0x20 *7) (8 bytes)
# <signature> Signature of signer. Not checked so use arbitrary value (16 bytes)
# <padding> Padding (0x00) (192 bytes)
# 0x0A (1 byte)
dd if="${IMG_IN}" of="${IMG_TMP_OUT}"
CRC=$(printf "%08X" $(dd if="${IMG_IN}" bs=$(stat -c%s "${IMG_IN}") count=1|cksum| cut -d ' ' -f1))
-printf ".LINKSYS.01000409%-15s%-8s%-7s%-16s" "${TYPE}" "${CRC}" "" "K0000000F0246434" >> "${IMG_TMP_OUT}"
+printf ".LINKSYS.01000409%-15s%-8s%-8s%-16s" "${TYPE}" "${CRC}" "0" "K0000000F0246434" >> "${IMG_TMP_OUT}"
dd if=/dev/zero bs=1 count=192 conv=notrunc >> "${IMG_TMP_OUT}"