--- /dev/null
+ protocol: '6in4',
+ description: L.tr('IPv6-in-IPv4 (RFC4213)'),
+ tunnel: true,
+ virtual: true,
+ populateForm: function(section, iface)
+ {
+ var wan = L.NetworkModel.findWAN();
+ section.taboption('general', L.cbi.InputValue, 'ipaddr', {
+ caption: L.tr('Local IPv4 address'),
+ description: L.tr('Leave empty to use the current WAN address'),
+ datatype: 'ip4addr',
+ placeholder: wan ? wan.getIPv4Addrs()[0] : undefined,
+ optional: true
+ });
+ section.taboption('general', L.cbi.InputValue, 'peeraddr', {
+ caption: L.tr('Remote IPv4 address'),
+ description: L.tr('This is usually the address of the nearest PoP optional by the tunnel broker'),
+ datatype: 'ip4addr',
+ optional: false
+ });
+ section.taboption('general', L.cbi.InputValue, 'ip6addr', {
+ caption: L.tr('Local IPv6 address'),
+ description: L.tr('This is the local endpoint address assigned by the tunnel broker, it usually ends with :2'),
+ datatype: 'ip6addr',
+ optional: false
+ });
+ section.taboption('general', L.cbi.InputValue, 'ip6prefix', {
+ caption: L.tr('IPv6 routed prefix'),
+ description: L.tr('This is the prefix routed to you by the tunnel broker for use by clients'),
+ datatype: 'ip6addr',
+ optional: true
+ });
+ var update = section.taboption('general', L.cbi.CheckboxValue, '_update', {
+ caption: L.tr('Dynamic tunnel'),
+ description: L.tr('Enable HE.net dynamic endpoint update'),
+ enabled: '1',
+ disabled: '0'
+ });
+ update.save = function(sid) { };
+ update.ucivalue = function(sid) {
+ var n = parseInt(this.map.get('network', sid, 'tunnelid'));
+ return !isNaN(n);
+ };
+ section.taboption('general', L.cbi.InputValue, 'tunnelid', {
+ caption: L.tr('Tunnel ID'),
+ datatype: 'uinteger',
+ optional: false,
+ keep: false
+ }).depends('_update', true);
+ section.taboption('general', L.cbi.InputValue, 'username', {
+ caption: L.tr('HE.net user ID'),
+ description: L.tr('This is the 32 byte hex encoded user ID, not the login name'),
+ datatype: 'rangelength(32, 32)',
+ optional: false,
+ keep: false
+ }).depends('_update', true);
+ section.taboption('general', L.cbi.PasswordValue, 'password', {
+ caption: L.tr('HE.net password'),
+ optional: false,
+ keep: false
+ }).depends('_update', true);
+ section.taboption('advanced', L.cbi.CheckboxValue, 'defaultroute', {
+ caption: L.tr('Default route'),
+ description: L.tr('Create IPv6 default route via tunnel'),
+ optional: true,
+ initial: true
+ });
+ section.taboption('advanced', L.cbi.InputValue, 'ttl', {
+ caption: L.tr('Override TTL'),
+ description: L.tr('Specifies the Time-to-Live on the tunnel interface'),
+ datatype: 'range(1,255)',
+ placeholder: 64,
+ optional: true
+ });
+ }
--- /dev/null
+ protocol: '6rd',
+ description: L.tr('IPv6-over-IPv4 (6rd)'),
+ tunnel: true,
+ virtual: true,
+ populateForm: function(section, iface)
+ {
+ var wan = L.NetworkModel.findWAN();
+ section.taboption('general', L.cbi.InputValue, 'peeraddr', {
+ caption: L.tr('6RD Gateway'),
+ datatype: 'ip4addr',
+ optional: false
+ });
+ section.taboption('general', L.cbi.InputValue, 'ipaddr', {
+ caption: L.tr('Local IPv4 address'),
+ description: L.tr('Leave empty to use the current WAN address'),
+ datatype: 'ip4addr',
+ placeholder: wan ? wan.getIPv4Addrs()[0] : undefined,
+ optional: true
+ });
+ section.taboption('general', L.cbi.InputValue, 'ip4prefixlen', {
+ caption: L.tr('IPv4 prefix length'),
+ description: L.tr('The length of the IPv4 prefix in bits, the remainder is used in the IPv6 addresses'),
+ datatype: 'range(0, 32)',
+ placeholder: 0,
+ optional: true
+ });
+ section.taboption('general', L.cbi.InputValue, 'ip6prefix', {
+ caption: L.tr('IPv6 prefix'),
+ description: L.tr('The IPv6 prefix assigned to the provider, usually ends with "::"'),
+ datatype: 'ip6addr',
+ optional: false
+ });
+ section.taboption('general', L.cbi.InputValue, 'ip6prefixlen', {
+ caption: L.tr('IPv6 prefix length'),
+ description: L.tr('The length of the IPv6 prefix in bits'),
+ datatype: 'range(0, 128)',
+ placeholder: 16,
+ optional: true
+ });
+ section.taboption('advanced', L.cbi.CheckboxValue, 'defaultroute', {
+ caption: L.tr('Default route'),
+ description: L.tr('Create IPv6 default route via tunnel'),
+ optional: true,
+ initial: true
+ });
+ section.taboption('advanced', L.cbi.InputValue, 'ttl', {
+ caption: L.tr('Override TTL'),
+ description: L.tr('Specifies the Time-to-Live on the tunnel interface'),
+ datatype: 'range(1,255)',
+ placeholder: 64,
+ optional: true
+ });
+ }
--- /dev/null
+ protocol: '6to4',
+ description: L.tr('IPv6-over-IPv4 (6to4)'),
+ tunnel: true,
+ virtual: true,
+ populateForm: function(section, iface)
+ {
+ section.taboption('general', L.cbi.InputValue, 'ipaddr', {
+ caption: L.tr('Local IPv4 address'),
+ description: L.tr('Leave empty to use the current WAN address'),
+ datatype: 'ip4addr',
+ optional: true
+ }).load = function() {
+ var wan = L.NetworkModel.findWAN();
+ if (wan)
+ this.options.placeholder = wan.getIPv4Addrs()[0];
+ };
+ section.taboption('advanced', L.cbi.CheckboxValue, 'defaultroute', {
+ caption: L.tr('Default route'),
+ description: L.tr('Create IPv6 default route via tunnel'),
+ optional: true,
+ initial: true
+ });
+ section.taboption('advanced', L.cbi.InputValue, 'ttl', {
+ caption: L.tr('Override TTL'),
+ description: L.tr('Specifies the Time-to-Live on the tunnel interface'),
+ datatype: 'range(1,255)',
+ placeholder: 64,
+ optional: true
+ });
+ }
--- /dev/null
+ protocol: 'dhcp',
+ description: L.tr('DHCP client'),
+ tunnel: false,
+ virtual: false,
+ populateForm: function(section, iface)
+ {
+ section.taboption('general', L.cbi.InputValue, 'hostname', {
+ caption: L.tr('Hostname'),
+ description: L.tr('Hostname to send when requesting DHCP'),
+ datatype: 'hostname',
+ optional: true
+ }).load = function() {
+ var self = this;
+ return L.system.getBoardInfo().then(function(info) {
+ self.options.placeholder = info.hostname;
+ });
+ };
+ section.taboption('advanced', L.cbi.CheckboxValue, 'broadcast', {
+ caption: L.tr('Use broadcast'),
+ description: L.tr('Required for certain ISPs, e.g. Charter with DOCSIS3'),
+ optional: true
+ });
+ section.taboption('advanced', L.cbi.CheckboxValue, 'defaultroute', {
+ caption: L.tr('Use gateway'),
+ description: L.tr('Create default route via DHCP gateway'),
+ optional: true,
+ initial: true
+ });
+ section.taboption('advanced', L.cbi.CheckboxValue, 'peerdns', {
+ caption: L.tr('Use DNS'),
+ description: L.tr('Use DNS servers advertised by DHCP'),
+ optional: true,
+ initial: true
+ });
+ section.taboption('advanced', L.cbi.DynamicList, 'dns', {
+ caption: L.tr('Custom DNS'),
+ description: L.tr('Use custom DNS servers instead of DHCP ones'),
+ datatype: 'ipaddr',
+ optional: true
+ }).depends('peerdns', false);
+ section.taboption('advanced', L.cbi.InputValue, 'clientid', {
+ caption: L.tr('Client ID'),
+ description: L.tr('Client ID to send when requesting DHCP'),
+ optional: true
+ });
+ section.taboption('advanced', L.cbi.InputValue, 'vendorid', {
+ caption: L.tr('Vendor Class'),
+ description: L.tr('Vendor Class to send when requesting DHCP'),
+ optional: true
+ });
+ }
--- /dev/null
+ protocol: 'dhcpv6',
+ description: L.tr('DHCPv6 client / IPv6 autoconfig'),
+ tunnel: false,
+ virtual: false,
+ populateForm: function(section, iface)
+ {
+ section.taboption('general', L.cbi.ListValue, 'reqaddress', {
+ caption: L.tr('Request IPv6 address'),
+ initial: 'try'
+ }).value('try', L.tr('Attempt DHCPv6, fallback to RA'))
+ .value('force', L.tr('Force DHCPv6'))
+ .value('none', L.tr('RA only'));
+ section.taboption('general', L.cbi.ComboBox, 'reqprefix', {
+ caption: L.tr('Request IPv6 prefix'),
+ description: L.tr('Specifies the requested prefix length'),
+ initial: 'auto',
+ datatype: 'or("auto", "no", range(32, 64))'
+ }).value('auto', L.tr('automatic'))
+ .value('no', L.tr('disabled'))
+ .value('48').value('52').value('56').value('60').value('64');
+ section.taboption('general', L.cbi.InputValue, 'ip6prefix', {
+ caption: L.tr('Custom prefix'),
+ description: L.tr('Specifies an additional custom IPv6 prefix for distribution to clients'),
+ datatype: 'ip6addr',
+ optional: true
+ });
+ section.taboption('advanced', L.cbi.CheckboxValue, 'defaultroute', {
+ caption: L.tr('Default route'),
+ description: L.tr('Create IPv6 default route via tunnel'),
+ optional: true,
+ initial: true
+ });
+ section.taboption('advanced', L.cbi.CheckboxValue, 'peerdns', {
+ caption: L.tr('Use DNS'),
+ description: L.tr('Use DNS servers advertised by DHCPv6'),
+ optional: true,
+ initial: true
+ });
+ section.taboption('advanced', L.cbi.DynamicList, 'dns', {
+ caption: L.tr('Custom DNS'),
+ description: L.tr('Use custom DNS servers instead of DHCPv6 ones'),
+ datatype: 'ipaddr',
+ optional: true
+ }).depends('peerdns', false);
+ section.taboption('advanced', L.cbi.InputValue, 'clientid', {
+ caption: L.tr('Client ID'),
+ description: L.tr('Client ID to send when requesting DHCPv6'),
+ optional: true
+ });
+ }
--- /dev/null
+ protocol: 'dslite',
+ description: L.tr('Dual-Stack Lite (RFC6333)'),
+ tunnel: true,
+ virtual: true,
+ populateForm: function(section, iface)
+ {
+ var wan6 = L.NetworkModel.findWAN6();
+ section.taboption('general', L.cbi.InputValue, 'peeraddr', {
+ caption: L.tr('DS-Lite AFTR address'),
+ datatype: 'ip6addr',
+ optional: false
+ });
+ section.taboption('general', L.cbi.InputValue, 'ip6addr', {
+ caption: L.tr('Local IPv6 address'),
+ description: L.tr('Leave empty to use the current WAN address'),
+ datatype: 'ip6addr',
+ placeholder: wan6 ? wan6.getIPv6Addrs()[0] : undefined,
+ optional: true
+ });
+ section.taboption('advanced', L.cbi.NetworkList, 'tunlink', {
+ caption: L.tr('Tunnel Link'),
+ initial: wan6 ? wan6.name() : undefined,
+ optional: true
+ });
+ section.taboption('advanced', L.cbi.CheckboxValue, 'defaultroute', {
+ caption: L.tr('Default route'),
+ description: L.tr('Create IPv4 default route via tunnel'),
+ optional: true,
+ initial: true
+ });
+ section.taboption('advanced', L.cbi.InputValue, 'ttl', {
+ caption: L.tr('Override TTL'),
+ description: L.tr('Specifies the Time-to-Live on the tunnel interface'),
+ datatype: 'range(1,255)',
+ placeholder: 64,
+ optional: true
+ });
+ }
--- /dev/null
+ protocol: 'none',
+ description: L.tr('Unmanaged'),
+ tunnel: false,
+ virtual: false
--- /dev/null
+ protocol: 'static',
+ description: L.tr('Static address'),
+ tunnel: false,
+ virtual: false,
+ _ev_broadcast: function(ev)
+ {
+ var self = ev.data.self;
+ var sid = ev.data.sid;
+ var i = ($('#' + self.section.id('field', sid, 'ipaddr')).val() || '').split(/\./);
+ var m = ($('#' + self.section.id('field', sid, 'netmask') + ' select').val() || '').split(/\./);
+ var I = 0;
+ var M = 0;
+ for (var n = 0; n < 4; n++)
+ {
+ i[n] = parseInt(i[n]);
+ m[n] = parseInt(m[n]);
+ if (isNaN(i[n]) || i[n] < 0 || i[n] > 255 ||
+ isNaN(m[n]) || m[n] < 0 || m[n] > 255)
+ return;
+ I |= (i[n] << ((3 - n) * 8));
+ M |= (m[n] << ((3 - n) * 8));
+ }
+ var B = I | ~M;
+ $('#' + self.section.id('field', sid, 'broadcast'))
+ .attr('placeholder', '%d.%d.%d.%d'.format(
+ (B >> 24) & 0xFF, (B >> 16) & 0xFF,
+ (B >> 8) & 0xFF, (B >> 0) & 0xFF
+ ));
+ },
+ populateForm: function(section, iface)
+ {
+ var device = L.NetworkModel.getDeviceByInterface(iface);
+ section.taboption('general', L.cbi.InputValue, 'ipaddr', {
+ caption: L.tr('IPv4 address'),
+ datatype: 'ip4addr',
+ optional: true
+ }).on('blur validate', this._ev_broadcast);
+ section.taboption('general', L.cbi.ComboBox, 'netmask', {
+ caption: L.tr('IPv4 netmask'),
+ datatype: 'ip4addr',
+ optional: true
+ }).on('blur validate', this._ev_broadcast)
+ .value('')
+ .value('')
+ .value('');
+ section.taboption('general', L.cbi.InputValue, 'broadcast', {
+ caption: L.tr('IPv4 broadcast'),
+ datatype: 'ip4addr',
+ optional: true
+ });
+ section.taboption('general', L.cbi.InputValue, 'gateway', {
+ caption: L.tr('IPv4 gateway'),
+ datatype: 'ip4addr',
+ optional: true
+ });
+ section.taboption('general', L.cbi.DynamicList, 'dns', {
+ caption: L.tr('DNS servers'),
+ datatype: 'ipaddr',
+ optional: true
+ });
+ section.taboption('ipv6', L.cbi.ComboBox, 'ip6assign', {
+ caption: L.tr('IPv6 assignment length'),
+ description: L.tr('Assign a part of given length of every public IPv6-prefix to this interface'),
+ datatype: 'max(64)',
+ optional: true
+ }).value('', L.tr('disabled')).value('64');
+ var ip6hint = section.taboption('ipv6', L.cbi.InputValue, 'ip6hint', {
+ caption: L.tr('IPv6 assignment hint'),
+ description: L.tr('Assign prefix parts using this hexadecimal subprefix ID for this interface'),
+ optional: true
+ });
+ for (var i = 33; i <= 64; i++)
+ ip6hint.depends('ip6assign', i);
+ section.taboption('ipv6', L.cbi.InputValue, 'ip6addr', {
+ caption: L.tr('IPv6 address'),
+ datatype: 'ip6addr',
+ optional: true
+ }).depends('ip6assign', false);
+ section.taboption('ipv6', L.cbi.InputValue, 'ip6gw', {
+ caption: L.tr('IPv6 gateway'),
+ datatype: 'ip6addr',
+ optional: true
+ }).depends('ip6assign', false);
+ section.taboption('ipv6', L.cbi.InputValue, 'ip6prefix', {
+ caption: L.tr('IPv6 routed prefix'),
+ description: L.tr('Public prefix routed to this device for distribution to clients'),
+ datatype: 'ip6addr',
+ optional: true
+ }).depends('ip6assign', false);
+ }