# $Id$
+mount | grep squashfs >&- || {
+ echo "You do not have a squashfs partition; aborting"
+ echo "(firstboot cannot be run on jffs2 based firmwares)"
+ return
[ -f "/tmp/.firstboot" ] && {
echo "firstboot is already running"
syslogd -C 16
-for i in /etc/init.d/S* ;do
- $i start 2>&1 | logger -s -p 6 -t ''
+for i in /etc/init.d/S*; do
+ $i start 2>&1
+done | logger -s -p 6 -t ''
if_valid $if || return
- $DEBUG ifconfig $if down
+ $DEBUG ifconfig $if down 2>&-
if [ "${if%%[0-9]}" = "br" ]; then
stp=$(nvram get ${type}_stp)
- $DEBUG brctl delbr $if
+ $DEBUG brctl delbr $if 2>&-
$DEBUG brctl addbr $if
$DEBUG brctl setfd $if 0
$DEBUG brctl stp $if ${stp:-0}
pivot_root /jffs /jffs/rom
mount none /proc -t proc
mount none /dev -t devfs
- umount rom/proc rom/dev
+ umount /rom/proc rom/dev >&-
mount none /tmp -t tmpfs size=50%