blne lock_dll
bl sdram_in_selfrefresh @ put SDRAM in self refresh, idle SDRC
bl configure_core_dpll @ change the DPLL3 M2 divider
+ mov r12, r2
+ bl wait_clk_stable @ wait for SDRC to stabilize
bl enable_sdrc @ take SDRC out of idle
cmp r1, #SDRC_UNLOCK_DLL @ wait for DLL status to change
bleq wait_dll_unlock
cmp r3, #1 @ if increasing SDRC clk rate,
beq return_to_sdram @ return to SDRAM code, otherwise,
bl configure_sdrc @ reprogram SDRC regs now
- mov r12, r2
- bl wait_clk_stable @ wait for SDRC to stabilize
isb @ prevent speculative exec past here
mov r0, #0 @ return value