define Package/vncrepeater/description
- Viewer can be behind Nat router or directly connected to the internet
- instead of forwarding serveral ports, you only need to forward 1 port.
- If the PC that runs the Repeater has access to the local DNS server,
+ Viewer can be behind Nat router or directly connected to the internet
+ instead of forwarding serveral ports, you only need to forward 1 port.
+ If the PC that runs the Repeater has access to the local DNS server,
you can use your local DNS names instead of
- This could be handy when you have a dynamic DHCP server allocating
+ This could be handy when you have a dynamic DHCP server allocating
ip adresses for your PC.
-define Package/vncrepeater/install
+define Package/vncrepeater/install
$(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/sbin $(1)/etc
$(CP) $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/repeater $(1)/usr/sbin/$(PKG_NAME)
$(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/etc