+++ /dev/null
-# Copyright (C) 2011 OpenWrt.org
-# This is free software, licensed under the GNU General Public License v2.
-# See /LICENSE for more information.
-include $(TOPDIR)/rules.mk
-include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/package.mk
-define Package/nacl
- SECTION:=libs
- CATEGORY:=Libraries
- TITLE:=NaCl Networking and Cryptography library
- URL:=http://nacl.cace-project.eu/
-define Build/Compile
- cp do-openwrt $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)
- ( \
- cd $(PKG_BUILD_DIR); \
- chmod +x do-openwrt; \
- CC="$(TARGET_CC)" \
- AR="$(TARGET_CROSS)ar" \
- RANLIB="$(TARGET_CROSS)ranlib" \
- ./do-openwrt \
- )
-define Build/InstallDev
- $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/include/nacl
- $(CP) $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/build/include/*.h $(1)/usr/include/nacl/
- $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/lib
- $(CP) $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/build/lib/libnacl.a $(1)/usr/lib/
-$(eval $(call BuildPackage,nacl))
+++ /dev/null
-set -e
-# nacl/do
-# D. J. Bernstein
-# Public domain.
-version=`cat version`
-# and work around bug in GNU sort
-export LANG
-rm -rf "$top"
-mkdir -p "$top"
-mkdir -p "$bin"
-mkdir -p "$lib"
-mkdir -p "$include"
-exec >"$top/log"
-exec 2>&1
-exec 5>"$top/data"
-exec </dev/null
-echo "=== `date` === starting"
-echo "=== `date` === building inttypes"
-for target in int8 int16 int32 int64 uint8 uint16 uint32 uint64; do
- (
- echo "#ifndef crypto_${target}_h"
- echo "#define crypto_${target}_h"
- echo ""
- echo "#include <stdint.h>"
- echo ""
- echo "typedef ${target}_t crypto_${target};"
- echo ""
- echo "#endif"
- ) > "$include/crypto_$target.h"
-echo "=== `date` === building randombytes"
-rm -rf "$work"
-mkdir -p "$work"
-cp -pr randombytes/* "$work"
- cd "$work"
- cp devurandom.c randombytes-impl.c
- cp devurandom.h randombytes-impl.h
- $CC $CFLAGS -c randombytes-impl.c
- mkdir -p lib
- mv randombytes-impl.o lib/randombytes.o
- mkdir -p include
- mv randombytes-impl.h include/randombytes.h
-cp -pr "$work"/lib/* "$lib"
-cp -pr "$work"/include/* "$include"
-rm -rf "$work"
-mkdir -p "$work"
-echo 'void crypto_'"$project"'_base(void) { ; }' > "$work/${project}_base.c"
-( cd "$work" && $CC $CFLAGS -c ${project}_base.c )
-$AR cr "$lib/lib${project}.a" "$work/${project}_base.o"
-( $RANLIB "$lib/lib${project}.a" || exit 0 )
-# loop over operations
-| while read o
- [ -d "$o" ] || continue
- # for each operation, loop over primitives
- ls "$o" \
- | sort \
- | while read p
- do
- [ -d "$o/$p" ] || continue
- op="${o}_${p}"
- startdate=`date +%Y%m%d`
- echo "=== `date` === $o/$p"
- rm -rf "$work"
- mkdir -p "$work"
- if [ -d "$o/$p/ref" ]; then
- implementationdir="$o/$p/ref"
- else
- implementationdir="$o/$p/portable"
- fi
- opi=`echo "$implementationdir" | tr ./- ___`
- echo "=== `date` === $implementationdir"
- cfiles=`ls "$implementationdir" | grep '\.c$' || :`
- sfiles=`ls "$implementationdir" | grep '\.[sS]$' || :`
- cp -p "$o"/*.c "$work"
- cp -pr "$implementationdir"/* "$work"
- cp -p MACROS "$work/MACROS"
- cp -p PROTOTYPES.c "$work/PROTOTYPES.c"
- (
- cd "$work"
- (
- echo "#ifndef ${o}_H"
- echo "#define ${o}_H"
- echo ""
- echo "#include \"${op}.h\""
- echo ""
- egrep "${o}"'$|'"${o}"'\(|'"${o}"'_' < MACROS \
- | sed "s/$o/$op/" | while read mop
- do
- echo "#define ${mop} ${mop}" | sed "s/$op/$o/"
- done
- echo "#define ${o}_PRIMITIVE \"${p}\""
- echo "#define ${o}_IMPLEMENTATION ${op}_IMPLEMENTATION"
- echo "#define ${o}_VERSION ${op}_VERSION"
- echo ""
- echo "#endif"
- ) > "$o.h"
- (
- echo "#ifndef ${op}_H"
- echo "#define ${op}_H"
- echo ""
- sed 's/[ ]CRYPTO_/ '"${opi}"'_/g' < api.h
- echo '#ifdef __cplusplus'
- #echo '#include <string>'
- #egrep "${o}"'$|'"${o}"'\(|'"${o}"'_' < PROTOTYPES.cpp \
- # | sed "s/$o/$opi/"
- echo 'extern "C" {'
- echo '#endif'
- egrep "${o}"'$|'"${o}"'\(|'"${o}"'_' < PROTOTYPES.c \
- | sed "s/$o/$opi/"
- echo '#ifdef __cplusplus'
- echo '}'
- echo '#endif'
- echo ""
- egrep "${o}"'$|'"${o}"'\(|'"${o}"'_' < MACROS \
- | sed "s/$o/$opi/" | while read mopi
- do
- echo "#define ${mopi} ${mopi}" | sed "s/$opi/$op/"
- done
- echo "#define ${op}_IMPLEMENTATION \"${implementationdir}\""
- echo "#ifndef ${opi}_VERSION"
- echo "#define ${opi}_VERSION \"-\""
- echo "#endif"
- echo "#define ${op}_VERSION ${opi}_VERSION"
- echo ""
- echo "#endif"
- ) > "$op.h"
- echo "=== `date` === $implementationdir $CC $CFLAGS"
- for f in $cfiles $sfiles
- do
- ok=1
- -I. -I"$include" \
- -c "$f" >errors 2>&1 || ok=0
- ( if [ `wc -l < errors` -lt 25 ]
- then
- cat errors
- else
- head errors
- echo ...
- tail errors
- fi
- ) \
- | while read err
- do
- echo "$version $startdate $o $p fromcompiler $implementationdir $f $err" >&5
- done
- [ "$ok" = 1 ]
- done
- for f in *.o
- do
- mv "$f" "${opi}-$f"
- done
- )
- echo "=== `date` === $implementationdir $CC $CFLAGS finishing"
- $AR cr "$lib/lib${project}.a" "$work"/*.o \
- && ( $RANLIB "$lib/lib${project}.a" || exit 0 ) \
- && cp -p "$work/$op.h" "$include/$op.h" \
- && [ -f "$o/$p/selected" ] \
- && cp -p "$work/$o.h" "$include/$o.h" \
- || :
- done
-echo "=== `date` === finishing"