| firehol2 | firehol level 2 compilation | x | x | | [Link](https://iplists.firehol.org/?ipset=firehol_level2) |
| firehol3 | firehol level 3 compilation | x | x | | [Link](https://iplists.firehol.org/?ipset=firehol_level3) |
| firehol4 | firehol level 4 compilation | x | x | | [Link](https://iplists.firehol.org/?ipset=firehol_level4) |
-| greensnow | suspicious server IPs | x | x | x | [Link](https://greensnow.co) |
+| greensnow | suspicious server IPs | x | x | | [Link](https://greensnow.co) |
| iblockads | Advertising IPs | | | x | [Link](https://www.iblocklist.com) |
-| iblockspy | Malicious spyware IPs | x | x | x | [Link](https://www.iblocklist.com) |
+| iblockspy | Malicious spyware IPs | x | x | | [Link](https://www.iblocklist.com) |
| myip | real-time IP blocklist | x | x | | [Link](https://myip.ms) |
| nixspam | iX spam protection | x | x | | [Link](http://www.nixspam.org) |
| oisdbig | OISD-big IPs | | | x | [Link](https://github.com/dibdot/banIP-IP-blocklists) |
| oisdnsfw | OISD-nsfw IPs | | | x | [Link](https://github.com/dibdot/banIP-IP-blocklists) |
| oisdsmall | OISD-small IPs | | | x | [Link](https://github.com/dibdot/banIP-IP-blocklists) |
| proxy | open proxies | x | | | [Link](https://iplists.firehol.org/?ipset=proxylists) |
-| ssbl | SSL botnet IPs | x | x | x | [Link](https://sslbl.abuse.ch) |
+| ssbl | SSL botnet IPs | x | x | | [Link](https://sslbl.abuse.ch) |
| stevenblack | stevenblack IPs | | | x | [Link](https://github.com/dibdot/banIP-IP-blocklists) |
| talos | talos IPs | x | x | | [Link](https://talosintelligence.com/reputation_center) |
-| threat | emerging threats | x | x | x | [Link](https://rules.emergingthreats.net) |
-| threatview | malicious IPs | x | x | x | [Link](https://threatview.io) |
-| tor | tor exit nodes | x | x | x | [Link](https://github.com/SecOps-Institute/Tor-IP-Addresses) |
+| threat | emerging threats | x | x | | [Link](https://rules.emergingthreats.net) |
+| threatview | malicious IPs | x | x | | [Link](https://threatview.io) |
+| tor | tor exit nodes | x | x | | [Link](https://github.com/SecOps-Institute/Tor-IP-Addresses) |
| uceprotect1 | spam protection level 1 | x | x | | [Link](http://www.uceprotect.net/en/index.php) |
| uceprotect2 | spam protection level 2 | x | x | | [Link](http://www.uceprotect.net/en/index.php) |
| uceprotect3 | spam protection level 3 | x | x | | [Link](http://www.uceprotect.net/en/index.php) |
| urlhaus | urlhaus IDS IPs | x | x | | [Link](https://urlhaus.abuse.ch) |
-| urlvir | malware related IPs | x | x | x | [Link](https://iplists.firehol.org/?ipset=urlvir) |
-| webclient | malware related IPs | x | x | x | [Link](https://iplists.firehol.org/?ipset=firehol_webclient) |
+| urlvir | malware related IPs | x | x | | [Link](https://iplists.firehol.org/?ipset=urlvir) |
+| webclient | malware related IPs | x | x | | [Link](https://iplists.firehol.org/?ipset=firehol_webclient) |
| voip | VoIP fraud blocklist | x | x | | [Link](https://voipbl.org) |
| yoyo | yoyo IPs | | | x | [Link](https://github.com/dibdot/banIP-IP-blocklists) |
| ban_deduplicate | option | 1 | deduplicate IP addresses across all active sets |
| ban_splitsize | option | 0 | split ext. sets after every n lines/members (saves RAM) |
| ban_cores | option | - / autodetect | limit the cpu cores used by banIP (saves RAM) |
+| ban_nftloglevel | option | warn | nft loglevel, values: emerg, alert, crit, err, warn, notice, info, debug, audit |
+| ban_nftpriority | option | -200 | nft priority for the banIP table (default is the prerouting table priority) |
+| ban_nftpolicy | option | memory | nft policy for banIP-related sets, values: memory, performance |
| ban_nftexpiry | option | - | expiry time for auto added blocklist members, e.g. '5m', '2h' or '1d' |
-| ban_nftpriority | option | -200 | nft banIP table priority (default is the prerouting table priority) |
| ban_feed | list | - | external download feeds, e.g. 'yoyo', 'doh', 'country' or 'talos' (see feed table) |
| ban_asn | list | - | ASNs for the 'asn' feed, e.g.'32934' |
| ban_country | list | - | country iso codes for the 'country' feed, e.g. 'ru' |
~# /etc/init.d/banip status
::: banIP runtime information
+ status : active (nft: ✔, monitor: ✔)
- + version : 0.8.2-1
- + element_count : 180596
- + active_feeds : allowlistvMAC, allowlistv4, allowlistv6, adawayv4, adawayv6, adguardv4, cinsscorev4, adguardv6, countryv6, countryv4,
- deblv4, deblv6, dohv4, dohv6, firehol1v4, oisdsmallv6, oisdsmallv4, urlvirv4, webclientv4, blocklistvMAC, blocklistv4,
- blocklistv6
- + active_devices : eth2
- + active_interfaces : wan, wan6
- + active_subnets :, 2a02:710c:0:80:e342:4b0c:725d:1d43/128
- + run_info : base: /tmp, backup: /mnt/data/banIP-backup, report: /mnt/data/banIP-report, feed: /etc/banip/banip.feeds
+ + version : 0.8.2-2
+ + element_count : 211397
+ + active_feeds : allowlistvMAC, allowlistv4, allowlistv6, adawayv4, adawayv6, adguardv4, adguardtrackersv4, adguardv6, adguardtrackersv
+ 6, antipopadsv4, antipopadsv6, cinsscorev4, countryv6, countryv4, deblv4, deblv6, dohv4, dohv6, firehol1v4, oisdsmallv
+ 6, oisdsmallv4, stevenblackv6, stevenblackv4, webclientv4, blocklistvMAC, blocklistv4, blocklistv6
+ + active_devices : eth2 ::: wan, wan6
+ + active_subnets :, 2b02:710c:0:80:e442:4b0c:637d:1d33/128
+ + nft_info : priority: -200, policy: memory, loglevel: warn, expiry: -
+ + run_info : base: /mnt/data/banIP, backup: /mnt/data/banIP/backup, report: /mnt/data/banIP/report, feed: /etc/banip/banip.feeds
+ run_flags : auto: ✔, proto (4/6): ✔/✔, log (wan-inp/wan-fwd/lan-fwd): ✔/✔/✔, dedup: ✔, split: ✘, allowed only: ✘
- + last_run : action: restart, duration: 0m 58s, date: 2023-03-06 13:50:27
- + system_info : cores: 2, memory: 1831, device: Turris Omnia, OpenWrt SNAPSHOT r22151-1d82a47b49
+ + last_run : action: restart, duration: 0m 55s, date: 2023-03-10 19:33:08
+ + system_info : cores: 2, memory: 1830, device: Turris Omnia, OpenWrt SNAPSHOT r22248-bf055fcdca
**banIP search information**
::: banIP Search
- Looking for IP on 2023-02-08 22:12:48
+ Looking for IP '' on 2023-02-08 22:12:48
- IP found in set oisdbasicv4
+ IP found in Set 'oisdbasicv4'
**banIP survey information**
::: banIP Survey
- List the elements of set cinsscorev4 on 2023-03-06 14:07:58
+ List the elements of Set 'cinsscorev4' on 2023-03-06 14:07:58
-**default regex for logfile parsing**
+**default regex for logfile parsing**
list ban_logterm 'Exit before auth from'
list ban_logterm 'luci: failed login'
* point 'ban_basedir', 'ban_reportdir' and 'ban_backupdir' to an external usb drive
* set 'ban_cores' to '1' (only useful on a multicore system) to force sequential feed processing
* set 'ban_splitsize' e.g. to '1000' to split the load of an external set after every 1000 lines/members
+ * set 'ban_reportelements' to '0' to disable the CPU intensive counting of set elements
**tweak the download options**
By default banIP uses the following pre-configured download options:
ban_mailtopic="banIP notification"
# get wan interfaces
f_getif() {
- local iface
+ local iface update="0"
- "${ban_ubuscmd}" -t 5 wait_for network.device network.interface 2>/dev/null
if [ "${ban_autodetect}" = "1" ]; then
if [ -z "${ban_ifv4}" ]; then
+ network_flush_cache
network_find_wan iface
- if [ -n "${iface}" ] && ! printf "%s" "${ban_ifv4}" | "${ban_grepcmd}" -q "${iface}"; then
+ if [ -n "${iface}" ] && "${ban_ubuscmd}" -t 10 wait_for network.interface."${iface}" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- ban_ifv4="${ban_ifv4}${iface} "
+ ban_ifv4="${iface}"
uci_set banip global ban_protov4 "1"
uci_add_list banip global ban_ifv4 "${iface}"
+ f_log "info" "added IPv4 interface '${iface}' to config"
if [ -z "${ban_ifv6}" ]; then
+ network_flush_cache
network_find_wan6 iface
- if [ -n "${iface}" ] && ! printf "%s" "${ban_ifv6}" | "${ban_grepcmd}" -q "${iface}"; then
+ if [ -n "${iface}" ] && "${ban_ubuscmd}" -t 10 wait_for network.interface."${iface}" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- ban_ifv6="${ban_ifv6}${iface} "
+ ban_ifv6="${iface}"
uci_set banip global ban_protov6 "1"
uci_add_list banip global ban_ifv6 "${iface}"
+ f_log "info" "added IPv6 interface '${iface}' to config"
+ fi
+ if [ -n "$(uci -q changes "banip")" ]; then
+ update="1"
+ uci_commit "banip"
+ else
- [ -n "$(uci -q changes "banip")" ] && uci_commit "banip"
+ for iface in ${ban_ifv4} ${ban_ifv6}; do
+ if ! "${ban_ubuscmd}" -t 10 wait_for network.interface."${iface}" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+ f_log "err" "wan interface '${iface}' is not available, please check your configuration"
+ fi
+ done
[ -z "${ban_ifv4}" ] && [ -z "${ban_ifv6}" ] && f_log "err" "wan interfaces not found, please check your configuration"
- f_log "debug" "f_getif ::: auto_detect: ${ban_autodetect}, interfaces (4/6): ${ban_ifv4}/${ban_ifv6}, protocols (4/6): ${ban_protov4}/${ban_protov6}"
+ f_log "debug" "f_getif ::: auto/update: ${ban_autodetect}/${update}, interfaces (4/6): ${ban_ifv4}/${ban_ifv6}, protocols (4/6): ${ban_protov4}/${ban_protov6}"
# get wan devices
f_getdev() {
- local dev iface
+ local dev iface update="0" cnt="0" cnt_max="10"
- if [ "${ban_autodetect}" = "1" ] && [ -z "${ban_dev}" ]; then
- for iface in ${ban_ifv4} ${ban_ifv6}; do
- network_get_device dev "${iface}"
- if [ -n "${dev}" ] && ! printf "%s" "${ban_dev}" | "${ban_grepcmd}" -q "${dev}"; then
- ban_dev="${ban_dev}${dev} "
- uci_add_list banip global ban_dev "${dev}"
- else
- network_get_physdev dev "${iface}"
- if [ -n "${dev}" ] && ! printf "%s" "${ban_dev}" | "${ban_grepcmd}" -q "${dev}"; then
- ban_dev="${ban_dev}${dev} "
- uci_add_list banip global ban_dev "${dev}"
+ if [ "${ban_autodetect}" = "1" ]; then
+ while [ -z "${ban_dev}" ] && [ "${cnt}" -le "${cnt_max}" ]; do
+ network_flush_cache
+ for iface in ${ban_ifv4} ${ban_ifv6}; do
+ network_get_device dev "${iface}"
+ if [ -n "${dev}" ]; then
+ if printf "%s" "${dev}" | "${ban_grepcmd}" -qE "pppoe|6in4"; then
+ dev="${iface}"
+ fi
+ if ! printf " %s " "${ban_dev}" | "${ban_grepcmd}" -q " ${dev} "; then
+ ban_dev="${ban_dev}${dev} "
+ uci_add_list banip global ban_dev "${dev}"
+ f_log "info" "added device '${dev}' to config"
+ fi
- fi
+ done
+ cnt="$((cnt + 1))"
+ sleep 1
- ban_dev="${ban_dev%%?}"
- [ -n "$(uci -q changes "banip")" ] && uci_commit "banip"
+ if [ -n "$(uci -q changes "banip")" ]; then
+ update="1"
+ uci_commit "banip"
+ fi
+ ban_dev="${ban_dev%%?}"
[ -z "${ban_dev}" ] && f_log "err" "wan devices not found, please check your configuration"
- f_log "debug" "f_getdev ::: auto_detect: ${ban_autodetect}, devices: ${ban_dev}"
+ f_log "debug" "f_getdev ::: auto/update: ${ban_autodetect}/${update}, devices: ${ban_dev}, cnt: ${cnt}"
# get local subnets
f_getsub() {
- local sub iface ip
+ local sub iface ip update="0"
- for iface in ${ban_ifv4} ${ban_ifv6}; do
- network_get_subnet sub "${iface}"
- if [ -n "${sub}" ] && ! printf "%s" "${ban_sub}" | "${ban_grepcmd}" -q "${sub}"; then
- ban_sub="${ban_sub} ${sub}"
- fi
- network_get_subnet6 sub "${iface}"
- if [ -n "${sub}" ] && ! printf "%s" "${ban_sub}" | "${ban_grepcmd}" -q "${sub}"; then
- ban_sub="${ban_sub} ${sub}"
- fi
- done
if [ "${ban_autoallowlist}" = "1" ]; then
+ for iface in ${ban_ifv4} ${ban_ifv6}; do
+ network_flush_cache
+ network_get_subnet sub "${iface}"
+ if [ -n "${sub}" ] && ! printf " %s " "${ban_sub}" | "${ban_grepcmd}" -q " ${sub} "; then
+ ban_sub="${ban_sub}${sub} "
+ fi
+ network_get_subnet6 sub "${iface}"
+ if [ -n "${sub}" ] && ! printf " %s " "${ban_sub}" | "${ban_grepcmd}" -q " ${sub} "; then
+ ban_sub="${ban_sub}${sub} "
+ fi
+ done
for ip in ${ban_sub}; do
if ! "${ban_grepcmd}" -q "${ip}" "${ban_allowlist}"; then
- printf "%-42s%s\n" "${ip}" "added on $(date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")" >>"${ban_allowlist}"
- f_log "info" "add subnet '${ip}' to local allowlist"
+ update="1"
+ printf "%-42s%s\n" "${ip}" "# subnet added on $(date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")" >>"${ban_allowlist}"
+ f_log "info" "added subnet '${ip}' to local allowlist"
+ ban_sub="${ban_sub%%?}"
- [ -z "${ban_sub}" ] && f_log "err" "wan subnet(s) not found, please check your configuration"
- f_log "debug" "f_getsub ::: auto_allowlist: ${ban_autoallowlist}, subnet(s): ${ban_sub:-"-"}"
+ f_log "debug" "f_getsub ::: auto/update: ${ban_autoallowlist}/${update}, subnet(s): ${ban_sub:-"-"}"
# get set elements
feed_log="$("${ban_nftcmd}" -f "${file}" 2>&1)"
- f_log "debug" "f_nftinit ::: devices: ${ban_dev}, priority: ${ban_nftpriority}, rc: ${feed_rc:-"-"}, log: ${feed_log:-"-"}"
+ f_log "debug" "f_nftinit ::: devices: ${ban_dev}, priority: ${ban_nftpriority}, policy: ${ban_nftpolicy}, loglevel: ${ban_nftloglevel}, rc: ${feed_rc:-"-"}, log: ${feed_log:-"-"}"
return ${feed_rc}
- [ "${ban_loginput}" = "1" ] && log_input="log level ${ban_loglevel} prefix \"banIP/inp-wan/drp/${feed}: \""
- [ "${ban_logforwardwan}" = "1" ] && log_forwardwan="log level ${ban_loglevel} prefix \"banIP/fwd-wan/drp/${feed}: \""
- [ "${ban_logforwardlan}" = "1" ] && log_forwardlan="log level ${ban_loglevel} prefix \"banIP/fwd-lan/rej/${feed}: \""
+ [ "${ban_loginput}" = "1" ] && log_input="log level ${ban_nftloglevel} prefix \"banIP/inp-wan/drp/${feed}: \""
+ [ "${ban_logforwardwan}" = "1" ] && log_forwardwan="log level ${ban_nftloglevel} prefix \"banIP/fwd-wan/drp/${feed}: \""
+ [ "${ban_logforwardlan}" = "1" ] && log_forwardlan="log level ${ban_nftloglevel} prefix \"banIP/fwd-lan/rej/${feed}: \""
# set source block direction
[ -s "${tmp_flush}" ] && cat "${tmp_flush}"
if [ "${proto}" = "MAC" ]; then
"${ban_awkcmd}" '/^([0-9A-f]{2}:){5}[0-9A-f]{2}([[:space:]]|$)/{printf "%s, ",tolower($1)}' "${ban_allowlist}" >"${tmp_file}"
- printf "%s\n" "add set inet banIP ${feed} { type ether_addr; policy memory; $(f_getelements "${tmp_file}") }"
+ printf "%s\n" "add set inet banIP ${feed} { type ether_addr; policy ${ban_nftpolicy}; $(f_getelements "${tmp_file}") }"
[ -z "${feed_direction##*forwardlan*}" ] && printf "%s\n" "add rule inet banIP lan-forward ether saddr @${feed} counter accept"
elif [ "${proto}" = "4" ]; then
"${ban_awkcmd}" '/^(([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}(1?[0-9][0-9]?|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])(\/(1?[0-9]|2?[0-9]|3?[0-2]))?)([[:space:]]|$)/{printf "%s, ",$1}' "${ban_allowlist}" >"${tmp_file}"
- printf "%s\n" "add set inet banIP ${feed} { type ipv4_addr; flags interval; auto-merge; policy memory; $(f_getelements "${tmp_file}") }"
+ printf "%s\n" "add set inet banIP ${feed} { type ipv4_addr; flags interval; auto-merge; policy ${ban_nftpolicy}; $(f_getelements "${tmp_file}") }"
if [ -z "${feed_direction##*input*}" ]; then
if [ "${ban_allowlistonly}" = "1" ]; then
printf "%s\n" "add rule inet banIP wan-input ip saddr != @${feed} ${log_input} counter drop"
elif [ "${proto}" = "6" ]; then
"${ban_awkcmd}" '!/^([0-9A-f]{2}:){5}[0-9A-f]{2}([[:space:]]|$)/{printf "%s\n",$1}' "${ban_allowlist}" |
"${ban_awkcmd}" '/^(([0-9A-f]{0,4}:){1,7}[0-9A-f]{0,4}:?(\/(1?[0-2][0-8]|[0-9][0-9]))?)([[:space:]]|$)/{printf "%s, ",tolower($1)}' >"${tmp_file}"
- printf "%s\n" "add set inet banIP ${feed} { type ipv6_addr; flags interval; auto-merge; policy memory; $(f_getelements "${tmp_file}") }"
+ printf "%s\n" "add set inet banIP ${feed} { type ipv6_addr; flags interval; auto-merge; policy ${ban_nftpolicy}; $(f_getelements "${tmp_file}") }"
if [ -z "${feed_direction##*input*}" ]; then
if [ "${ban_allowlistonly}" = "1" ]; then
printf "%s\n" "add rule inet banIP wan-input ip6 saddr != @${feed} ${log_input} counter drop"
[ -s "${tmp_flush}" ] && cat "${tmp_flush}"
if [ "${proto}" = "MAC" ]; then
"${ban_awkcmd}" '/^([0-9A-f]{2}:){5}[0-9A-f]{2}([[:space:]]|$)/{printf "%s, ",tolower($1)}' "${ban_blocklist}" >"${tmp_file}"
- printf "%s\n" "add set inet banIP ${feed} { type ether_addr; policy memory; $(f_getelements "${tmp_file}") }"
+ printf "%s\n" "add set inet banIP ${feed} { type ether_addr; policy ${ban_nftpolicy}; $(f_getelements "${tmp_file}") }"
[ -z "${feed_direction##*forwardlan*}" ] && printf "%s\n" "add rule inet banIP lan-forward ether saddr @${feed} ${log_forwardlan} counter reject"
elif [ "${proto}" = "4" ]; then
if [ "${ban_deduplicate}" = "1" ]; then
"${ban_awkcmd}" '/^(([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}(1?[0-9][0-9]?|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])(\/(1?[0-9]|2?[0-9]|3?[0-2]))?)([[:space:]]|$)/{printf "%s,\n",$1}' "${ban_blocklist}" >"${tmp_split}"
"${ban_awkcmd}" '{ORS=" ";print}' "${tmp_split}" 2>/dev/null >"${tmp_file}"
- printf "%s\n" "add set inet banIP ${feed} { type ipv4_addr; flags interval, timeout; auto-merge; policy memory; $(f_getelements "${tmp_file}") }"
+ printf "%s\n" "add set inet banIP ${feed} { type ipv4_addr; flags interval, timeout; auto-merge; policy ${ban_nftpolicy}; $(f_getelements "${tmp_file}") }"
[ -z "${feed_direction##*input*}" ] && printf "%s\n" "add rule inet banIP wan-input ip saddr @${feed} ${log_input} counter drop"
[ -z "${feed_direction##*forwardwan*}" ] && printf "%s\n" "add rule inet banIP wan-forward ip saddr @${feed} ${log_forwardwan} counter drop"
[ -z "${feed_direction##*forwardlan*}" ] && printf "%s\n" "add rule inet banIP lan-forward ip daddr @${feed} ${log_forwardlan} counter reject with icmp type admin-prohibited"
"${ban_awkcmd}" '/^(([0-9A-f]{0,4}:){1,7}[0-9A-f]{0,4}:?(\/(1?[0-2][0-8]|[0-9][0-9]))?)([[:space:]]|$)/{printf "%s,\n",tolower($1)}' >"${tmp_split}"
"${ban_awkcmd}" '{ORS=" ";print}' "${tmp_split}" 2>/dev/null >"${tmp_file}"
- printf "%s\n" "add set inet banIP ${feed} { type ipv6_addr; flags interval, timeout; auto-merge; policy memory; $(f_getelements "${tmp_file}") }"
+ printf "%s\n" "add set inet banIP ${feed} { type ipv6_addr; flags interval, timeout; auto-merge; policy ${ban_nftpolicy}; $(f_getelements "${tmp_file}") }"
[ -z "${feed_direction##*input*}" ] && printf "%s\n" "add rule inet banIP wan-input ip6 saddr @${feed} ${log_input} counter drop"
[ -z "${feed_direction##*forwardwan*}" ] && printf "%s\n" "add rule inet banIP wan-forward ip6 saddr @${feed} ${log_forwardwan} counter drop"
[ -z "${feed_direction##*forwardlan*}" ] && printf "%s\n" "add rule inet banIP lan-forward ip6 daddr @${feed} ${log_forwardlan} counter reject with icmpv6 type admin-prohibited"
printf "%s\n\n" "#!/usr/sbin/nft -f"
[ -s "${tmp_flush}" ] && cat "${tmp_flush}"
- printf "%s\n" "add set inet banIP ${feed} { type ipv4_addr; flags interval; auto-merge; policy memory; $(f_getelements "${tmp_file}.1") }"
+ printf "%s\n" "add set inet banIP ${feed} { type ipv4_addr; flags interval; auto-merge; policy ${ban_nftpolicy}; $(f_getelements "${tmp_file}.1") }"
# input and forward rules
printf "%s\n\n" "#!/usr/sbin/nft -f"
[ -s "${tmp_flush}" ] && cat "${tmp_flush}"
- printf "%s\n" "add set inet banIP ${feed} { type ipv6_addr; flags interval; auto-merge; policy memory; $(f_getelements "${tmp_file}.1") }"
+ printf "%s\n" "add set inet banIP ${feed} { type ipv6_addr; flags interval; auto-merge; policy ${ban_nftpolicy}; $(f_getelements "${tmp_file}.1") }"
# input and forward rules
rm -f "${split_file}"
- cnt_set="$("${ban_nftcmd}" -j list set inet banIP "${feed}" 2>/dev/null | jsonfilter -qe '@.nftables[*].set.elem[*]' | wc -l 2>/dev/null)"
+ if [ "${ban_debug}" = "1" ] && [ "${ban_reportelements}" = "1" ]; then
+ cnt_set="$("${ban_nftcmd}" -j list set inet banIP "${feed}" 2>/dev/null | jsonfilter -qe '@.nftables[*].set.elem[*]' | wc -l 2>/dev/null)"
+ fi
f_log "info" "empty feed ${feed} will be skipped"
duration="$(((ban_endtime - ban_starttime) / 60))m $(((ban_endtime - ban_starttime) % 60))s"
table_sets="$("${ban_nftcmd}" -tj list ruleset 2>/dev/null | jsonfilter -qe '@.nftables[@.set.table="banIP"].set.name')"
- for set in ${table_sets}; do
- cnt_elements="$((cnt_elements + $("${ban_nftcmd}" -j list set inet banIP "${set}" 2>/dev/null | jsonfilter -qe '@.nftables[*].set.elem[*]' | wc -l 2>/dev/null)))"
- done
+ if [ "${ban_reportelements}" = "1" ]; then
+ for set in ${table_sets}; do
+ cnt_elements="$((cnt_elements + $("${ban_nftcmd}" -j list set inet banIP "${set}" 2>/dev/null | jsonfilter -qe '@.nftables[*].set.elem[*]' | wc -l 2>/dev/null)))"
+ done
+ fi
runtime="action: ${ban_action:-"-"}, duration: ${duration:-"-"}, date: $(date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")"
json_add_string "device" "${object}"
- fi
- json_close_array
- json_add_array "active_interfaces"
- if [ "${status}" != "active" ]; then
- json_add_object
- json_add_string "interface" "-"
- json_close_object
- else
for object in ${ban_ifv4} ${ban_ifv6}; do
json_add_string "interface" "${object}"
+ json_add_string "nft_info" "priority: ${ban_nftpriority}, policy: ${ban_nftpolicy}, loglevel: ${ban_nftloglevel}, expiry: ${ban_nftexpiry:-"-"}"
json_add_string "run_info" "base: ${ban_basedir}, backup: ${ban_backupdir}, report: ${ban_reportdir}, feed: ${ban_feedfile}"
json_add_string "run_flags" "auto: $(f_char ${ban_autodetect}), proto (4/6): $(f_char ${ban_protov4})/$(f_char ${ban_protov6}), log (wan-inp/wan-fwd/lan-fwd): $(f_char ${ban_loginput})/$(f_char ${ban_logforwardwan})/$(f_char ${ban_logforwardlan}), dedup: $(f_char ${ban_deduplicate}), split: $(f_char ${split}), allowed only: $(f_char ${ban_allowlistonly})"
json_add_string "last_run" "${runtime:-"-"}"
# get status information
f_getstatus() {
- local key keylist type value index_value actual="${1}"
+ local key keylist type value index_key1 index_key2 index_value1 index_value2 actual="${1}"
[ -z "${ban_dev}" ] && f_conf
json_load_file "${ban_rtfile}" >/dev/null 2>&1
json_get_var value "${key}" >/dev/null 2>&1
if [ "${key}" = "status" ]; then
value="${value} ($(f_actual))"
+ elif [ "${key}" = "active_devices" ]; then
+ json_select "${key}" >/dev/null 2>&1
+ index=1
+ while json_get_type type "${index}" && [ "${type}" = "object" ]; do
+ json_get_keys index_key1 "${index}" >/dev/null 2>&1
+ json_get_keys index_key2 "$((index + 1))" >/dev/null 2>&1
+ json_get_values index_value1 "${index}" >/dev/null 2>&1
+ if [ "${index}" = "1" ] && [ "${index_key1// /}" = "device" ] && [ "${index_key2// /}" = "interface" ]; then
+ json_get_values index_value2 "$((index + 1))" >/dev/null 2>&1
+ value="${index_value1} ::: ${index_value2}"
+ index="$((index + 1))"
+ elif [ "${index}" = "1" ]; then
+ value="${index_value1}"
+ elif [ "${index}" != "1" ] && [ "${index_key1// /}" = "device" ] && [ "${index_key2// /}" = "interface" ]; then
+ json_get_values index_value2 "$((index + 1))" >/dev/null 2>&1
+ value="${value}, ${index_value1} ::: ${index_value2}"
+ index="$((index + 1))"
+ elif [ "${index}" != "1" ]; then
+ value="${value}, ${index_value1}"
+ fi
+ index="$((index + 1))"
+ done
+ json_select ".."
elif [ "${key%_*}" = "active" ]; then
json_select "${key}" >/dev/null 2>&1
while json_get_type type "${index}" && [ "${type}" = "object" ]; do
- json_get_values index_value "${index}" >/dev/null 2>&1
+ json_get_values index_value1 "${index}" >/dev/null 2>&1
if [ "${index}" = "1" ]; then
- value="${index_value}"
+ value="${index_value1}"
- value="${value}, ${index_value}"
+ value="${value}, ${index_value1}"
- index=$((index + 1))
+ index="$((index + 1))"
json_select ".."
value="$(printf "%s" "${value}" |
- awk '{NR=1;max=118;if(length($0)>max+1)while($0){if(NR==1){print substr($0,1,max)}else{printf"%-24s%s\n","",substr($0,1,max)}{$0=substr($0,max+1);NR=NR+1}}else print}')"
+ awk '{NR=1;max=118;if(length($0)>max+1)while($0){if(NR==1){print substr($0,1,max)}else{printf"%-24s%s\n","",substr($0,1,max)}{$0=substr($0,max+1);NR=NR+1}}else print}')"
printf " + %-17s : %s\n" "${key}" "${value:-"-"}"
if [ "${feed}" = "allowlist" ] && [ "${ban_autoallowlist}" = "1" ]; then
- printf "%-42s%s\n" "${ip}" "# ip of '${domain}' added on $(date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")" >>"${ban_allowlist}"
+ printf "%-42s%s\n" "${ip}" "# '${domain}' added on $(date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")" >>"${ban_allowlist}"
elif [ "${feed}" = "blocklist" ] && [ "${ban_autoblocklist}" = "1" ]; then
- printf "%-42s%s\n" "${ip}" "# ip of '${domain}' added on $(date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")" >>"${ban_blocklist}"
+ printf "%-42s%s\n" "${ip}" "# '${domain}' added on $(date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")" >>"${ban_blocklist}"
if [ -n "${search}" ]; then
ip="$(printf "%s" "${search}" | "${ban_awkcmd}" 'BEGIN{RS="(([0-9]{1,3}\\.){3}[0-9]{1,3})+"}{printf "%s",RT}')"
[ -n "${ip}" ] && proto="v4"
ip="$(printf "%s" "${search}" | "${ban_awkcmd}" 'BEGIN{RS="([A-Fa-f0-9]{1,4}::?){3,7}[A-Fa-f0-9]{1,4}"}{printf "%s",RT}')"
[ -n "${ip}" ] && proto="v6"
- if [ -n "${proto}" ]; then
- table_sets="$("${ban_nftcmd}" -tj list ruleset 2>/dev/null | jsonfilter -qe "@.nftables[@.set.table=\"banIP\"&&@.set.type=\"ip${proto}_addr\"].set.name")"
- else
- printf "%s\n%s\n%s\n" ":::" "::: no valid search input (single IPv4/IPv6 address)" ":::"
- return
- fi
+ fi
+ if [ -n "${proto}" ]; then
+ table_sets="$("${ban_nftcmd}" -tj list ruleset 2>/dev/null | jsonfilter -qe "@.nftables[@.set.table=\"banIP\"&&@.set.type=\"ip${proto}_addr\"].set.name")"
- printf "%s\n%s\n%s\n" ":::" "::: no valid search input (single IPv4/IPv6 address)" ":::"
+ printf "%s\n%s\n%s\n" ":::" "::: no valid search input" ":::"
printf "%s\n%s\n%s\n" ":::" "::: banIP Search" ":::"
- printf "%s\n" " Looking for IP ${ip} on $(date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")"
+ printf "%s\n" " Looking for IP '${ip}' on $(date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")"
printf "%s\n" " ---"
for set in ${table_sets}; do
if "${ban_nftcmd}" get element inet banIP "${set}" "{ ${ip} }" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- printf "%s\n" " IP found in set ${set}"
+ printf "%s\n" " IP found in Set '${set}'"
: >"${run_search}"
) &
cnt="$((cnt + 1))"
- [ ! -f "${run_search}" ] && printf "%s\n" " IP not found"
- rm -f "${run_search}"
+ if [ ! -f "${run_search}" ]; then
+ printf "%s\n" " IP not found"
+ else
+ rm -f "${run_search}"
+ fi
# set survey
[ -n "${set}" ] && set_elements="$("${ban_nftcmd}" -j list set inet banIP "${set}" 2>/dev/null | jsonfilter -qe '@.nftables[*].set.elem[*]')"
if [ -z "${set}" ] || [ -z "${set_elements}" ]; then
- printf "%s\n%s\n%s\n" ":::" "::: no valid survey input (single banIP set name)" ":::"
+ printf "%s\n%s\n%s\n" ":::" "::: no valid survey input" ":::"
printf "%s\n%s\n%s\n" ":::" "::: banIP Survey" ":::"
- printf "%s\n" " List the elements of set ${set} on $(date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")"
+ printf "%s\n" " List the elements of Set '${set}' on $(date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")"
printf "%s\n" " ---"
printf "%s\n" "${set_elements}"