obj64-$(CONFIG_SMP) += locks.o
obj64-$(CONFIG_ALTIVEC) += vmx-helper.o
obj-y += checksum_$(BITS).o checksum_wrappers.o
obj-$(CONFIG_PPC_EMULATE_SSTEP) += sstep.o ldstfp.o
* work to calculate the correct checksum, we ignore that case
* and take the potential slowdown of unaligned loads.
- rldicl. r6,r3,64-1,64-2 /* r6 = (r3 & 0x3) >> 1 */
+ rldicl. r6,r3,64-1,64-2 /* r6 = (r3 >> 1) & 0x3 */
beq .Lcsum_aligned
li r7,4
beq .Lcsum_finish
lbz r6,0(r3)
+#ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN__
sldi r9,r6,8 /* Pad the byte out to 16 bits */
adde r0,r0,r9
+ adde r0,r0,r6
addze r0,r0 /* add in final carry */
* If the source and destination are relatively unaligned we only
* align the source. This keeps things simple.
- rldicl. r6,r3,64-1,64-2 /* r6 = (r3 & 0x3) >> 1 */
+ rldicl. r6,r3,64-1,64-2 /* r6 = (r3 >> 1) & 0x3 */
beq .Lcopy_aligned
li r9,4
beq .Lcopy_finish
srcnr; lbz r6,0(r3)
+#ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN__
sldi r9,r6,8 /* Pad the byte out to 16 bits */
adde r0,r0,r9
+ adde r0,r0,r6
dstnr; stb r6,0(r4)