local root_type=$(identify $dir/root)
[ "$root_type" != "ubi" ] && return
- echo "Provided firmware contains kernel and UBI image, but flashing it is unsupported yet"
- exit 1
# Prepare TRX file with just a kernel that will replace current one
local linux_length=$(grep "\"linux\"" /proc/mtd | sed "s/mtd[0-9]*:[ \t]*\([^ \t]*\).*/\1/")
[ -z "$linux_length" ] && {
-f $dir/kernel -b $linux_length \
-f /tmp/null.bin
+ # Prepare UBI image (drop unwanted extra blocks)
+ local ubi_length=0
+ while [ "$(dd if=$dir/root skip=$ubi_length bs=1 count=4 2>/dev/null)" = "UBI#" ]; do
+ ubi_length=$(($ubi_length + 131072))
+ done
+ echo "ubi_length: $ubi_length"
+ dd if=$dir/root of=/tmp/root.ubi bs=131072 count=$((ubi_length / 131072)) 2>/dev/null
# Flash
mtd write /tmp/kernel.trx firmware
+ nand_do_upgrade /tmp/root.ubi
platform_do_upgrade() {