--- /dev/null
+From 58b01e01875e2f6ae593ded197430bc23713dd0a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Ingo Rohloff <lundril@gmx.de>
+Date: Fri, 16 May 2014 21:51:41 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] ADB on linux: Handle USB SuperSpeed extra Descriptors
+Under Linux, ADB manually parses USB Descriptors to check for
+possible ADB USB Interfaces. USB Devices connected with SuperSpeed
+will exhibit extra USB SuperSpeed Endpoint Companion Descriptors.
+This patch handles these USB SuperSpeed specific USB Descriptors.
+Change-Id: Icd1e5fdde0b324c7df4f933583499f2c52a922f3
+Signed-off-by: Ingo Rohloff <lundril@gmx.de>
+ adb/usb_linux.c | 12 ++++++++++++
+ 1 file changed, 12 insertions(+)
+--- a/adb/usb_linux.c
++++ b/adb/usb_linux.c
+@@ -238,8 +238,20 @@ static void find_usb_device(const char *
+ // looks like ADB...
+ ep1 = (struct usb_endpoint_descriptor *)bufptr;
++ // For USB 3.0 SuperSpeed devices, skip potential
++ // USB 3.0 SuperSpeed Endpoint Companion descriptor
++ if (bufptr+2 <= devdesc + desclength &&
++ bufptr[0] == USB_DT_SS_EP_COMP_SIZE &&
++ bufptr[1] == USB_DT_SS_ENDPOINT_COMP) {
++ bufptr += USB_DT_SS_EP_COMP_SIZE;
++ }
+ ep2 = (struct usb_endpoint_descriptor *)bufptr;
++ if (bufptr+2 <= devdesc + desclength &&
++ bufptr[0] == USB_DT_SS_EP_COMP_SIZE &&
++ bufptr[1] == USB_DT_SS_ENDPOINT_COMP) {
++ bufptr += USB_DT_SS_EP_COMP_SIZE;
++ }
+ if (bufptr > devdesc + desclength ||
+ ep1->bLength != USB_DT_ENDPOINT_SIZE ||