ping = _("Ping"),
processes = _("Processes"),
rrdtool = _("RRDTool"),
+ sensors = _("Sensors"),
splash_leases = _("Splash Leases"),
tcpconns = _("TCP Connections"),
unixsock = _("UnixSock"),
-- our collectd menu
local collectd_menu = {
output = { "csv", "network", "rrdtool", "unixsock" },
- general = { "cpu", "df", "disk", "email", "entropy", "exec", "irq", "load", "memory", "nut", "processes", "uptime" },
+ general = { "cpu", "df", "disk", "email", "entropy", "exec", "irq", "load", "memory", "nut", "processes", "sensors", "uptime" },
network = { "conntrack", "dns", "interface", "iptables", "netlink", "olsrd", "ping", "splash_leases", "tcpconns", "iwinfo" }
--- /dev/null
+-- Copyright 2015 Jo-Philipp Wich <>
+-- Licensed to the public under the Apache License 2.0.
+require "luci.sys"
+local m, s, o
+local sensor_types = {
+ ["12v"] = "voltage",
+ ["2.0v"] = "voltage",
+ ["2.5v"] = "voltage",
+ ["3.3v"] = "voltage",
+ ["5.0v"] = "voltage",
+ ["5v"] = "voltage",
+ ["ain1"] = "voltage",
+ ["ain2"] = "voltage",
+ ["cpu_temp"] = "temperature",
+ ["fan1"] = "fanspeed",
+ ["fan2"] = "fanspeed",
+ ["fan3"] = "fanspeed",
+ ["fan4"] = "fanspeed",
+ ["fan5"] = "fanspeed",
+ ["fan6"] = "fanspeed",
+ ["fan7"] = "fanspeed",
+ ["in0"] = "voltage",
+ ["in10"] = "voltage",
+ ["in2"] = "voltage",
+ ["in3"] = "voltage",
+ ["in4"] = "voltage",
+ ["in5"] = "voltage",
+ ["in6"] = "voltage",
+ ["in7"] = "voltage",
+ ["in8"] = "voltage",
+ ["in9"] = "voltage",
+ ["power1"] = "power",
+ ["remote_temp"] = "temperature",
+ ["temp1"] = "temperature",
+ ["temp2"] = "temperature",
+ ["temp3"] = "temperature",
+ ["temp4"] = "temperature",
+ ["temp5"] = "temperature",
+ ["temp6"] = "temperature",
+ ["temp7"] = "temperature",
+ ["temp"] = "temperature",
+ ["vccp1"] = "voltage",
+ ["vccp2"] = "voltage",
+ ["vdd"] = "voltage",
+ ["vid1"] = "voltage",
+ ["vid2"] = "voltage",
+ ["vid3"] = "voltage",
+ ["vid4"] = "voltage",
+ ["vid5"] = "voltage",
+ ["vid"] = "voltage",
+ ["vin1"] = "voltage",
+ ["vin2"] = "voltage",
+ ["vin3"] = "voltage",
+ ["vin4"] = "voltage",
+ ["volt12"] = "voltage",
+ ["volt5"] = "voltage",
+ ["voltbatt"] = "voltage",
+ ["vrm"] = "voltage"
+m = Map("luci_statistics",
+ translate("Sensors Plugin Configuration"),
+ translate("The sensors plugin uses the Linux Sensors framework to gather environmental statistics."))
+s = m:section( NamedSection, "collectd_sensors", "luci_statistics" )
+o = s:option( Flag, "enable", translate("Enable this plugin") )
+o.default = 0
+o = s:option(Flag, "__all", translate("Monitor all sensors"))
+o:depends("enable", 1)
+o.default = 1
+o.write = function() end
+o.cfgvalue = function(self, sid)
+ local v =, "Sensor")
+ if v == nil or (type(v) == "table" and #v == 0) or (type(v) == "string" and #v == 0) then
+ return "1"
+ end
+o = s:option(MultiValue, "Sensor", translate("Sensor list"), translate("Hold Ctrl to select multiple items or to deselect entries."))
+o:depends({enable = 1, __all = "" })
+o.widget = "select"
+o.rmempty = true
+o.size = 0
+local sensorcli = io.popen("/usr/sbin/sensors -u -A")
+if sensorcli then
+ local bus, sensor
+ while true do
+ local ln = sensorcli:read("*ln")
+ if not ln then
+ break
+ elseif ln:match("^[%w-]+$") then
+ bus = ln
+ elseif ln:match("^[%w-]+:$") then
+ sensor = ln:sub(0, -2):lower()
+ if bus and sensor_types[sensor] then
+ o:value("%s/%s-%s" %{ bus, sensor_types[sensor], sensor })
+ o.size = o.size + 1
+ end
+ elseif ln == "" then
+ bus = nil
+ sensor = nil
+ end
+ end
+ sensorcli:close()
+o = s:option( Flag, "IgnoreSelected", translate("Monitor all except specified") )
+o.default = 0
+o.rmempty = true
+o:depends({ enable = 1, __all = "" })
+return m
--- /dev/null
+-- Copyright 2015 Jo-Philipp Wich <>
+-- Licensed to the public under the Apache License 2.0.
+module("luci.statistics.rrdtool.definitions.sensors", package.seeall)
+function rrdargs( graph, plugin, plugin_instance )
+ return {
+ {
+ per_instance = true,
+ title = "%H: %pi - %di",
+ vlabel = "\176C",
+ number_format = "%4.1lf\176C",
+ data = {
+ types = { "temperature" },
+ options = {
+ temperature__value = {
+ color = "ff0000",
+ title = "Temperature"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }