local devices = ntm:get_wifidevs()
local sys = require "luci.sys"
local assoclist = {}
+ local neightbl = require "neightbl"
if r.dest:prefix() == 0 then
local signal = 1
local noise = 1
local arptable = sys.net.arptable()
- local mac
- local rmac
- local lmac
+ local mac = ""
+ local rmac = ""
+ local lmac = ""
local ip
+ local neihgt = {}
if resolve == "1" then
hostname = nixio.getnameinfo(v.remoteIP, nil, 100)
uci:foreach("network", "interface",function(vif)
if vif.ipaddr and vif.ipaddr == v.localIP then
interface = vif['.name'] or vif.interface
- lmac = string.lower(vif.macaddr or "")
+ lmac = string.lower(vif.macaddr or "")
rmac = string.lower(arpt['HW address'] or "")
- for _, val in ipairs(assoclist) do
- if val.network == interface and val.list then
- for assocmac, assot in pairs(val.list) do
- assocmac = string.lower(assocmac or "")
- if rmac == assocmac then
- signal = tonumber(assot.signal)
- noise = tonumber(assot.noise)
- snr = signal/noise
- end
- end
- end
- end
elseif v.proto == '6' then
+ local uprefix = uci:get("network", "globals", "ula_prefix") or ""
+ uprefix = string.gsub(uprefix, "::/.*", "")
+ ip6assign_c = 0
uci:foreach("network", "interface",function(vif)
- if vif.ip6addr and string.gsub(vif.ip6addr, "/64", "") == v.localIP then
+ local ip6assign = vif.ip6assign or 0
+ if ip6assign ~= 0 then
+ if ip6assign_c == 0 then
+ ip6assign_addr = uprefix.."::1"
+ else
+ ip6assign_addr = uprefix..":"..ip6assign_c.."::1"
+ end
+ ip6assign_c = ip6assign_c + 1
+ end
+ if ip6assign_addr == v.localIP then
+ interface = vif['.name'] or vif.interface
+ neihgt = neightbl.get(vif.ifname) or {}
+ return
+ elseif vif.ip6addr and string.gsub(vif.ip6addr, "/"..ip6assign, "") == v.localIP then
interface = vif['.name'] or vif.interface
+ neihgt = neightbl.get(vif.ifname) or {}
+ for ip,mac in pairs(neihgt) do
+ if ip == v.remoteIP then
+ rmac = mac
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ for _, val in ipairs(assoclist) do
+ if val.network == interface and val.list then
+ for assocmac, assot in pairs(val.list) do
+ assocmac = string.lower(assocmac or "")
+ if rmac == assocmac then
+ signal = tonumber(assot.signal)
+ noise = tonumber(assot.noise)
+ snr = signal/noise
+ end
+ end
+ end
if interface then
v.interface = interface