entry({"admin", "services", "travelmate"}, firstchild(), _("Travelmate"), 40).dependent = false
entry({"admin", "services", "travelmate", "tab_from_cbi"}, cbi("travelmate/overview_tab", {hideresetbtn=true, hidesavebtn=true}), _("Overview"), 10).leaf = true
entry({"admin", "services", "travelmate", "stations"}, template("travelmate/stations"), _("Wireless Stations"), 20).leaf = true
- entry({"admin", "services", "travelmate", "apqr"}, template("travelmate/ap_qr"), _("AP QR-Codes"), 30).leaf = true
- entry({"admin", "services", "travelmate", "logfile"}, call("logread"), _("View Logfile"), 40).leaf = true
+ entry({"admin", "services", "travelmate", "logfile"}, call("logread"), _("View Logfile"), 30).leaf = true
entry({"admin", "services", "travelmate", "advanced"}, firstchild(), _("Advanced"), 100)
entry({"admin", "services", "travelmate", "advanced", "configuration"}, cbi("travelmate/configuration_tab"), _("Edit Travelmate Configuration"), 110).leaf = true
entry({"admin", "services", "travelmate", "advanced", "cfg_wireless"}, cbi("travelmate/cfg_wireless_tab"), _("Edit Wireless Configuration"), 120).leaf = true
entry({"admin", "services", "travelmate", "advanced", "cfg_network"}, cbi("travelmate/cfg_network_tab"), _("Edit Network Configuration"), 130).leaf = true
entry({"admin", "services", "travelmate", "advanced", "cfg_firewall"}, cbi("travelmate/cfg_firewall_tab"), _("Edit Firewall Configuration"), 140).leaf = true
+ entry({"admin", "services", "travelmate", "apqr"}, template("travelmate/ap_qr")).leaf = true
entry({"admin", "services", "travelmate", "wifiscan"}, template("travelmate/wifi_scan")).leaf = true
entry({"admin", "services", "travelmate", "wifiadd"}, cbi("travelmate/wifi_add", {hideresetbtn=true, hidesavebtn=true})).leaf = true
entry({"admin", "services", "travelmate", "wifiedit"}, cbi("travelmate/wifi_edit", {hideresetbtn=true, hidesavebtn=true})).leaf = true
o4.default = trmiface
o4.rmempty = false
-o5 = s:option(Value, "trm_triggerdelay", translate("Trigger Delay"),
- translate("Additional trigger delay in seconds before travelmate processing begins."))
-o5.datatype = "range(1,60)"
-o5.default = 2
-o5.rmempty = false
+if fs.access("/usr/bin/qrencode") then
+ btn1 = s:option(Button, "btn1", translate("View AP QR-Codes"),
+ translate("Connect your Android or iOS devices to your router's WiFi using the shown QR code."))
+ btn1.inputtitle = translate("QR-Codes")
+ btn1.inputstyle = "apply"
+ btn1.disabled = false
+ function btn1.write()
+ luci.http.redirect(luci.dispatcher.build_url("admin", "services", "travelmate", "apqr"))
+ end
-btn = s:option(Button, "", translate("Manual Rescan"),
+btn2 = s:option(Button, "btn2", translate("Manual Rescan"),
translate("Force a manual uplink rescan / reconnect in 'trigger' mode."))
-btn:depends("trm_automatic", "")
-btn.inputtitle = translate("Rescan")
-btn.inputstyle = "find"
-btn.disabled = false
+btn2:depends("trm_automatic", "")
+btn2.inputtitle = translate("Rescan")
+btn2.inputstyle = "find"
+btn2.disabled = false
-function btn.write()
+function btn2.write()
luci.sys.call("env -i /etc/init.d/travelmate start >/dev/null 2>&1")
luci.http.redirect(luci.dispatcher.build_url("admin", "services", "travelmate"))
e2.datatype = "and(uciname,rangelength(6,6))"
e2.rmempty = true
-e3 = e:option(Value, "trm_maxretry", translate("Connection Limit"),
- translate("Retry limit to connect to an uplink."))
-e3.default = 3
-e3.datatype = "range(1,10)"
+e3 = e:option(Value, "trm_triggerdelay", translate("Trigger Delay"),
+ translate("Additional trigger delay in seconds before travelmate processing begins."))
+e3.datatype = "range(1,60)"
+e3.default = 2
e3.rmempty = false
-e4 = e:option(Value, "trm_minquality", translate("Signal Quality Threshold"),
- translate("Minimum signal quality threshold as percent for conditional uplink (dis-) connections."))
-e4.default = 35
-e4.datatype = "range(20,80)"
+e4 = e:option(Value, "trm_maxretry", translate("Connection Limit"),
+ translate("Retry limit to connect to an uplink."))
+e4.default = 3
+e4.datatype = "range(1,10)"
e4.rmempty = false
-e5 = e:option(Value, "trm_maxwait", translate("Interface Timeout"),
- translate("How long should travelmate wait for a successful wlan uplink connection."))
-e5.default = 30
-e5.datatype = "range(20,40)"
+e5 = e:option(Value, "trm_minquality", translate("Signal Quality Threshold"),
+ translate("Minimum signal quality threshold as percent for conditional uplink (dis-) connections."))
+e5.default = 35
+e5.datatype = "range(20,80)"
e5.rmempty = false
-e6 = e:option(Value, "trm_timeout", translate("Overall Timeout"),
- translate("Timeout in seconds between retries in 'automatic' mode."))
-e6.default = 60
-e6.datatype = "range(30,300)"
+e6 = e:option(Value, "trm_maxwait", translate("Interface Timeout"),
+ translate("How long should travelmate wait for a successful wlan uplink connection."))
+e6.default = 30
+e6.datatype = "range(20,40)"
e6.rmempty = false
+e7 = e:option(Value, "trm_timeout", translate("Overall Timeout"),
+ translate("Timeout in seconds between retries in 'automatic' mode."))
+e7.default = 60
+e7.datatype = "range(30,300)"
+e7.rmempty = false
return m