- mode = s:taboption("advanced", ListValue, "hwmode", translate("Mode"))
- if hw_modes.b then mode:value("11b", "802.11b") end
- if hw_modes.g then mode:value("11g", "802.11g") end
- if hw_modes.a then mode:value("11a", "802.11a") end
+ mode = s:taboption("advanced", ListValue, "hwmode", translate("Band"))
if hw_modes.n then
+ if hw_modes.g then mode:value("11g", "2.4GHz (802.11g+n)") end
+ if hw_modes.a then mode:value("11a", "5GHz (802.11a+n)") end
htmode = s:taboption("advanced", ListValue, "htmode", translate("HT mode (802.11n)"))
- htmode:depends("hwmode", "11a")
- htmode:depends("hwmode", "11g")
htmode:value("", translate("disabled"))
htmode:value("HT20", "20MHz")
htmode:value("HT40", "40MHz")
translate("Always use 40MHz channels even if the secondary channel overlaps. Using this option does not comply with IEEE 802.11n-2009!"))
noscan:depends("htmode", "HT40")
noscan.default = noscan.disabled
- --htcapab = s:taboption("advanced", DynamicList, "ht_capab", translate("HT capabilities"))
- --htcapab:depends("hwmode", "11na")
- --htcapab:depends("hwmode", "11ng")
+ else
+ if hw_modes.g then mode:value("11g", "2.4GHz (802.11g)") end
+ if hw_modes.a then mode:value("11a", "5GHz (802.11a)") end
local cl = iw and iw.countrylist