option lldp_class 4
option lldp_location "2:FR:6:Commercial Rd:3:Roseville:19:4"
+ # if empty, the distribution description is sent
+ #option lldp_description "OpenWrt System"
+ # interfaces to listen on
+ list interface "loopback"
+ list interface "lan"
+ [ -s /etc/openwrt_release ] && . /etc/openwrt_release
+ [ -z "$DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION" ] && [ -s /etc/openwrt_version ] && \
+ DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION="$(cat /etc/openwrt_version)"
+ echo "${DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION:-Unknown OpenWrt release} @ $(cat /proc/sys/kernel/hostname)"
start() {
+ . /lib/functions/network.sh
local enable_cdp
local enable_fdp
local enable_sonmp
local enable_edp
local lldp_class
local lldp_location
+ local lldp_description
config_load 'lldpd'
config_get_bool enable_cdp 'config' 'enable_cdp' 0
config_get_bool enable_edp 'config' 'enable_edp' 0
config_get lldp_class 'config' 'lldp_class'
config_get lldp_location 'config' 'lldp_location'
+ config_get lldp_description 'config' 'lldp_description' "$(find_release_info)"
+ local ifaces
+ config_get ifaces 'config' 'interface'
+ local iface
+ for iface in $ifaces; do
+ local ifname=""
+ if network_get_device ifname "$iface" || [ -e "/sys/class/net/$iface" ]; then
+ append args "-I ${ifname:-$iface}"
+ fi
+ done
[ $enable_cdp -gt 0 ] && append args '-c'
[ $enable_fdp -gt 0 ] && append args '-f'
chown lldp:lldp /var/run/lldp
service_start /usr/sbin/lldpd $args \
- ${lldp_class:+ -M $lldp_class}
+ ${lldp_class:+ -M $lldp_class} \
+ ${lldp_description:+ -S "$lldp_description"}
[ -n "$lldp_location" ] && {
sleep 1