-# Copyright (C) 2006-2010 OpenWrt.org
-# This is free software, licensed under the GNU General Public License v2.
-# See /LICENSE for more information.
include $(TOPDIR)/rules.mk
define Package/wide-dhcpv6/Default
- TITLE:=IPv6 DHCPv6 implementaion for BSD and Linux
- URL:=http://wide-dhcpv6.sourceforge.net/
+ SUBMENU:=wide-dhcpv6
+ DEPENDS:=+kmod-ipv6
+ URL:=https://sourceforge.net/projects/wide-dhcpv6/
-define Package/wide-dhcpv6/description
-WIDE-DHCPv6 is an open-source implementation of Dynamic Host Configuration
-Protocol for IPv6 (DHCPv6) originally developed by the KAME project. The
-implementation mainly conforms to the following standards: RFC3315,3319,3633,
+define Package/wide-dhcpv6-client
+ $(call Package/wide-dhcpv6/Default)
+ TITLE+= client
-define Package/wide-dhcpv6-client
- $(call Package/wide-dhcpv6/Default)
- TITLE+= client
+define Package/wide-dhcpv6-client/description
+ WIDE-DHCPv6 is an open-source implementation of Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
+ for IPv6 (DHCPv6) originally developed by the KAME project. The implementation
+ mainly conforms to the following standards: RFC3315,3319,3633,3646,4075,4272,etc.
+ This package installs the client component.
define Package/wide-dhcpv6-server
- $(call Package/wide-dhcpv6/Default)
- TITLE+= server
+ $(call Package/wide-dhcpv6/Default)
+ TITLE+= server
+define Package/wide-dhcpv6-server/description
+ WIDE-DHCPv6 is an open-source implementation of Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
+ for IPv6 (DHCPv6) originally developed by the KAME project. The implementation
+ mainly conforms to the following standards: RFC3315,3319,3633,3646,4075,4272,etc.
+ This package installs the server component.
define Package/wide-dhcpv6-relay
- $(call Package/wide-dhcpv6/Default)
- TITLE+= relay
+ $(call Package/wide-dhcpv6/Default)
+ TITLE+= relay
-define Package/wide-dhcpv6-ctl
- $(call Package/wide-dhcpv6/Default)
- TITLE+= ctl
+define Package/wide-dhcpv6-relay/description
+ WIDE-DHCPv6 is an open-source implementation of Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
+ for IPv6 (DHCPv6) originally developed by the KAME project. The implementation
+ mainly conforms to the following standards: RFC3315,3319,3633,3646,4075,4272,etc.
+ This package installs the relay component.
+define Package/wide-dhcpv6-control
+ $(call Package/wide-dhcpv6/Default)
+ TITLE+= client and server control utility
+define Package/wide-dhcpv6-control/description
+ WIDE-DHCPv6 is an open-source implementation of Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
+ for IPv6 (DHCPv6) originally developed by the KAME project. The implementation
+ mainly conforms to the following standards: RFC3315,3319,3633,3646,4075,4272,etc.
+ This package installs the client and server control utility.
+define Build/Configure
+ $(call Build/Configure/Default,--with-localdbdir=/var)
+define Build/Compile
+ all
+define Package/wide-dhcpv6-client/conffiles
define Package/wide-dhcpv6-client/install
- $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/sbin
- $(INSTALL_BIN) $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/dhcp6c $(1)/sbin
+ $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/sbin
+ $(INSTALL_BIN) $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/dhcp6c $(1)/usr/sbin
+ $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/etc/config
+ $(INSTALL_CONF) ./files/dhcp6c.conf $(1)/etc/config/dhcp6c
+ $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/etc/init.d
+ $(INSTALL_BIN) ./files/dhcp6c.init $(1)/etc/init.d/dhcp6c
+ $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/etc/hotplug.d/iface
+ $(INSTALL_DATA) ./files/dhcp6c.hotplug $(1)/etc/hotplug.d/iface/40-dhcp6c
+ $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/etc/hotplug.d/dhcp6c
+ $(INSTALL_DATA) ./files/dhcp6c-dnsmasq.hotplug $(1)/etc/hotplug.d/dhcp6c/10-dnsmasq
+ $(INSTALL_DATA) ./files/dhcp6c-radvd.hotplug $(1)/etc/hotplug.d/dhcp6c/20-radvd
+ $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/bin
+ $(INSTALL_BIN) ./files/dhcp6c-state $(1)/usr/bin/dhcp6c-state
+define Package/wide-dhcpv6-server/conffiles
+define Package/wide-dhcpv6-server/install
+ $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/sbin
+ $(INSTALL_BIN) $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/dhcp6s $(1)/usr/sbin
$(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/etc
- $(INSTALL_DATA) ./files/dhcp6c.config $(1)/etc/dhcp6c.conf
+ $(INSTALL_CONF) $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/dhcp6s.conf.sample $(1)/etc
+ $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/etc/config
+ $(INSTALL_CONF) ./files/dhcp6s.conf $(1)/etc/config/dhcp6s
+ $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/etc/init.d
+ $(INSTALL_BIN) ./files/dhcp6s.init $(1)/etc/init.d/dhcp6s
+ $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/etc/hotplug.d/iface
+ $(INSTALL_DATA) ./files/dhcp6s.hotplug $(1)/etc/hotplug.d/iface/50-dhcp6s
+define Package/wide-dhcpv6-relay/install
+ $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/sbin
+ $(INSTALL_BIN) $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/dhcp6relay $(1)/usr/sbin
+define Package/wide-dhcpv6-control/install
+ $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/sbin
+ $(INSTALL_BIN) $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/dhcp6ctl $(1)/usr/sbin
$(eval $(call BuildPackage,wide-dhcpv6-client))
$(eval $(call BuildPackage,wide-dhcpv6-server))
$(eval $(call BuildPackage,wide-dhcpv6-relay))
-$(eval $(call BuildPackage,wide-dhcpv6-ctl))
+$(eval $(call BuildPackage,wide-dhcpv6-control))
--- /dev/null
+. /etc/functions.sh
+getoption() {
+ local cfg=$1
+ config_get resolvfile "$cfg" resolvfile
+config_load dhcp6c
+local dns
+config_get dns basic dns none
+[ $dns != "dnsmasq" ] && return 0
+if [ "$ACTION" = "start" ]; then
+ local domain_name_servers
+ config_get domain_name_servers state domain_name_servers
+ if [ -n "$domain_name_servers" ]; then
+ config_load dhcp
+ local resolvfile
+ config_foreach getoption dnsmasq
+ if [ -n "$resolvfile" ]; then
+ cp -pf $resolvfile "$resolvfile.dhcp6c_backup"
+ for nameserver in $domain_name_servers; do
+ echo nameserver $nameserver >> $resolvfile
+ done
+ fi
+ fi
+if [ "$ACTION" = "stop" ]; then
+ config_load dhcp
+ local resolvfile
+ config_foreach getoption dnsmasq
+ if [ -f "$resolvfile.dhcp6c_backup" ]; then
+ mv -f "$resolvfile.dhcp6c_backup" $resolvfile
+ fi
--- /dev/null
+[ -f /etc/config/radvd ] && /etc/init.d/radvd restart
--- /dev/null
+. /etc/functions.sh
+uci_revert_state dhcp6c state
+uci_set_state dhcp6c state "" dhcp6c_state
+uci_set_state dhcp6c state domain_name_servers "$new_domain_name_servers"
+uci_set_state dhcp6c state domain_name "$domain_name"
+uci_set_state dhcp6c state ntp_servers "$ntp_servers"
+uci_set_state dhcp6c state sip_server_address "$sip_server_address"
+uci_set_state dhcp6c state sip_domain_name "$sip_domain_name"
+uci_set_state dhcp6c state nis_server_address "$nis_server_address"
+uci_set_state dhcp6c state nis_domain_name "$nis_domain_name"
+uci_set_state dhcp6c state nisp_server_address "$nisp_server_address"
+uci_set_state dhcp6c state nisp_domain_name "$nisp_domain_name"
+uci_set_state dhcp6c state bcmcs_server_address "$bcmcs_server_address"
+uci_set_state dhcp6c state bcmcs_domain_name "$bcmcs_domain_name"
--- /dev/null
+config 'dhcp6c' 'basic'
+ option 'enabled' '0' # 1 = enabled; 0 = disabled
+ option 'interface' 'wan' # This is the interface the DHCPv6 client will run on
+ option 'dns' 'dnsmasq' # Which DNS server you run (only dnsmasq currently supported)
+ # Send options (1 = send; 0 = do not send)
+ option 'pd' '1' # Prefix Delegation
+ option 'na' '0' # Non-Temporary Address
+ option 'rapid_commit' '1' # Rapid Commit
+ # Request options (1 = request; 0 = do not request)
+ option 'domain_name_servers' '1'
+ option 'domain_name' '0'
+ option 'ntp_servers' '0'
+ option 'sip_server_address' '0'
+ option 'sip_domain_name' '0'
+ option 'nis_server_address' '0'
+ option 'nis_domain_name' '0'
+ option 'nisp_server_address' '0'
+ option 'nisp_domain_name' '0'
+ option 'bcmcs_server_address' '0'
+ option 'bcmcs_domain_name' '0'
+ # Script to run when a reply is received
+ option 'script' '/usr/bin/dhcp6c-state'
+# Define one or more interfaces on which prefixes should be assigned
+config 'interface' 'loopback'
+ option 'enabled' '1' # 1 = enabled; 0 = disabled
+ option 'sla_id' '0' # Site level aggregator identifier specified in decimal (subnet)
+ option 'sla_len' '4' # Site level aggregator length (64 - size of prefix being delegated)
+ # e.g. /60 from ISP -> 64 - 60 = 4
+config 'interface' 'lan'
+ option 'enabled' '1'
+ option 'sla_id' '1'
+ option 'sla_len' '4'
-# The followings are a sample configuration for requiring the "stateless"
-# DHCPv6 service.
-# interface eth0 {
-# information-only;
-# The followings are a sample configuration to be delegated an IPv6 prefix
-# from an upstream service provider. With this configuration dhcp6c will
-# send solicit messages containing an IA_PD option, with an IAID 0, on to
-# an upstream PPP link, ppp0. After receiving some prefixes from a server,
-# dhcp6c will then configure derived IPv6 prefixes with the SLA ID 1 on a
-# local ethernet interface, ne0. Note that the IAID for the id-assoc
-# statement is 0 according to the default.
-interface ppp1 {
- send ia-pd 0;
-id-assoc pd {
- prefix-interface lan0 {
- sla-id 1;
- sla-len 8;
- };
--- /dev/null
+include /lib/network
+config_load "dhcp6c"
+local enabled
+config_get_bool enabled basic enabled 0
+[ $enabled -eq 0 ] && return 0
+local client_interface
+config_get client_interface basic interface
+if [ "$INTERFACE" = "$client_interface" ] && [ "$ACTION" = "ifup" ]; then
+ /etc/init.d/dhcp6c start
+if [ "$INTERFACE" = "$client_interface" ] && [ "$ACTION" = "ifdown" ]; then
+ /etc/init.d/dhcp6c stop
--- /dev/null
+#!/bin/sh /etc/rc.common
+DHCP6C_REQUEST_OPTIONS='domain_name_servers domain_name ntp_servers sip_server_address sip_domain_name nis_server_address nis_domain_name nisp_server_address nisp_domain_name bcmcs_server_address bcmcs_domain_name'
+get_ifname() {
+ local interface=$1
+ local ifname
+ scan_interfaces
+ config_get ifname "$interface" ifname
+ printf '%s\n' "$ifname"
+ return 0
+dhcp6c_write_interface() {
+ local cfg=$1
+ local sla_id
+ local sla_len
+ local enabled
+ config_get_bool enabled "$cfg" enabled 0
+ if [ $enabled -ne 0 ]; then
+ config_get sla_id "$cfg" sla_id
+ config_get sla_len "$cfg" sla_len
+ printf '\tprefix-interface %s {\n' "$(get_ifname $cfg)"
+ printf '\t\tsla-id %s;\n' "$sla_id"
+ printf '\t\tsla-len %s;\n' "$sla_len"
+ printf '\t};\n'
+ fi
+dhcp6c_write_request() {
+ printf '\trequest %s;\n' $1 | sed -e s/_/-/g
+dhcp6c_write_config() {
+ local pd
+ local na
+ config_get_bool pd basic pd 0
+ config_get_bool na basic na 0
+ printf 'interface %s {\n' "$client_ifname"
+ if [ $pd -ne 0 ]; then
+ printf '\tsend ia-pd 0;\n'
+ fi
+ if [ $na -ne 0 ]; then
+ printf '\tsend ia-na 0;\n'
+ fi
+ local rapid_commit
+ config_get_bool rapid_commit basic rapid_commit 0
+ [ $rapid_commit -ne 0 ] && printf '\tsend rapid-commit;\n'
+ local script
+ config_get script basic script
+ [ "$script" != "" ] && printf '\tscript "%s";\n' "$script"
+ local request
+ local value
+ for request in $DHCP6C_REQUEST_OPTIONS; do
+ config_get_bool value basic "$request" 0
+ [ $value -ne 0 ] && dhcp6c_write_request "$request"
+ done
+ printf '};\n\n'
+ if [ $pd -ne 0 ]; then
+ printf 'id-assoc pd 0 {\n'
+ config_foreach dhcp6c_write_interface interface
+ printf '};\n\n'
+ fi
+ if [ $na -ne 0 ]; then
+ printf 'id-assoc na 0 {\n'
+ printf '};\n\n'
+ fi
+ return 0
+start() {
+ [ ! -e /etc/dhcp6cctlkey ] && `dd if=/dev/urandom count=1 2> /dev/null | md5sum | cut -d" " -f1 > /etc/dhcp6cctlkey`
+ [ -e /var/run/dhcp6c.pid ] && return 0
+ include /lib/network
+ config_load "dhcp6c"
+ local enabled
+ config_get_bool enabled basic enabled 0
+ [ $enabled -eq 0 ] && return 0
+ logger starting dhcp6c
+ local client_interface
+ config_get client_interface basic interface
+ local client_ifname=$(get_ifname "$client_interface")
+ local config_file="/var/etc/dhcp6c.conf"
+ mkdir -m 755 -p /var/etc
+ dhcp6c_write_config > $config_file
+ /usr/sbin/dhcp6c -c $config_file $client_ifname
+ sleep 3
+ ACTION=start /sbin/hotplug-call dhcp6c
+ return 0
+stop() {
+ logger stopping dhcp6c
+ rm -f /var/etc/dhcp6c.conf
+ kill -TERM `cat /var/run/dhcp6c.pid`
+ ACTION=stop /sbin/hotplug-call dhcp6c
+ return 0
--- /dev/null
+config 'dhcp6s' 'basic'
+ option 'enabled' '0' # 1 = enabled; 0 = disabled
+ option 'interface' 'lan' # This is the interface the DHCPv6 server will run on
+ option 'config_file' '/etc/dhcp6s.conf' # Config file (as this UCI config doesn't fully support all options)
--- /dev/null
+include /lib/network
+config_load "dhcp6s"
+local enabled
+config_get_bool enabled basic enabled 0
+[ $enabled -eq 0 ] && return 0
+local server_interface
+config_get server_interface basic interface
+if [ "$INTERFACE" = "$server_interface" ] && [ "$ACTION" = "ifup" ]; then
+ /etc/init.d/dhcp6s start
+if [ "$INTERFACE" = "$server_interface" ] && [ "$ACTION" = "ifdown" ]; then
+ /etc/init.d/dhcp6s stop
--- /dev/null
+#!/bin/sh /etc/rc.common
+get_ifname() {
+ local interface=$1
+ local ifname
+ scan_interfaces
+ config_get ifname "$interface" ifname
+ printf '%s\n' "$ifname"
+ return 0
+start() {
+ [ ! -e /etc/dhcp6sctlkey ] && `dd if=/dev/urandom count=1 2> /dev/null | md5sum | cut -d" " -f1 > /etc/dhcp6sctlkey`
+ [ -e /var/run/dhcp6s.pid ] && return 0
+ include /lib/network
+ config_load "dhcp6s"
+ local enabled
+ config_get_bool enabled basic enabled 0
+ [ $enabled -eq 0 ] && return 0
+ logger starting dhcp6s
+ local server_interface
+ config_get server_interface basic interface
+ local server_ifname=$(get_ifname "$server_interface")
+ local config_file
+ config_get config_file basic config_file
+ [ ! -e $config_file ] && return 1
+ /usr/sbin/dhcp6s -c $config_file $server_ifname
+ return 0
+stop() {
+ logger stopping dhcp6s
+ kill -TERM `cat /var/run/dhcp6s.pid`
+ return 0
--- /dev/null
+--- wide-dhcpv6-20080615.orig/common.h 2007-03-21 20:52:57.000000000 +1100
++++ wide-dhcpv6-20080615/common.h 2009-11-29 16:00:02.000000000 +1100
+@@ -187,3 +187,34 @@
+ #ifndef HAVE_STRLCPY
+ extern size_t strlcpy __P((char *, const char *, size_t));
+ #endif
++ * compat hacks in case libc and kernel get out of sync:
++ *
++ * glibc 2.4 and uClibc 0.9.29 introduce IPV6_RECVPKTINFO etc. and change IPV6_PKTINFO
++ * This is only supported in Linux kernel >= 2.6.14
++ *
++ * This is only an approximation because the kernel version that libc was compiled against
++ * could be older or newer than the one being run. But this should not be a problem --
++ * we just keep using the old kernel interface.
++ *
++ * these are placed here because they're needed in all of socket.c, recv.c and send.c
++ */
++#ifdef __linux__
++# if defined IPV6_RECVHOPLIMIT || defined IPV6_RECVPKTINFO
++# include <linux/version.h>
++# if defined IPV6_RECVHOPLIMIT && defined IPV6_2292HOPLIMIT
++# endif
++# if defined IPV6_RECVPKTINFO && defined IPV6_2292PKTINFO
++# undef IPV6_PKTINFO
++# define IPV6_PKTINFO IPV6_2292PKTINFO
++# endif
++# endif
++# endif