\t-4\t\t\t\tUse IPv4 only (esc)
\t-6\t\t\t\tUse IPv6 only (esc)
- \t-q\t\t\t\tTurn off status messages (esc)
\t-O <file>\t\t\tRedirect output to file (use "-" for stdout) (esc)
\t-P <dir>\t\t\tSet directory for output files (esc)
+ \t--quiet | -q\t\t\tTurn off status messages (esc)
+ \t--continue | -c\t\t\tContinue a partially-downloaded file (esc)
\t--user=<user>\t\t\tHTTP authentication username (esc)
\t--password=<password>\t\tHTTP authentication password (esc)
- \t--user-agent|-U <str>\t\tSet HTTP user agent (esc)
+ \t--user-agent | -U <str>\t\tSet HTTP user agent (esc)
\t--post-data=STRING\t\tuse the POST method; send STRING as the data (esc)
\t--post-file=FILE\t\tuse the POST method; send FILE as the data (esc)
- \t--spider|-s\t\t\tSpider mode - only check file existence (esc)
- \t--timeout=N|-T N\t\tSet connect/request timeout to N seconds (esc)
- \t--proxy=on|off|-Y on|off\tEnable/disable env var configured proxy (esc)
+ \t--spider | -s\t\t\tSpider mode - only check file existence (esc)
+ \t--timeout=N | -T N\t\tSet connect/request timeout to N seconds (esc)
+ \t--proxy=on | -Y on\t\tEnable interpretation of proxy env vars (default) (esc)
+ \t--proxy=off | -Y off | (esc)
+ \t--no-proxy \t\tDisable interpretation of proxy env vars (esc)
HTTPS options:
\t--ca-certificate=<cert>\t\tLoad CA certificates from file <cert> (esc)