I-O DATA WNPR2600G has an "elx-header", so move this definition to
generic makefile to use it from mt7621 subtarget.
This definition is also added to mt7621.mk in
f285e8634c57d28aa970b80c5c59e85485f35c7d, so remove it from mt7621.mk.
And added a line to cleanup used header file.
Signed-off-by: INAGAKI Hiroshi <musashino.open@gmail.com>
rm -rf $@.relocate
+define Build/elx-header
+ $(eval hw_id=$(word 1,$(1)))
+ $(eval xor_pattern=$(word 2,$(1)))
+ ( \
+ echo -ne "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x03" | \
+ dd bs=42 count=1 conv=sync; \
+ hw_id="$(hw_id)"; \
+ echo -ne "\x$${hw_id:0:2}\x$${hw_id:2:2}\x$${hw_id:4:2}\x$${hw_id:6:2}" | \
+ dd bs=20 count=1 conv=sync; \
+ echo -ne "$$(printf '%08x' $$(stat -c%s $@) | fold -s2 | xargs -I {} echo \\x{} | tr -d '\n')" | \
+ dd bs=8 count=1 conv=sync; \
+ echo -ne "$$($(STAGING_DIR_HOST)/bin/mkhash md5 $@ | fold -s2 | xargs -I {} echo \\x{} | tr -d '\n')" | \
+ dd bs=58 count=1 conv=sync; \
+ ) > $(KDIR)/tmp/$(DEVICE_NAME).header
+ $(call Build/xor-image,-p $(xor_pattern) -x)
+ cat $(KDIR)/tmp/$(DEVICE_NAME).header $@ > $@.new
+ mv $@.new $@
+ rm -rf $(KDIR)/tmp/$(DEVICE_NAME).header
define Build/umedia-header
fix-u-media-header -T 0x46 -B $(1) -i $@ -o $@.new && mv $@.new $@
-f $@ -C $(KDIR) v_0.0.0.bin v_0.0.0.md5
-define Build/elx-header
- $(eval hw_id=$(word 1,$(1)))
- $(eval xor_pattern=$(word 2,$(1)))
- ( \
- echo -ne "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x03" | \
- dd bs=42 count=1 conv=sync; \
- hw_id="$(hw_id)"; \
- echo -ne "\x$${hw_id:0:2}\x$${hw_id:2:2}\x$${hw_id:4:2}\x$${hw_id:6:2}" | \
- dd bs=20 count=1 conv=sync; \
- echo -ne "$$(printf '%08x' $$(stat -c%s $@) | fold -s2 | xargs -I {} echo \\x{} | tr -d '\n')" | \
- dd bs=8 count=1 conv=sync; \
- echo -ne "$$($(STAGING_DIR_HOST)/bin/mkhash md5 $@ | fold -s2 | xargs -I {} echo \\x{} | tr -d '\n')" | \
- dd bs=58 count=1 conv=sync; \
- ) > $(KDIR)/tmp/$(DEVICE_NAME).header
- $(call Build/xor-image,-p $(xor_pattern) -x)
- cat $(KDIR)/tmp/$(DEVICE_NAME).header $@ > $@.new
- mv $@.new $@
define Device/aigale_ai-br100
MTK_SOC := mt7620a
IMAGE_SIZE := 7936k
mv $@.new $@
-define Build/elx-header
- $(eval hw_id=$(word 1,$(1)))
- $(eval xor_pattern=$(word 2,$(1)))
- ( \
- echo -ne "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x03" | \
- dd bs=42 count=1 conv=sync; \
- hw_id="$(hw_id)"; \
- echo -ne "\x$${hw_id:0:2}\x$${hw_id:2:2}\x$${hw_id:4:2}\x$${hw_id:6:2}" | \
- dd bs=20 count=1 conv=sync; \
- echo -ne "$$(printf '%08x' $$(stat -c%s $@) | fold -s2 | xargs -I {} echo \\x{} | tr -d '\n')" | \
- dd bs=8 count=1 conv=sync; \
- echo -ne "$$($(STAGING_DIR_HOST)/bin/mkhash md5 $@ | fold -s2 | xargs -I {} echo \\x{} | tr -d '\n')" | \
- dd bs=58 count=1 conv=sync; \
- ) > $(KDIR)/tmp/$(DEVICE_NAME).header
- $(call Build/xor-image,-p $(xor_pattern) -x)
- cat $(KDIR)/tmp/$(DEVICE_NAME).header $@ > $@.new
- mv $@.new $@
define Build/iodata-factory
$(eval fw_size=$(word 1,$(1)))
$(eval fw_type=$(word 2,$(1)))