movs pc, lr @ return to non-secure SVC
+ * Secondary CPUs start here and call the code for the core specific parts
+ * of the non-secure and HYP mode transition. The GIC distributor specific
+ * code has already been executed by a C function before.
+ * Then they go back to wfi and wait to be woken up by the kernel again.
+ */
+ mrs r0, cpsr
+ orr r0, r0, #0xc0
+ msr cpsr, r0 @ disable interrupts
+ ldr r1, =_start
+ mcr p15, 0, r1, c12, c0, 0 @ set VBAR
+ bl _nonsec_init
+ ldr r1, [r0, #GICC_IAR] @ acknowledge IPI
+ str r1, [r0, #GICC_EOIR] @ signal end of interrupt
+ adr r0, _smp_pen @ do not use this address again
+ b smp_waitloop @ wait for IPIs, board specific
* Switch a core to non-secure state.
bx lr
+/* void __weak smp_waitloop(unsigned previous_address); */
+ wfi
+ ldr r1, =CONFIG_SMP_PEN_ADDR @ load start address
+ ldr r1, [r1]
+ cmp r0, r1 @ make sure we dont execute this code
+ beq smp_waitloop @ again (due to a spurious wakeup)
+ mov pc, r1
+.weak smp_waitloop
+static void kick_secondary_cpus_gic(unsigned long gicdaddr)
+ /* kick all CPUs (except this one) by writing to GICD_SGIR */
+ writel(1U << 24, gicdaddr + GICD_SGIR);
+void __weak smp_kick_all_cpus(void)
+ kick_secondary_cpus_gic(gic_dist_addr);
int armv7_switch_nonsec(void)
unsigned int reg;
for (i = 1; i <= itlinesnr; i++)
writel((unsigned)-1, gic_dist_addr + GICD_IGROUPRn + 4 * i);
- /* call the non-sec switching code on this CPU */
+ smp_set_core_boot_addr((unsigned long)_smp_pen, -1);
+ smp_kick_all_cpus();
+ /* call the non-sec switching code on this CPU also */
return 0;