the default Configure recipe for packages
assumes that there is a "configure" script
in the source tree directory
Go does not have such a script,
configure and compile is done with the same script
so split the current Compile recipe
into both Configure and Compile recipes
Signed-off-by: Michael Pratt <>
-define Host/Compile
+define Host/Configure
$(call GoCompiler/Bootstrap/CheckHost,$(BOOTSTRAP_GO_VALID_OS_ARCH))
$(call GoCompiler/Host/CheckHost,$(HOST_GO_VALID_OS_ARCH))
mkdir -p "$(GO_BUILD_CACHE_DIR)"
+define Host/Compile
$(call GoCompiler/Bootstrap/Make, \
$(if $(PKG_GO_ASMFLAGS),-asmflags "all=$(PKG_GO_ASMFLAGS)") \
$(if $(filter $(GO_PKG_ENABLE_PIE),1),-buildmode pie)
-define Build/Compile
+define Build/Configure
mkdir -p "$(GO_BUILD_CACHE_DIR)"
+define Build/Compile
@echo "Building target Go first stage"
$(call GoCompiler/Package/Make, \