include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/
-define Package/vnstat
+define Package/vnstat/Default
- TITLE:=Console-based network traffic monitor
+define Package/vnstat
+$(call Package/vnstat/Default)
+ TITLE:=Console-based network traffic monitor
define Package/vnstat/description
vnStat is a network traffic monitor for Linux that keeps a log of daily
network traffic for the selected interface(s). vnStat isn't a packet
so vnStat can be used without root permissions.
+define Package/vnstati
+$(call Package/vnstat/Default)
+ DEPENDS+=vnstat +libgd
+ TITLE:=PNG image output support for vnStat
+define Package/vnstati/description
+ The purpose of vnstati is to provide image output support for statistics
+ collected using vnstat(1). However, the image file format is limited to
+ png. All basic outputs of vnStat are supported excluding live traffic
+ features. The image can be outputted either to a file or to standard
+ output.
define Package/vnstat/conffiles
-define Build/Compile
+define Build/Compile/vnstat
+define Build/Compile/vnstati
+ LDFLAGS="$(TARGET_LDFLAGS) -Wl,-rpath-link,$(STAGING_DIR)/usr/lib" \
+ all
+define Build/Compile
+$(call Build/Compile/vnstat)
+$(call Build/Compile/vnstati)
define Package/vnstat/install
$(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/bin
$(INSTALL_BIN) $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/src/vnstat $(1)/usr/bin/
+ $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/sbin
+ $(INSTALL_BIN) $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/src/vnstatd $(1)/usr/sbin/
+ $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/etc
+ $(INSTALL_DATA) ./files/vnstat.conf $(1)/etc
$(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/etc/config
- $(INSTALL_DATA) ./files/vnstat.conf $(1)/etc/config/vnstat
+ $(INSTALL_DATA) ./files/vnstat-uci.conf $(1)/etc/config/vnstat
$(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/etc/init.d
$(INSTALL_BIN) ./files/vnstat.init $(1)/etc/init.d/vnstat
+define Package/vnstati/install
+ $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/bin
+ $(INSTALL_BIN) $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/src/vnstati $(1)/usr/bin/
define Package/vnstat/postinst
[ -e $$LIB_D/$$IFACE_WAN ] || ( [ -x $$BIN ] && $$BIN -u -i $$IFACE_WAN )
grep -q "$$BIN_REL -u" $$CRONTAB 2>/dev/null
-[ $$? -ne 0 ] && echo "*/30 * * * * if [ -x $$BIN_REL ] && [ \`ls $$LIB_D_REL | wc -l\` -ge 1 ]; then $$BIN_REL -u; fi" >> $$CRONTAB
+[ $$? -eq 0 ] && sed -i -e "/\/usr\/bin\/vnstat -u/d" $$CRONTAB
$(eval $(call BuildPackage,vnstat))
+$(eval $(call BuildPackage,vnstati))
--- /dev/null
+config interface wan
+ option enabled 0
+ option remote_host <webserver>
+ option remote_path <directory>
-config interface wan
- option enabled 0
- option remote_host <webserver>
- option remote_path <directory>
+# vnStat 1.7 config file
+# location of the database directory
+DatabaseDir "/var/lib/vnstat"
+# locale (LC_ALL)
+Locale "en_US"
+# on which day should months change
+MonthRotate 1
+# date output formats for -d, -m, -t and -w
+# see 'man date' for control codes
+DayFormat "%d.%m."
+MonthFormat "%b '%y"
+TopFormat "%d.%m.%y"
+# characters used for visuals
+RXCharacter "%"
+TXCharacter ":"
+RXHourCharacter "r"
+TXHourCharacter "t"
+# how units are prefixed when traffic is shown
+# 0 = IEC standard prefixes (KiB/MiB/GiB/TiB)
+# 1 = old style binary prefixes (KB/MB/GB/TB)
+UnitMode 0
+# default interface
+Interface "eth0"
+# maximum bandwidth (Mbit) for all interfaces, 0 = disable feature
+# (unless interface specific limit is given)
+MaxBandwidth 100
+# interface specific limits
+# example 8Mbit limit for eth0 (remove # to activate):
+#MaxBWeth0 8
+# how many seconds should sampling for -tr take by default
+Sampletime 5
+# default query mode
+# 0 = normal, 1 = days, 2 = months, 3 = top10
+# 4 = dumpdb, 5 = short, 6 = weeks, 7 = hours
+QueryMode 0
+# filesystem disk space check (1 = enabled, 0 = disabled)
+CheckDiskSpace 1
+# database file locking (1 = enabled, 0 = disabled)
+UseFileLocking 1
+# how much the boot time can variate between updates (seconds)
+BootVariation 15
+# vnstatd
+# how often (in seconds) interface data is updated
+UpdateInterval 60
+# how often (in seconds) interface status changes are checked
+PollInterval 30
+# how often (in minutes) interface data is saved to file
+SaveInterval 30
+# enable / disable logging (0 = disabled, 1 = logfile, 2 = syslog)
+UseLogging 2
+# file used for logging if UseLogging is set to 1
+LogFile "/var/log/vnstat.log"
+# file used as daemon pid / lock file
+PidFile "/var/run/"
+# vnstati
+HeaderFormat "%d.%m.%Y %H:%M"
+# colors
+CBackground "FFFFFF"
+CHeader "606060"
+CHeaderTitle "FFFFFF"
+CHeaderDate "FFFFFF"
+CText "000000"
+CLine "B0B0B0"
+CLineL "-"
+CRx "92CF00"
+CTx "606060"
+CRxD "-"
+CTxD "-"
system_config() {
local cfg="$1"
local cfg="$1"
- config_get ifname "$cfg" "ifname"
+ config_get ifname "$cfg" ifname
[ -n "$ifname" ] || return 0
[ -e $LIB_D/$ifname ] && return 0
- config_get_bool enabled "$cfg" "enabled" "1"
- if [ "$enabled" -gt 0 ]; then
- config_get remote_path "$cfg" "remote_path"
- [ -n "$remote_path" ] || return 0
- config_get remote_host "$cfg" "remote_host"
+ config_get_bool enabled "$cfg" enabled '1'
+ [ "$enabled" -gt 0 ] && {
+ config_get remote_host "$cfg" remote_host
[ -n "$remote_host" ] || return 0
- [ -x /usr/bin/wget ] && download_command="wget http://$remote_host/$remote_path/${hostname}_$ifname -O $LIB_D/$ifname"
- [ -n "$download_command" ] || return 0
+ config_get remote_path "$cfg" remote_path
+ [ -n "$remote_path" ] || return 0
while [ ! -e $LIB_D/$ifname ]; do
- $download_command 2>/dev/null
+ wget http://$remote_host/$remote_path/${hostname}_$ifname -O $LIB_D/$ifname 2>/dev/null
[ -e $LIB_D/$ifname ] && {
- logger -s -t "vnstat" "Successfully downloaded ${ifname}'s vnStat database backup"
- [ -x /bin/ln ] && ln -sf $LIB_D/$ifname $WWW_D/$ifname
+ logger -t "vnstat" "Successfully downloaded ${ifname}'s vnStat database backup"
+ [ -L $WWW_D/$ifname ] || ln -s $LIB_D/$ifname $WWW_D/$ifname
return 0
sleep 30
- fi
+ }
start() {
config_load vnstat
config_foreach do_download interface
+ [ ! -f $PID_F ] && $VNSTATD_BIN -d
+stop() {
+ [ -f $PID_F ] && kill $(cat $PID_F)
+reload() {
+ [ -f $PID_F ] && kill -HUP $(cat $PID_F)
+++ /dev/null
-# Copyright (C) 2008-2009
-# This is free software, licensed under the GNU General Public License v2.
-# See /LICENSE for more information.
-include $(TOPDIR)/
-include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/
-define Package/vnstati
- SECTION:=net
- CATEGORY:=Network
- DEPENDS:=+vnstat +libgd
- TITLE:=vnStat image output - png image output support for vnStat
- URL:=
-define Package/vnstati/description
- The purpose of vnstati is to provide image output support for statistics
- collected using vnstat(1). However, the image file format is limited to
- png. All basic outputs of vnStat are supported excluding live traffic
- features. The image can be outputted either to a file or to standard
- output.
-define Build/Compile
-define Package/vnstati/install
- $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/bin
- $(INSTALL_BIN) $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/src/vnstati $(1)/usr/bin/
-$(eval $(call BuildPackage,vnstati))