For the ZTE MF287 series, a special recovery image is built. The Makefile
worked fine on snapshot, but created corrupt images on the 23.05 images.
By using the appropriate variable, this should be fixed.
Signed-off-by: Andreas Böhler <>
# exploit for the web interface
IMAGES += factory.bin recovery.bin
IMAGE/factory.bin := append-ubi
- IMAGE/recovery.bin := append-squashfs4-fakeroot | sysupgrade-tar kernel=$$$$(BIN_DIR)/openwrt-$$(BOARD)$$(if $$(SUBTARGET),-$$(SUBTARGET))-$$(DEVICE_NAME)-initramfs-zImage.itb rootfs=$$$$@ | append-metadata
+ IMAGE/recovery.bin := append-squashfs4-fakeroot | sysupgrade-tar kernel=$$$$(BIN_DIR)/$$(KERNEL_INITRAMFS_IMAGE) rootfs=$$$$@ | append-metadata
define Device/zte_mf287plus