-# AICCU Configuration
-# Login information (defaults: none)
-#username <your nichandle/username>
-#password <your password>
-# Protocol and server to use for setting up the tunnel (defaults: none)
-#protocol <tic|tsp|l2tp>
-#server <server to use>
-# Interface names to use (default: aiccu)
-# ipv6_interface is the name of the interface that will be used as a tunnel interface.
-# On *BSD the ipv6_interface should be set to gifX (eg gif0) for proto-41 tunnels
-# or tunX (eg tun0) for AYIYA tunnels.
-ipv6_interface sixxs
-# The tunnel_id to use (default: none)
-# (only required when there are multiple tunnels in the list)
-#tunnel_id Txxxx
-# Be verbose? (default: false)
-verbose false
-# Daemonize? (default: true)
-# Set to false if you want to see any output
-# When true output goes to syslog
-# WARNING: never run AICCU from DaemonTools or a similar automated
-# 'restart' tool/script. When AICCU does not start, it has a reason
-# not to start which it gives on either the stdout or in the (sys)log
-# file. The TIC server *will* automatically disable accounts which
-# are detected to run in this mode.
-daemonize true
-# Automatic Login and Tunnel activation?
-automatic true
-# Require TLS?
-# When set to true, if TLS is not supported on the server
-# the TIC transaction will fail.
-# When set to false, it will try a starttls, when that is
-# not supported it will continue.
-# In any case if AICCU is build with TLS support it will
-# try to do a 'starttls' to the TIC server to see if that
-# is supported.
-requiretls false
-# PID File
-pidfile /var/run/aiccu.pid
-# Add a default route (default: true)
-defaultroute true
-# Script to run after setting up the interfaces (default: none)
-#setupscript /usr/local/etc/aiccu-subnets.sh
-# Make heartbeats (default true)
-# In general you don't want to turn this off
-# Of course only applies to AYIYA and heartbeat tunnels not to static ones
-#makebeats true
-# Don't configure anything (default: false)
-#noconfigure true
-# Behind NAT (default: false)
-# Notify the user that a NAT-kind network is detected
-#behindnat true
-# Local IPv4 Override (default: none)
-# Overrides the IPv4 parameter received from TIC
-# This allows one to configure a NAT into "DMZ" mode and then
-# forwarding the proto-41 packets to an internal host.
-# This is only needed for static proto-41 tunnels!
-# AYIYA and heartbeat tunnels don't require this.
+config aiccu
+ option username ''
+ option password ''
+ option protocol ''
+ option server ''
+ option interface ''
+ option tunnel_id ''
+ option requiretls ''
+ option defaultroute '1'
+ option nat '1'
+ option heartbeat '1'
\ No newline at end of file
# Copyright (C) 2006 OpenWrt.org
+config_cb() {
+ local cfg_type="$1"
+ local cfg_name="$2"
+ case "$cfg_type" in
+ aiccu)
+ append cfgs_sections "$cfg_name" "$N"
+ ;;
+ esac
start() {
- aiccu start
+ config_load aiccu
+ for cfgs_section $cfgs_sections; do
+ config_get username $cfgs_section username
+ config_get password $cfgs_section password
+ config_get server $cfgs_section server
+ config_get protocol $cfgs_section protocol
+ config_get interface $cfgs_section interface
+ config_get tunnel_id $cfgs_section tunnel_id
+ config_get_bool requiretls $cfgs_section requiretls 0
+ config_get_bool defaultroute $cfgs_section defaultroute 1
+ config_get_bool nat $cfgs_section nat 1
+ config_get_bool heartbeat $cfgs_section heatbeat 1
+ mkdir -p /tmp/run
+ echo "username $username" > /tmp/run/aiccu-${cfgs_section}.conf
+ echo "password $password" >> /tmp/run/aiccu-${cfgs_section}.conf
+ [ -n "$server" ] && echo "server $server" >> /tmp/run/aiccu-${cfgs_section}.conf
+ [ -n "$protocol" ] && echo "protocol $protocol" >> /tmp/run/aiccu-${cfgs_section}.conf
+ [ -n "$interface" ] && echo "interface $interface" >> /tmp/run/aiccu-${cfgs_section}.conf
+ [ -n "$tunnel_id" ] && echo "tunnel_id $tunnel_id" >> /tmp/run/aiccu-${cfgs_section}.conf || echo "tunnel_id aiccu" >> /tmp/run/aiccu-${cfgs_section}.conf
+ [ "$requiretls" = "1" ] && echo "requiretls true" >> /tmp/run/aiccu-${cfgs_section}.conf
+ [ "$defaultroute" != "1" ] && echo "defaultroute false >> /tmp/run/aiccu-${cfgs_section}.conf
+ [ "$nat" = "1" ] && echo "behindnat true >> /tmp/run/aiccu-${cfgs_section}.conf
+ [ "$heartbeat" != "1" ] && echo "makebeats false" >> /tmp/run/aiccu-${cfgs_section}.conf
+ echo "pidfile /var/run/aiccu-${cfgs_section}.pid" >> /tmp/run/aiccu-${cfgs_section}.conf
+ aiccu start /tmp/run/aiccu-$cfgs_section.conf
+ done
stop() {